Minutes of the Meeting of Carlisle College Corporation held on Tuesday 17 December 2013 at 5:30pm in Room G38, Carlisle College
PRESENT: Ian Boit, David Carter (Chair), Darren Crossley, Sheila Don, Craig Johnstone, David Johnston, Khaled Pervaz, Margaret Robb, Lee Tait and Moira Tattersall
IN ATTENDANCE: Elaine Price, Steven Salkeld (Assistant Principal) and Gareth Catterson (Temporary Clerk to the Corporation)
Robin Hooper, Aftab Khan and James Johnston
The Chair reminded governors of the requirement to declare their interests in any agenda items. For any such declaration governors would not be eligible to speak or to vote on the matters under discussion.
The Board received the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 22 October 2013
RESOLVED that the minutes be approved as an accurate record and signed by the Chair subject to the correction of ‘refection’ to ‘reflection’ in 12/14
The Board received the Teaching and Learning Monitoring Report for scrutiny. The Board was asked to note that the figures relating to Humanities were not correct owing to an on-going data issue in the Management Information System (MIS) which was currently being addressed. The figures given in the report were not as low as shown. The Board questioned the Grade 3 observations and was informed that these were due to low level problems and remedial action was now in place.
RESOLVED that the Teaching and Learning Monitoring Report be accepted and noted.
The Board received the SPOC 3 survey results for the academic year 2012-13 for scrutiny. The Board questioned the problems relating to Arts and was informed that these related to the remote location of the Brampton Road site. This would be resolved when the new Arts Building was opened.
With regard to ProMonitor (tracking software that allowed tutors to monitor all aspects of student’s progress), access to IT was compromised at the Brampton Road site and a manual system had to be utilised instead. The Vice Principal expressed the opinion that there would always be random factors that influenced survey results such as time of day and events immediately preceding completion of questionnaires, and that direct contact with students, where possible, was preferable.
The Board asked to see action plans with timescales to ensure it received assurance that remedial action was being taken to address issues arising from the survey. The Principal informed the Board that SPOC 3, together with all other information was considered when completing the Self-Assessment Report (SAR), from which, the Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) was derived.
RESOLVED that the SPOC 3 survey results for the academic year 2012-13 be accepted and noted.
20/14 SAR – Executive Summary and Curriculum Areas
The Board received, for scrutiny, the SAR in the form of an executive summary together with detail at curriculum level showing a grade for each department. The Vice Principal informed the Board that self-assessment was carried out three times per annum using Ofsted based evidence. She reminded the Board that at the last Ofsted inspection the College had been graded as Good with Outstanding features. The SAR review meeting was attended by the Chair and Margaret Robb and in addition the SAR was always externally moderated. This year the external moderator had been the Vice Principal of Sunderland College whose opinion was that the College was Grade 1, Outstanding. She had pointed out that the focus was often on the areas requiring improvement rather than on the positive aspects. When questioned about actions to address problem areas, the Vice Principal reported that the QIP required work to complete and would be presented at the next Board meeting.
The Board gave the opinion that having rigorously considered all aspects of the SAR and challenged evidence provided it was content with the grading that had been concluded. It had been recognised that the College’s results for ‘progression’ had been excellent, and this was an area on which recent Ofsted inspectors’ reports had focused. It was also acknowledged that a major milestone had been reached with such a significant improvement over the years through the hard work and dedication of the staff.
RESOLVED that the SAR be approved.
The Board received the following policies for scrutiny:
· 16-19 Guaranteed Bursary Policy
· Discretionary Bursary Fund Policy
· Adult Discretionary Learner Support Fund Policy
· 24+ Advanced Learning Loans Bursary Fund Policy
· Access to Learning Fund Policy
· Teaching & Learning Policy
The Vice Principal informed the Board that the fund and bursary policies were subject to strict guidance of the funding agencies concerned. The 16-19 Guaranteed Bursary had always been underspent and therefore the family income threshold had been raised to £50k. The Board discussed the issues surrounding the Adult Discretionary Learner Support Fund, in particular its adequacy to provide childcare and the difficult decisions that had to be made in administering the fund. Regrettably there was no virement allowed between the two funds.
With regard to the Teaching and Learning Policy the Board requested a clarification of the sixth bullet point so that it read “A variety of learning activities clearly written and presented in language a form of English accessible to students”
RESOLVED that the above Policies be approved subject to the clarification requested to the Teaching & Learning Policy.
The Board received the Management Accounts to the end of October 2013 for scrutiny. The Assistant Principal reported that there were no surprises and the accounts were generally in line with the budget.
The Board questioned the current assets to current liabilities ration of 0.69:1 and was informed that whilst this should ideally be a minimum of 1:1. It was expected that forecast creditors (related to advance payment of fees) should reduce with time, thereby improving the current ratio, however, it would require careful monitoring. The Board requested confirmation that the Skills Funding Agency financial health grade score of 30 out of 100 related to the current ratio and were assured that it was.
RESOLVED that the October 2013 Management Accounts be accepted and noted.
The Board received the Treasury Management Annual Report for scrutiny and Treasury Management Policy for review. The Assistant Principal reported that no money had been placed on deposit during 2012-13 and only 0.25% interest was earned on current account balances.
6.40 p.m. Darren Crossley gave his apologies and left the meeting.
The Board requested that references to ‘the Finance and Resources Committee’ on pages 1 and 4 of the policy be amended to ‘the Board’ owing to the recent change in governance structure.
RESOLVED that the Treasury Management Annual Report be accepted and noted and the Treasury Management Policy be approved.
The Board received the Financial Statements of Carlisle College and Subsidiary Companies 2012-13 and Associated Audits for scrutiny and approval. The Assistant Principal informed the Board that there were no significant issues raised by the external auditors, Baker Tilly, and that it was a very good, clean audit. The Audit Committee had recommended the Board approve the Financial Statements 2012-13, though there was one unadjusted item that the Committee was content to leave unadjusted, as it was under the limit of materiality. The Assistant Principal informed the Board that the revised outturn in the Financial Statements would place the College on the cusp of a Skills Funding Agency Financial Grade of ‘Good’.
RESOLVED that the Financial Statements of Carlisle College and Subsidiary Companies 2012-13 and Associated Audits Management Accounts be approved.
The Board received a letter from the Skills Funding Agency confirming the underlying financial grade for the College as ‘Satisfactory’ and, based on the Financial Plan 2013-15, a forecast improvement to ‘Good’ in 2015, however, as noted in the previous item, the revised outturn figures would have resulted in a grade of ‘Good’ for 2013.
RESOLVED that the letter from the Skills Funding Agency be noted.
The Board received the Termly Health & Safety (H&S) Report for scrutiny. The Assistant Principal informed the Board that significant improvements had been made in H&S since the current H&S Officer had been appointed. The College was now in a much better position though was not complacent.
RESOLVED that the Termly Health & Safety (H&S) Report be accepted and noted.
The Board received the Principal’s Termly Monitoring Report for information. The Principal reminded the Board that it had been agreed that the Strategic Monitoring Report was no longer appropriate as it duplicated almost all strategic monitoring information covered in other items. As was expected for the time of year, the report focused on recruitment and student numbers.
The report was well received and found to be very useful, however, the Board raised the issue of contextualising the RAG ratings. The Principal was asked for information on how Amber or Red rated issues would be improved to Green. Additionally, if there was no action that could or should be taken regarding an issue, it would be helpful if it was rated Green.
When questioned whether the College’s pricing with regard to 14-16 year olds was competitive, the Principal informed the Board that where schools had their own facilities they usually kept students at the school, as this was within their power, and provided learning internally, though they could sub-contract teaching to colleges and other providers. These other providers had facilities that were not up to the standard of those in the College and were therefore a cheaper alternative.
The Principal informed the Board that the style and format of the new report was “work in progress” and would change to keep Governors up to date with changes in the FE landscape. She had also noted that the Board would like RAG ratings contextualised.
The Principal tabled a letter from the Education Funding Agency (EFA) regarding changes to college funding together with illustrative charts provided by the Association of Colleges. It was noted that provision for 16 and under was protected., however, under new plans, 18 years old would not be funded equally and this protected Sixth Form Colleges and disproportionately adversely affected 18 year old students at the College. There could be as much as a £200k funding deficit as a result of the changes. The Chair reported that the changes had been discussed at the Association of Colleges NW Committee meeting where it was noted there had been no consultation or planning and the action had come direct from the EFA, causing uproar in the sector that would need to be addressed.
RESOLVED that the Principal’s Termly Monitoring Report be accepted and noted.
The Board received a report on Stakeholder Meetings, that had occurred since the last Board Meeting, for scrutiny. The report highlighted the first of three scheduled lunch meetings per year between the Senior Management Team and students. The majority of feedback from students was positive. The Board questioned the Principal regarding the smoking shelters that had been provided, and in particular, how this applied to a “healthy College” goal. For example, no shelters were provided on NHS sites. The Principal stated that not providing shelters would not stop students smoking, but they would smoke on the street, causing other problems.
RESOLVED that the Stakeholder Meetings Report be accepted and noted.
The Board received the minutes of the Audit Committee held on the 29 November 2013 together with the Annual Report of the Audit Committee and the policies recommended by the Committee for approval.
1. the minutes of the Audit Committee held on the 29 November 2013 be accepted and noted,
2. the Annual Report of the Audit Committee be accepted and noted,
3. the Risk Management Policy be approved,
4. the Gifts and Hospitality Policy be approved,
5. the Fixed Asset Policy be approved.
The Board received a report on the review of Travel and Subsistence rates for scrutiny. The Assistant Principal highlighted that the last review had been in 2009 and current rates were below HMRC approved rates. The major problem with existing rates was that it was becoming increasingly difficult to find accommodation in cities. This sometimes led to additional travel costs with claimants having to use taxis etc to travel to lower costs accommodation outside the city centre, thus increasing overall cost significantly. The proposed changes should resolve this problem. It was proposed to leave mileage rates unchanged.
The Board questioned whether the rates also applied to Governors and were informed that a mirror scheme was applicable and therefore the same rates would apply.
RESOLVED that the revised subsistence rates in the Travel and Subsistence Scheme and the Governor’s mirror scheme be approved.
The Board received the revised Disability Statement 2013/14 for scrutiny. The Vice Principal stated that there had been no major changes to the Statement.
RESOLVED that the revised Disability Statement 2013/14 be approved.
The Board received the Draft Annual Report 2012/13 for scrutiny. The Principal informed the Board that it was in the same format as the previous year’s report, using the same strategic aims. The Board requested the inclusion of a heading/headline for the introduction, that reflected the positive advances that had been achieved. For example, “Successful Year” would be a positive headline. The Board also requested the reference to the accounts be amended from 2012 to 2012/13.
The planned date for the AGM of the 23 January 2014 was now problematic and the Board agreed to move the date to the 4 February 2014.
RESOLVED that the Draft Annual Report 2012/13 be approved subject to minor amendments as discussed and the AGM be re-scheduled to 4 February 2014..