Insert name of public involvement activity

Public InvolvementProject Brief

Please complete pages 1 to 4 and return to Hamera Plume at

Title: / Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) City Centre
Type of activity / Consultation
Date of this brief: / 07/05/15
Planned dates of activity: / 01/06/15 – 01/08/15
Project Manager: / Daryl Edmunds Richard Adams
Service area: / Environmental Development
Head of Service: / Nathan Vear
Public Involvement Project Board
Executive Director for Community Services
Other / The Waterways PSPO authority of implementation was delegated to Tim Sadler(Executive Director for Community Services) by the City Executive Board. The Public Involvement Board (PIB) decided previously that it didn’t need to authorise future consultations carried out in the pursuance of a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) that had been delegated to the Executive Director by the City Executive Board. However, given the complex nature of the Waterways PSPO it was decided the PIB needed to be sighted on the scope of consultation being considered.

1. Plan for Public Involvement

1.1 Purpose and deliverables

This is the most important section of the project brief. Please provide as much detail here as possible.

1. Why is the project needed? / A request for aPublic Space Protection Order (PSPO) has been received by the Anti-Social Behaviour Investigation Team to control Unlawfully Moored Boats and identified detrimental behaviours on tow paths. There is a need to consult on the proposed course of action.
2. How will the results be used and by whom? / The results will be used by the working group to decide if introducing a PSPO is reasonable and proportionate.
3. What will change as a result of the project? / A decision on whether or not to implement a PSPO will be made and the formal content of the PSPO.
4. Does it contribute to a wider programme of involvement and, if so, how? / No
5. Have you considered alternatives forms of public involvement and, if so, what? / No
6. Has any preparation work been carried out to date? What has been stated publicly? / A PSPO has been agreed as being relevant by the Unlawfully Moored Boats Enforcement Group (UMBEG)
Riparian Landowners have been consulted and are favourable to an order being introduced.
Ward Members have been consulted and are in favour.
7. What would you like to have at the end of the process? List the project deliverables.. / Having a fully considered and publicly supported PSPO which will benefit the users of the Waterways and tow paths.
8. Does your public involvement project fulfil a statutory requirement? / Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing ACT 2014
If “yes” please explain in detail how you are following legal guidance

1.2 Constraints and risks

Describe the constraints within which the project must operate, e.g. statutory requirements, restrictions on time, resources, funding and/or the eventual outcome, dependencies on other projects etc.

Set out any risk(s) and how you plan to mitigate them.

The project covers a large geographical area across a number of constituencies. ASB legislation requires all interested parties to be consulted when considering a PSPO and therefore the consultation should be widely accessible to all residents within the borough. It would be expected that there would be a large amount of interest around the consultation.

Land owners have already been consulted and feedback in favour of the order has been positive. A draft order has been written that would form the basis of the consultation. Results ideally should be tangible so to measure the strength of opinion on what is proposed.

We envisage a consultation period of 6 weeks as being satisfactory.

The purpose of the project is to assist in enabling officers to enforce behaviours on the Waterways of Oxford that have been a long-standing issue that is to be tackled by numerous agencies.

1.3 Involvement

List with as much detail as possiblewhoyou would like to be involved. For example:

  • The whole community or a representative cross-section of the community;
  • Specific geographical areas or common interest groups;
  • Professionals, experts, and organisations that may or may not have a statutory right to be involved;
  • Hard-to-reach groups.

Target group (who you would like to respond) / Size of target group (rough estimate)
Chief of Police / 1
Police and Crime Commissioner / 1
Live in Boaters (affected by the PSPO) / 40
Ward Members / 17
River Users Businesses and Agencies / u/k
Public – questionnaire on website, tourist Information and Newspaper / u/k

If your consultation relates to a specific area of Oxford, the relevant Councillors must be informed and invited to take part in the consultation before it is broadly communicated.

Does your consultation relate to a specific area? Y
If yes, which ward(s): City Centre and adjacent wards
See below
Who are the relevant Councillors?
Jericho & Osney – Cllr Susanna Pressel / Cllr Colin Cook – Thames & Canal; Carfax – Cllr Alex Hollingsworth / Cllr Ruthi Brandt – Thames; Hinksey Park – Cllr Bob Price / Cllr Oscar Van-N – Thames; Rose Hill & Iffley – Cllr Ed Turner / Cllr Michele Paule – Thames; Iffley Fields – Cllr Elise Benjamin / Cllr Richard Tarver – Thames;. Holywell – Cllr Sam Hollick / Cllr David Thomas – Thames; North – Cllr James Fry / Cllr Louise Upton – Canal; St Margaret’s – Cllr Gwynneth Royce / Cllr Elizabeth Wade – Canal; Summertown – Cllr Jean Fooks / Cllr Andrew Grant – Canal; Wolvercote – Cllr Mike Gotch / Cllr Stephen Goddard – Thames & Canal

(New section added 9/10/13 to comply with Member Officer Protocol – published October 2013.)

1.4 Data Protection Act 1998

Please see flow diagram in Annex 2 of this document for help.

Does your public involvement activity include contacting individuals using personal data (which includes contact details such as address, phone number and email address)that they have provided to Oxford City Council? / YES
If yes, have you checked that the individual(s) have given consent for their personal data (which includes contact details) to be used for the purpose of your public involvement activity? / YES
Does your public involvement activity include collecting personal information that will be shared with another organisation? / NO
If yes, how will you ensure that individual(s) have given consent for their personal data (which includes contact details) will be shared with another organisation?

Note that this is applicable whether the contact is being made by Oxford City Council or by a third party.


For guidance on methods please see the consultation toolkit available on the intranet.

1. How you are planning to involve.
Options include online/paper questionnaire*, telephone or face-to-face interviews, Citizen’s panel.
The eConsult system should be used wherever possible to run consultations. / Web site (OCC); hand delivered mailings to relevant boats; eConsult; Hard copies of consultation to be made available at OCC offices and through other relevant agencies.
2. How will you make sure people know about your project? Eg advertising in local media, consultation portal, emails, leaflets etc / Media including social media and newspapers (press release)
OCC website, River Users Group
3. If you are developing a questionnaire, how do you plan to test it? / (to be defined by the working group)
4. When do you plan to open and close your project?** / 01/06/15 – 01/08/15
5. How will you analyse the responses? / The results will be analysed throughout the consultation phase
6. How will you report the findings back to those that were involved? / UMBEG / Regular Internal Meetings
7. Where and when will results be published? Please provide website name or url and expected date of posting. / OCC website
8. How will the results be used? / The results will be used by the working group to determine whether to pursue the PSPO.

* NOTE: If you will be creating a paper version of the questionnaire that includes a request for personal information, you will need to get approval from the responder to that information to contact them in the future. The following statement should be added to your paper questionnaire:

“Please tick here if you do NOT want your name and contact details to be used by Oxford City Council for future consultations.”

**NOTE: In line with national guidance in the Code of Practice on Consultation, consultations should normally last for 12 weeks. For smaller scale consultations a minimum of 6 to 8 weeks is required.

When timing is tight - for example when dealing with emergency measures or fitting into fixed timetables - then the consultation document should be clear as to the reasons for the shortened consultation period.

1.6Managing the project

Who will be involved in delivering your project – list all names and roles

Name / Role / Service area / organisation / Role in this consultation
Richard Adams / Service manager / ED / Project Lead
Daryl Edmunds / ASBIT Leader / ED / PSPO Lead
Ben Smith / ASB projects / CSP / Project Officer
Jeremy Franklin / Legal / OCC / Legal Lead
Simon Boden / ASBIT / ED / Project Officer
Simon Manton / CRT Leader / ED / Project Officer
Chris Bell / Parks & Leisure / OCC / Project Officer

1.7. Costs

Describe what internal (staff time) and external (printing, advertising etc) costs will be incurred.

Costs will be met by existing budgets. Signage will be the most expensive part of the process if the PSPO is authorised







ANNEX 2 – Data Protection decision tree.






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