Guide around the site 2017
is an interactive website where young peoplefrom Tayside and the Western Isles can get health related questions answered in 24hrs or less. It is confidential and anonymous. Questions are answered by trained workers who will respond and support you and give further information on services in your area. It is not a medical site and it is not a chat room.
Go to This is the home page for the main siteHOMEPAGE
You can often click through the slider bar across the front page and access information on current issues and health relatedcampaigns
You can go directly to Questions or Answers on the homepage and see the latest questions.
The tabs across the top take you to different parts of the site including the Health Info Zone, Services Section, Information for Young Carers and Information on Child Protection for site users.
There is also a Message board giving useful information about events, surveys, updates to the site or current feedback from young people. This changes regularly so keep checking.
Along the bottom of the homepage there are click through links to:
NHS Tayside: A website giving information on NHS Tayside services
The Corner:The Dundee based health and information service for young people.
Young Scot:A national website for young people in Scotland that has regional branches
LGBT Rainbowflag: Highlights that we are LGBT friendly
Other links include:
Parent’s information: If your parents or carers are unsure about this site, they can go to this page and be reassured that this is an excellent resource for young people.
How to use cool2talk:A brief explanation of what is available on the site.
Conditions of use: Some of the rules and regulations and worth reading.
QUESTIONS: This is where you ask the questions. We need basic information from you but we cannot identify you from this information. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ENTER YOUR REAL NAME.
Write your question in the box. By filling in your age, gender, where you are accessing the site from and the first part of your post code you will be helping us to evaluate the use of the site, allowing us to give you age appropriate answers and direct you to your nearest services. It is not possible to trace anyone from this information.
ANSWERS: Yourquestion will be answered within 24hrs or less. To retrieve your answer go to Answersand find the name you entered, click answer below your question and read your reply. Often there will be a useful web link added. When the site is busy you might have to scroll back to find your answer or use the search box.
A question similar to yours may have already been asked. All questions are placed into one of six categories which you will find across the tabs on the answers page. Click on the category that interests you and look at other queries from young people. You can also narrow your search by entering a keyword into the search box.
HEALTH INFOZONE: The health info zone gives information on various health topics. The zone is updated regularly to keep you informed of issues relevant to young people.
SERVICES: The services section gives information about the various young people friendly services in Tayside.Add your post code and a key word to find the nearest service and information on that service.
YOUNG CARERS: This provides information for young carers
CHILD PROTECTION: This section explains how Child Protection and confidentiality affects you.
FEEDBACK: This is really important to us. You can click on the feedback symbol on the top left of all the pages. Sometimes it is on the front page slider with a click through link. LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK PLEASE.