Terms for Unit One


Mythical or mythology: Deceptive meaning hiding the actual function of the object in culture. Myth is intention that is made absent 124

Object – use – cover – how covering works:

What Barthes calls alibi. (Toys essay)

Blue Guide … opposite of what it advertises, blindness

Ornamental cookery … glaze

New Citroen … smooth (streamline, seamless, lightness toward spiritual)

Glass, comfort-ease of dash indicators vs. relish of

motor-machine speed.

Myth is Second Order Semiological System 114-115

Move from language-object to a Metalanguage

signifier signified

sign/Signifier Signified




Form Signification

*Myth impoverishes sign of its meaning & makes it

signifier (form) for new concept (signified). 117-118

Naturalizes 129


What is a docile Body? 182

What is Normalizing? 5 steps 195.

1.  refers individual action to a whole that is a field of comparison

2.  differentiates individuals from one another in terms of a rule: a minimal threshold of averageness

3.  measures in quantitative terms and hierarchiezes in terms of value the abilities, the level, the ‘nature’ of individuals

4.  introduces a value-giving measure as constraint

5.  traces limit that defines differences and abnormal

-“disciplines are techniques for assuring the ordering of human multiplicities” 207

-efficiency, maximum intensity, increase docility & utility

1.  Discipline fixes, arrests movement, clears up confusion 208

2.  vertical partitioning

3.  utility

4.  power relations not above but inside the multiplicity

Power: “power produces; it produces reality; it produces domains of objects and rituals of truth.” 205

Knowledge = Power

Role of examination & case study



Immutable mobile: Mastery through 2D, superposable, combinable inscription 29

Refer = “to bring back” “Is the referent what I point to with my finger outside of discourse, or is it what I bring back inside discourse? 32

Illustration 2.21 Matter/Form incremental increase & gaps

Illustration 2.22 Successive Amplification & Reduction

*Pedocompactor as Thing & Sign 47-48

+ rt hand & lft hand 49

E. P. Thompson

What is to be learned from his approach?

Economy and bodies . . . Thompson & Foucault work well together


What is to be learned from Kittler?

“Our writing tools are also working on our thoughts” 200

Mechanization is a revaluation of values 187

Might Kittler and Latour work well together? Focault too.