
A tissue is composed of ______that are specialized to perform a ______

Four adult primary types of tissues form the "fabric" of the human organism:

1.______ tissues (ET; covering/lining);

2.______ tissues (CT; support);

3.______ tissues (MT; movement);

4.______ tissues (NT; control).

Surrounding all body cells is ______


  • Medium to ______;
  • ______
  • Site of ______.

Epithelial Tissue  Tissue that always faces a ______; ______

Examples: ______

Cells are ______of one another

Part of cells opposite the free surface attaches to a ______


Basement membrane  membrane packed with ______


Types of Epithelial Tissue

  1. Simple ______of cells

Used for ______

  1. Stratified ______cell layers

Used for ______

  1. Pseudostratified single, ______

Usually ______; ______across cell surface

Shapes of Epithelial Cells

  1. Squamous epithelial --> ______
  2. Cuboidal epithelial ______
  3. Columnar epithelial ______

Putting It Together

Simple Squamous cells  lining of ______

Simple Cuboidal Cells______

Simple Columnar Cells ______

Stratified Squamous Cells ______

Stratified Cuboidal Cells  ducts of ______

Stratified Columnar Cells  ducts of ______

Pseudostratified Columnar Cells ______

Epthelial Tissue contains______.

Regeneration: _____ regeneration capacity, due to _____cell division




Glands  cells that ______; made from ______

Exocrine Glands  secrete substances to the ______

______cells through ducts

Example: Goblet Cells  secrete ______


Endocrine Glands  secrete substances ______

Example: ______are released directly into ______



Membranes ______over organs

Mucous Membranes  line the ______systems; have ducts that release mucous

Serous Membranes ______-

Connective Tissues

Connective Tissue  Most ______in the body

  • Small numbers of cells embedded with connective ______
  • Collagen  structural protein fibers give ______


  • Fibroblasts  secrete ______substance; gives ______
  • Elastin______that allow for ______

All connective tissue has the ______, just in ______

Loose Connective Tissue

Many Cells; few ______

  • ______Fibers are ______arranged
  • ______are the most common cells
  • Surrounds ______

Dense Irregular Connective Tissue

  • Lots of ______
  • Deep regions of the ______

Dense, Regular Connective Tissue

  • Collagen fibers ______
  • Creates strong attachments ______
  • Found in ______--

Cartilage & Bone

Cartilage  type of connective tissue that ______

______of body parts

Structure of Cartilage  Stretchable fibers similar in texture to ______. Newly divided cells are called ______; mature into ______

Very few blood vessels ______

Types of Cartilage

Hyaline Cartilage  Consists of ______. Found where ______or at joints in the body

Reduces ______

Found on either ______

Elastic Cartilage  Consists of ______; also some ______

Found in parts of the body where ______is important

Found in outer edge of ______

Fibrocartilage ______; can withstand ______

Densely packed ______

Found in ______-


______tissue of body

Bones are joined ______to bring about movement

Bones store ______& produce some kinds of ______

Bones made from densely packed ______and ______

Inside fibers are ______, cavities that contain the ______-

Bone is innervated by ______

Types of Bone

Compact Bone

Found on the ______, embedded with lots of ______

Spongy Bone

Found at the ______, loosely packed ______-

Muscles & Nerves

Muscles tissues that ______move body parts

Fibers are arranged in ______

Skeletal Muscle Muscle attached to ______

  • Individual cells are called ______
  • Each cell has ______, caused from the fusion of juvenile muscle cells
  • Proteins are embedded in the muscle fibers (called ______


  • Actin & Myosin form ______that make it ______
  • Fibers are bundled together in ______& wrapped in ______

Smooth Muscle muscle of ______, & internal organs

  • ______Actin & Myosin fibers, ______
  • Maintains ______
  • Often called ______-

Cardiac Muscle

  • ______like skeletal muscle
  • ______like smooth muscle
  • Muscle fibers are ______by specialized fibers called ______-

Nerve Tissue

Nerve Tissue  exercises ______over body’s activities

Individual cells called ______

Structure of Neurons

Main Structure is cell body

Dendrites ______that pick up incoming chemical information

Axons  “arms” that ______chemical information

Nerve ______-

Sensory Neurons  Used to detect ______

Examples ______
