Pastor: Paul Schauer
Church Phone: 734-6485 Cell Phone: 391-0584
Home Phone: 734-6605 e-mail:
I tilled my garden today. The hail a few weeks ago pretty much wiped out everything that wasn’t underground. In the last couple of weeks I’ve dug the potatoes, eaten the last of the beets, and have munched on some of the carrots. So today I tilled. As I bounced along I was reminded of the plants and vegetables that grew this summer, of how much I enjoyed eating them, of the whining when I had to weed them. I was also thinking of what I will plant next year. Every year I tell myself that my garden must get smaller. Every year I tell myself…OK…next year it will get smaller!
We’ve been having a string of beautiful days. I’ve been trying to get a project done each day. We all know that at some point the weather will change. Today I tilled. Yesterday I changed the oil in the snowblower (I know, now it will probably snow). I still need to reset a few fence posts. I’m even trying to trap a pocket gopher here at the church.
There are things to get done as we look back at the summer and prepare for the winter. We’ve had a great summer filled with activities, rest, rain, and mosquitos. CANDISC was simply fantastic. The confirmation camping trip was a blast. The Wilton Food Pantry continues to serve many, many people. We completed 410 school kits for Lutheran World Relief. By the time you read this, we should be in the middle of eating delicious food at the Harvest Festival or relaxing as we enjoy the extra 10 pounds that we will put on.
We look back and we look forward. We especially look forward now to our response to the Camp of the Cross Building on the Shores of Faith Capital Campaign. If you haven’t already, soon you will be receiving a mailing inviting you to take part. This will be our focus in October culminating with our pledge Sunday on November 2nd. We’ll celebrate on December 7th.
Take time to enjoy these days now. Reflect back on the summer. Look forward to the winter!
1. Noted that general offerings are up 5% and overall giving is up 17% over 2013.
2. Noted with appreciation that 410 LWR School kits have been put together.
3. Discussed the upcoming Camp of the Cross Capital Campaign.
4. Discussed replacing the church front steps.
5. Noted that a new snowblower has been purchased.
6. Noted that the budget team will meet on September 18 and that the proposed budget will be on the October council agenda.
First Communion
We at Sunne have always placed great emphasis on the wonderful gift of forgiveness that God gives us through the sacrament of Holy Communion. All who believe in Jesus Christ and are baptized into the family of God are welcome at the Lord’s table. In preparation for receiving this gift, we teach one another about the meaning of Holy Communion.
First Communion instruction will be held on Saturday, October 4th, from 10 a.m. to noon for those who wish to receive Holy Communion. Those students who participate in the class will receive Holy Communion on Sunday, October 5th .
Because we are all, regardless of our age, in need of God’s forgiveness, the age of first communion at Sunne is determined by the parents in consultation with the pastor.
Because we value worship so highly at Sunne, we will be giving personalized hymnals to all our third graders during either worship service on Sunday, October 5. Receiving hymnals are: Tayler Cleveland, Noah Hausauer, Kade Kassian, Kole Kirchmeier, and Drew Nodland.
On Sunday, October 26th, during the 10:30 a.m. worship service Taylor Bergquist, Hayle Boechler, Jaron Hakanson, Jake Hurt, Amanda Odegard, and Slade Schatz will affirm their faith by saying “yes” to God through the rite of confirmation. We welcome these young people into the confirmed membership of Sunne.
Western North Dakota Synod Lutheran Youth Gathering
The Western ND Synod annual youth gathering
will be held October 16-18 at the Ramada in Bismarck. This fantastic event is open to youth in grades 9-12. Cost for the event is $150 (SLY will pay $50)…making the actual cost $100. Interested youth should speak to Pastor Paul. Registration deadline is September 28th.
Let’s Wipe Out The Debt
Our total debt, as of August 31 2014, is $175,439.36 plus interest at 6.75%.
Sunne is now able to offer a simple way of giving to God’s ministry at Sunne. Through Simply Giving, an electronic fund transfer program, members and friends of Sunne can make a monthly or semi-monthly gift directly from a person’s checking or savings account into Sunne’s account. This program is available no matter where a person banks. For more information, please contact Sunne Financial Secretary, Linda Mees at 734-8160 or Sunne Treasurer, SuAnn Olson at 258-3887. Please prayerfully consider this excellent opportunity. Forms are also available through the office. If you are interested, please fill out the form and mail it to the church or to Linda Mees (PO Box 351
Wilton, ND 58579) or place the form in the offering plate.
Sunne Quilters meet every Thursday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the church basement. Anyone interested is welcome to attend or to do work at home, For more information, please call Myrna Hochhalter at 286-7795 or Verine Reimann at 734-6769.
Congratulations to those
celebrating their baptismal
anniversaries in October.
2--Jesse Mees
3--Kimberly Hruby
3--Avrianna Schmitt
6--Oliver Dewald
6--Tim Silliman
8--Tienna Johnson
8--Cody Landsiedel
8--Chelsey Landsiedel
10--Hunter Bauer
10--Johnathan Noon
11--Justin Dahl
12--Lane Kassian
12--Tamara Kassian
12--Jarrick Kassian
13--Travis Schmitt
13--Olivia Bauer
10--David Bauer
18--Mike Berg
19--Matthew Leidy
19--Brenda Schuler
21--Shane Morlock
22--Kole Kirchmeier
22--Lauren Mees
27--Ruby Weible
28--Nicole Schurhamer
28--Teigen Earsley
30--Kristine Ell
30--Zachary Vietz
31--Lisa Tschosik
Alfred Diede Birthday Party
Alfred Diede, Sunne’s oldest member, turns 100 on November 5th. His family is holding a birthday party on Saturday, October 4th beginning at 2pm (Mountain Time) at Western Horizons Care Center in Hettinger. Everyone is welcome to attend.
If you’d like to send a card to Alfred, please send it to Alfred Diede 1104 Hwy 12 Hettinger, ND 58639.
OCTOBER 2014 Sunne Evangelical Lutheran Church
PO Box 217 Wilton, North Dakota
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / SaturdayThe names on the calendar are to remind us to pray for one another. / 1
9th grade
Conf. Class
Jill Bergquist / 2
10 am-3 pm
Jocelyn Bergquist / 3
Taylor Bergquist / 4
First Com. Class
Curt Bernard
5 First Communion Sunday
8:30 am Communion Service
9:30 am SS/Confirmation
10:30 am Communion Service / 6
Todd Schulz / 7
Bill Bitz / 8
Church Council
Mtg. with 9th grade conf. 7 pm
Darlene Bitz / 9
10 am-3 pm
Cameron Boechler / 10
Becky Boechler / 11
Seth Boechler
8:30 am Worship Service
9:30 am SS/Confirmation
10:30 am Worship Service
11:30 am WELCA General Mtg
and potluck
Hayle Boechler / 14
Jorjean Brandner / 15
Wayne Braun / 16
10 am-3 pm
Synod Youth
Wilton Food Pantry 4-6
Colleen Braun / 17
Gathering @
Ramada Bismarck
Kendra Braun / 18
Eva Braun
8:30 am Communion Service
9:30 am Sunday School
10:30 am Communion Service / 20
Eva Braun / 21
John Broste / 22
Alvina Broste / 23
10 am-3 pm
Jesse Buchholtz / 24
Shawna Buchholtz / 25
Isaiah Buchholtz
26 Confirmation Sunday
8:30 am Worship Service
9:30 am SS/Confirmation
10:30 am Confirmation Service / 27
Slade Schatz / 28
David Clausen / 29
Sarah Clausen / 30
Lorraine Clausen / 31
Pastor Paul Schauer: 734-6485 office, 391-0584 cell phone, 734-6605 home