- MA Art & Environment (p/t)
2012 – 2014 Falmouth University
- Postgraduate Certificate Higher Education
2007 – 2008 University College Falmouth
- BA (Hons) Textile Design
2001 – 2004 Falmouth College of Arts
- National Diploma Art & Design
1999 – 2000 North Devon College
- A Level qualifications in Photography, Media Studies & Textile Art
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy 2013
- IOSH Health & Safety at Work Falmouth University – 2012
- First Aid at Work Falmouth University – 2017
- Tambour Beading Hand & Lock, London – 2009
- Sequin & Bead Application Ecole Lesage, Paris - 2009
- Multi-faceted role on BA (Hons) Textile Design programme supporting undergraduates specialising in mixed media.
- Provision of workshop demonstration and instruction for embroidery and fibre colouration techniques.
- One-to-one technical tutorial support.
- Management and maintenance of resources and specialist manual and digital equipment and machinery.
- Administration of relevant health & safety legislation.
- Assessment of student’s technical competency.
- Coordinator and facilitator of textiles workshops engaging communities in technique, process and communication, with a view toembedding story-telling and reconnection with craft.
- Individual client embroidery and beading alteration service for bridal and
occasion wear.
- Studio based practice designing and making bespoke garments and accessories from vintage and reclaimed materials.
- Concept and management of entertainment event at large public festival with an environmental and social justice focus.
- Invigilation of summer show, selling, invoicing and dispatching artworks.
My academic pathway through fashion and textiles has fostered in me a personal ethos of working with what we already have – mending and reparation, adaptation and reconnecting to each other and to our community through shared craft activity. Repair, mending, restoring our objects and potentially our relationships with each other, ourselves and our environment.
My ability to locate and research crucial and relevant data surrounding issues of over consumption of fast fashion, pollution through manufacture and poor resource and waste management, within the sector has evolved through my academic studies and now informs and underpins my personal ethos as an educator.
Throughout the duration of my professional practice I have acquired a broad range of technical, interpersonal, communication and organisational skills. This exciting, creative journey has enabled me to become accomplishedin hand,domestic,industrialdigital machine embroiderytechniques with expertknowledgeofplant dyesandmordants.
I am proficientin theuse ofDobbyLoomandtraditional weavingtechniques with essentialknowledgeofmanualscreenprinting processesandmaterials.Skilledindrawing,generatingconceptsandcolourtheory, my design and garment construction skillset has developed through an extensive wealth of practical employment experience ranging from the construction of exclusive bridal gowns to baby wear.
Fluentinthe use ofbothPCandMacwith daily experiencewithWord,Exel,Agresso,AdobeandCAD. I am also confident utilising social media platforms to engage with current information and burgeoning academic, industry-based and social innovations including shifts towards circular economic and ecologically responsible education, manufacture and consumption.
Inconductinggroupworkshopsandproviding individualsupport, whilstdemonstratingtextiletechniques and equipmentuse,I apply efficientapplicationofhealthandsafetysystems, equipment maintenance, risk assessments, and management ofstock,purchasing andaccounting.Working closely with my academic and technical colleagues as a team allows me to explore and expand the repertoire of workshop processes and content in a vibrant and supported environment.
I have successfullycollaborated with the University of Exeteron several public facing events. The aimof thesebeingtoengageaparticipant audienceandtheCornishapparelandtextilesbusiness sectorin
raisingawarenessofenvironmental and consumptionissuesandcreate discourses around solutions.
To reach this audience, I created and hosted participatorypublic events, namely:
‘Applying Cornish Wisdom - Localising a Sustainable Textile Industry’ conference, (ESI, October 2013) and ‘Fashion First Aid’ –Exeter’s Grand Challenges, (Exeter, May 2014).
Thetwo-day conferenceopened with CCANW's'Fashion Footprints'Exhibition and aclothesswap. It broughttogether localbusinessesfrom fibregrowing and production,apparelmanufacture,design andretailaswellaseducators fromtheHEsectors, to share their stories, products and artworks and join in a group workshop activity that exploredpotential ‘cradle-to-cradle’ Cornish textile production.
‘Fashion First Aid’ was a single-day pop-up event in a disused shop in Exeter. Working with the University of Exeter’s Geography department, A mock ‘surgery’ for unwanted clothing invited participants to help diagnose the reason for their disconnection with the item and explore the possible technical processes which could revive and restore it to re-use. A film, documenting the day with commentary and responses from the participants was made and shown during my post-graduate exhibition.
Another collaborative workshop event, ‘The Embroidery Story Telling Circle’, (Falmouth, June 2014), allowed participants to connect and communicate whilst creating a unified piece of work. The conversations where recorded and used to provide insights and data as part of the AHRC ‘Co-Creating Care’ research project.
By hosting these community workshop events and through my own personal and teaching practice I have come to understand the worth of mending as something that inspires new values and gratitude.
Ahighlymotivated,solution-basedthinker, I am committedtolocatingecologicallysoundfashion and textile designand consumption methodologies.As askilled communicatorwithan enthusiasticapproachtoresearch andan aptitude fordetailed,analytical inquiry, I am greatly inspiredbypotentialcollaborationsbetweentraditional artsandcontemporarypractice.
I am an organized,resourcefulandexperienced teammember, qualified tomanage responsibilitiesconscientiously. In researching the impact of shared creative endeavours, I aim to generate empirical evidence that can serve to replenish community, consumer, and industry values.