Section 1:Profile
Basic Information
Full Name (First, Last)Nickname
Birth Date (DD/MM/YY)
Official Address on ID card
Mobile Number
Do you haveregular access to email? / Yes/No
Do you have any social media accounts? If yes, please share your handle orany links(e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, etc)
EnglishLanguage Proficiency
(Scale 1-5, 1 = low proficiency, 5 = high proficiency)
Other Skills (e.g.graphic design, photography, videography,writing, etc.) Please share links to your work
Education (start with the most recent)
Name of Institution / Name of city and province / Dates of Attendance - From/To (MM/YY) / Name of Degree/Diploma / Completed/In ProgressWork Experience (start with the most recent)
Company/Organization / Name of city
and province / Employment Dates - From/To (MM/YY) / Position / Description of your duties
Volunteer Experience (include past and present organizations you have been involved in)
Organization(include typeof organization) / Name of city and province / Participation Dates - From/To
(MM/YY) / Position / Description of your duties
Section 2: Short Q&A
Please answer the following questions(maximum of 250 words for each answer):
- Why do you want to become a member of UNFPA Indonesia’s Youth Advisory Panel?How does your previous experience make you a suitable YAP candidate? What kind of contributions can you bring to UNFPA as a YAP member?
- Please describe what organizations/networks you have been involved in? What would you say has been your biggest achievement related to your involvement in one of these organizations/networks?
- Please explain your views on the progress and challenges on reproductive health issues among young people in Indonesia? What kind of role do you think the Government of Indonesia and young people need to play to address these challenges?
- What kinds of roles do you think young people can take on to support the Government to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in Indonesia? How do you think UNFPA and Government partners can support youth leadership and participate in the country’s development to achieve the SDGs in Indonesia?
- How much time can you realistically commit to the work/activities of the Youth Advisory Panel? (e.g. hours per week, days per month)
Section 3: References
Please list two people, not related to you, who are familiar with your character and qualifications(e.g. teachers, supervisors, etc.).
I certify that this statement made by me istrue, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature/type name: Date:
Please email your application to y 12:00 pm (GMT+7) on20March, 2016or send your application by mail to:
Mr. Faqih Aulia Akbar Rasyid
UNFPA Indonesia
7th Floor MH Thamrin
JL MH Thamrin Kav.3
Jakarta 10250
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