Yampa Valley Recycles
March 1, 2012
Present: Catherine Carson, Nancy Stahoviak, Craig Schifter, Steve Hoots, Steve Johnson, Sarah Jones, Garrett Smith, Benji Berg, Jo Lockhart, David Epstein, Carol Lacy, Nancy Schwanke, Candace Noriega, and Emilie Rogers
I. Introductions: Carol Lacey with YVSC Zero Waste was introduced to the group.
II. Approval of February minutes: The minutes were approved.
III. Financial Report:
A. Current Budget: Catherine presented the current budget. There were no questions or comments.
IV. Updates:
A. Green Bags: The movement is spreading to ban plastic bags in Washington and Europe. No update on happenings in Steamboat.
B. Bulb Crusher: The Bulb Eater has been very successful. Residents have been kind to make a donation when they have dropped off their bulbs. Catherine will contact Nancy about having the Bulb Eater for an Earth HR event.
C. Green Machine/Paper Machine: There was no overflow at the Safeway GM’s in Feb.
D. Downtown Recycling – Leadership Team – Garrett: Things are moving along with the city – Garrett will meet with the city on March 14th to determine the details of the downtown merchants interested in “donating” funds for a unit. Garrett is working on a press release to invite all DTN merchants to participate. DTN Steamboat is happy with the plan. Signs on the units will be universal which means no logos. The hope is to purchase the units by May 1st. Catherine has spoken with YVCF to be sure YVR is not charged for the extra $ in our account since it will be there temporarily.
E. Condo/Townhome Survey: The CMC Sustainability Group has completed most of their interviews. There are 2 that the group is still working on.
F. RREO Grant Opportunities: YVR applied for a grant thru Coke for recycling bins to be used at the Routt County Fair. YVR will not hear back until mid April. If granted, the hope is for the Fairgrounds to use the units year round. A YVR representative will work with the Rt Cty Fair Board and 4-HR’s with the education process.
V. New Business:
A. 2012 YVR Recycling Brochure: YVR is looking into options to either print a folded or flyer type brochure to place in the Pilot as an insert. More details will be provided at the April meeting.
B. Open Discussion: Craig shared information regarding a yard rail car lease in Hayden that might be available to transport glass to Denver. Craig will give the information to Steve @ WM.
C. Next Meeting: April 5, 2012 Centennial Hall Rm. 113 12-1.