LAB TITLE: Rubric (1)

Category / Exceeding Expectations / Meeting Expectations / Approaching Expectations / Not Yet Meeting Expectations
Problem Statement
/ 5 / Problem is answerable, narrowly focused and suggests how the answer will be investigated / Problem is answerable
and narrowly focused / Problem is answerable,
but not narrowly focused / Question is too broad and not practically investigated
/ 15 / • Background information is included with fully details
• Purpose of the experiment is stated clearly that can help answer the problem statement / • Background information is included with limited details
• Purpose of the experiment is stated / • Either background information or purpose is included with fully details. / • Either background information or purpose is included with limited details.
/ 5 / • Hypothesis is testable and clearly stated in acceptable format
• Predicts relationship between independent and dependent variables
• Scientific reasoning is used to justify the hypothesis / • Hypothesis is testable and clearly stated in acceptable format
• Predicts relationship between independent and dependent variables / • Hypothesis is clearly
• It predicts the influence of one variable on another / Hypothesis is poorly stated and doesn’t directly mention the variables
Variables/ Controls
/ 5 / • Correctly identifies specific, measurable independent and dependent variables
• All necessary conditions held constant are accurately identified
• All correct SI units of
measurement given / • Correctly identifies specific, measurable independent and dependent variables
• All necessary conditions held constant are accurately identified / • Identifies variable being tested and variable being measured
• Some conditions held constant are accurately identified / Variables and constants significantly incomplete and/or inaccurate
Materials / Procedure
/ 10 / • All steps are listed
• In own word / • Important steps are listed
• Not in own word / • Few steps are listed
• In own word / • Few steps are listed
• Not in own word
Data Collection/ Presentation
/ 20 / • Data table contains accurate, precise raw data and summary data reported in correct SI units with appropriate labeling
• Data summarized in
well-­‐organized, easy-­‐ to-­‐read graph/ figures with descriptive title, appropriate labeling, and/or keys
• Mathematical
calculations accurate / • Data table contains accurate data reported in correct SI units with appropriate labeling
• Data displayed in well-­‐ organized, easy-­‐to-­‐ read graph/ figures with descriptive title, appropriate labeling, and/or keys
• Mathematical
calculations accurate / • Data table with accurate data, most units labeled or implied; minor errors; title absent or trivial
• Data displayed in graph/figures; descriptive title, minor errors in use of units and labeling
• Mathematical calculations incomplete / • Data table inaccurate, confusing/ incomplete; missing units
• Graph/figures presented in a confusing and/or sloppy fashion
• Mathematical calculations missing or inaccurate
/ 20 / • Scientifically valid, logical conclusion, well supported by the data collected
• Mathematical calculations/data referenced
• Clearly addresses problem and stated hypothesis
• Student generated multiple questions for future study / • Scientifically valid, logical conclusion, supported by the data collected
• Mathematical calculations/data referenced
• Addresses problem
and stated hypothesis
• Student generated a question for future study / • Scientifically valid, logical conclusion, supported by data collected
• Attempts to address problem and stated hypothesis
• Student makes attempt to generate questions for future study / • Conclusion is
incomplete or illogical
• Does not address the problem and hypothesis
• Student makes incomplete or inappropriate attempt to generate questions for future study
Errors & Redesign
/ 20 / • Most experimental errors
identified with reasons
• Student provides detailed corrections to experimental procedure to address identified flaws based on data/conclusion from original problem / • Most experimental
errors identified
• Student provides limited corrections to experimental procedure to address identified flaws based on data/conclusion from original problem / • Some experimental
errors identified
• Student suggests corrections to experimental procedure to address identified flaws loosely based on data/conclusion from original problem / • Few experimental
errors identified
• Student provides incomplete/illogical corrections to experimental procedure