Monica Boardley

Assignment #3

According to several news reports there are major causes of systems failure within information systems in 2010. As a cause od system failure, poor development practices are one of the most significant. The technology used in this example is the Titan IV rocket used in the military. The system failure can be found in the experience of the Pentagon’s National Reconnaissance (NRO). The inadequate testing of the delivery system of Titan IV which is the expensive military equipment necessary to the U.S Governments defense program were unable to be deployed. The failure was attributed to “a misplaced decimal point” in software which controlled the rocket.

Web keywords used in this search were 2010 IT system failures and yahoo search engine found me different searches. I found the source to be very credible because it is from a company Ben, Meadow and Croft who does analysis of IT companies who systems fail and the problems they are faced with. The company had several references in which they received their information that I found also being credible. The report states the goals for the information by informing its audience of several reasons IT systems fail.

An innovative success story is Wachovia Bank where they were challenged with the recent growth of its banks and keeping track of millions of customers and customers in separate customer databases. Wachovia’s current technology lacked the flexibility, functionality and capacity to maintain service performance needed to sustain growth. Wachovia turned to Innovative systems as its partner to jointly develop its CCIF and help lay the groundwork for the next generation data warehouse. ISI helped Wachovia build a conceptual model to define the business issues impacted by customer information which is called the ISI-Client Relationship Manager. The technology is a client database system that was made successful for Wachovia because it allowed day to day operations to exceed their expectations. The bank’s overall database size has increased by more than a third, yet the performance is markedly improved. Strategically Wachovia focused on building the operational CCIF in conjunction with a data warehouse.

In all of the IT articles I have read I do feel that industry’s learn from their mistakes because if they didn’t we would not have any of the technology that we have today. As technology are being considered you have to have a plan to implement the steps that will make it work and when that doesn’t work than you begin over until you get it right.

Appendix A: Grading Criteria

Requirements / Maximum Points / Your Points
a.. / 3
b / 7
c. / 3
d. / 5
a. / 3
b. / 7
PART 3 / 2
TOTAL / 30