2+1 Introductory Supervisor Training
Days 1 & 2 – Tuesday 16th & Wednesday 17th October 2018
Day 3 – Wednesday 1st May 2019
Forrest Hills, near Lancaster University
This 2+1 Day Supervisor Training is for any person in the North West area who is involved or wishes to be involved with supervising for the Lancaster, Liverpool or Manchester Doctorate in Clinical Psychology courses. Please note that in order to supervise in other areas of the country additional training may be required. Applicants for the training need to attend all 3 days and there will be a supervisory task set in between the October and May dates.
Days 1 & 2
An Introduction to Supervision:
Why supervise? Key models, tasks and skills in supervision.
Day 3
Supervision in Practice:
Enhancing supervisory skills. Managing challenges in supervision.
This training is aimed at people who are:
· New to supervising trainee clinical psychologists
· Experienced supervisors who are new to the area or would like a refresher
· Intending to supervise within 6 months of the supervisor training and will have experience of supervision type experience before the third day.
If you wish to attend the training please complete the reply slip and return to the address below as soon as possible. Please note this is a non-residential course.
Please return this slip to Ruby Mitchell, Doctoral Programme in Clinical Psychology, Furness Building, Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4YG or e-mail
I wish to attend the 2+1 Introductory Supervisor Training on 16th & 17th October 2018 and 1st May 2019.
Name: Speciality:
Work Address:
Telephone number: Work E-mail address:
My access, dietary or other special requirements are as follows:
I will be employed by the NHS at the time of training and I intend to supervise for one of the North West courses