Chris RussellSPED 746

Final Project SPED 746

Fall 2014


Students will create a communication plan for a student who is deaf-blind from formal assessment, observation, interaction, record review, and the literature on best practice.


Based on your field observation of a student who is deafblind formulate a communication plan that covers the following areas, and should be organized as such:

  1. Describe the student, etiology, sensory function, level of overall cognitive and physical development, current educational placement, living situation, and any other information you consider pertinent to understanding the student. To the greatest extent possible this information should come from the students file including existing educational, psychological, and related service evaluations, as well as existing social histories and IEP’s. (I do realize that your access to these documents may be limited due to circumstances out of your control, however I do expect that the effort to access them will be made, and if you are not able to access them that you will get the information through other channels.)

(10 points)DUE 10/2 (If you have difficulty making an appointment for observations, it can be due with Part 2 on 10/16 – I would not advise this if it can be avoided.)

  1. Justification of Plan and review of the pertinent literature: In a narrative format introduce and describe your plan, how it is organized what you will cover. Discuss the research in the field of deafblindness that is pertinent to the types of communication you will cover. This research should justify your plan and the direction you are taking with the student. Include at least 4 references; at least 2 must be from the last 7 years; at least 1 must not be a course document on the syllabus.

(15 points) DUE 10/16

  1. Present level of communication skills and opportunities for communication in the educational environment:
  2. What form(s)/modes do they use, in what contexts, and what specific receptive and expressive communication and language do they use and with whom?
  3. What receptive and expressive communication opportunities do they have in the educational environment. What are the rates of communication with and by the student?
  4. To establish this I would like you to use a communication assessment as well as through observation and interview of the educators and therapists who work with the student. I would like you to use the Communication Matrix unless you have another tool you want to use, but it must be approved by me in advance.
  5. I encourage critical thinking in terms of evaluating the effectiveness of the communicative environment, but not without legitimate justification (e.g., you can use the Classroom Observation Tool if appropriate.)

(20 points)DUE 11/6

  1. Goals: Each goal should cover one skill within a specific context. For example: The student will sign desired food choices when presented with a menu in the school cafeteria.

(10 points)DUE 11/20

  1. Create two lesson plans; one for a specific group classroom activity (content activity, literacy activity, morning circle (this is not as easy as it may seem), etc.), and a second for instruction in a specific functional skill (eating, dressing, toileting, etc.). The lesson plans can be in any format you deem appropriate but should include the following information:
  2. The activity and/or skill being taught and a step by step task analysis of the activity or skill with accompanying communication action the student will engage in for each step.
  3. Sensory adaptations for the activity and the communication.
  4. Materials being used for the activity including communication materials where appropriate. INCLUDE photos if possible and appropriate.
  5. Instructional and communication strategies being employed.
  6. Form of measurement and a way to do so (such as a data form, teacher-made assessment, task analysis, or any other adapted assessment).
  7. FOR AN OLDER STUDENT (Age 14-20) you may do one lesson plan and a section on TRANSITION PLANNING. Ask me for guidelines.

(20 points)First lesson plan DUE 11/20, second DUE 12/4

  1. Evaluation: How will progress at different levels, implementation, student, be evaluated? Develop a form for tracking progress on goals

(10 points)DUE 12/11

  1. Commenting on other students Wikis

(15 points)DUE throughout the semester. All Comments DUE 12/14.


Your communication plan will be done online as a Wiki. The reason for this is to increase collaboration as you each work on your individual projects. This will hopefully open up dialogue between the students that will contribute to and expand your thinking about your student. Your Wiki should be organized with a main page with a separate page for each section. Number your sections so they are in the order of the assignment, if you do not the sections will be arranged alphabetically. Read the article on using Wikis that is posted in the assignments section of Bb.

The plan should be well organized so that the reader does not need to search for information but it is explicit. Graphic organization and representation is ideal for this type of information, but if you do present information in this way you should also include a narrative description of the graphic so the reader will understand the logic behind it.

Commenting on other student’s communication plans

You are required to comment or ask questions once on each section of 2 other student’s plans (6 sections x 2students= 12 comments). These student groups will be assigned in class. This will be figured into your project grade as well. Comments should be helpful in nature such as pointing another student towards a resource or strategy or asking a question that may give you information you are seeking as well as helping to clarify an issue for another student. Comments such as” Good job,” “I like what you did,” etc., are not sufficient, you must give it some thought and effort.

NOTE: Your plan must cover more than the use of objects and object calendars. The point of the communication plan is for you to think into the future about what the student could do, not only what they are doing now. Your assessment and observation of the student should guide you in doing so. Research and experience with student who are deaf-blind shows that they must have consistent access to language if they are to learn to use language. Just because a student is a presymbolic communicator does not mean that they should not have consistent, systematic, and extensive access and exposure to language. You must consider this throughout your plan including in the lesson plans. Typically the thought process is that a student is too severe to understand language, this is not an assumption that can be made about students who are deaf-blind, as making this assumption is a prejudgement of their abilities that limits their potential.

Chris RussellSPED 746


Unacceptable (score 1) / Marginal (score 2) / Proficient (score 3) / Exemplary(score 4)
Description of student / Description of student lacks detail and required components / Description has required components but are not fully explained and described in relationship to communication / Description has required components, are fully explained and described in relationship to communication / Description has required components, are richly explained and described. Relationship to communication development is understood and complexities clearly explained
Justification of Plan and review of literature / Justification is not adequate and not based on research or best practice / Justification does not match goals and is not closely linked to best practice or research / Justification supports chosen goals and lessons and is grounded in research and best practice / Justification gives in-depth explanation and is grounded in multiple sources of research and best practice (following guidelines in project description)
Present levels etc. / Information on student’s communication (receptive and expressive) and opportunities does not include all components, is incomplete and poorly explained and organized / Information on student’s communication (receptive and expressive) and opportunities is present but not well explained or organized / Information on student’s communication (receptive and expressive) is present and fully explained and well organized / Information on student’s communication (receptive and expressive) is well organized, matches assessment results, and richly detailed in the context of the student’s environments and interactions.
Goals / Do not cover receptive and expressive or all opportunities for communication and/or do not follow a logical/ comprehensive progression through modalities and skills / Covers receptive and expressive, may lack some opportunities and may not follow a logical or comprehensive progression through modalities and skills / Covers receptive and expressive, covers opportunities and follows a logical and comprehensive progression through modalities and skills / Covers receptive and expressive, covers many opportunities and follows a logical and comprehensive progression through modalities and skills
Lesson Plans / Plans are lacking required elements and are poorly organized / Plans have required components but not well described and/or organized / Plans have required elements, are well organized and elements are fully described / Lesson plans have required elements are well organized and highly detailed displaying research based practices
Evaluation / No way to evaluate progress and goals not clearly measurable / Evaluation methods not explicitly stated, goals not measurable / Evaluation methods stated, goals measurable / Multiple methods of evaluation on different levels, goals measurable
Wiki Comments / Comments not helpful and do not pertain to specifics of the section of the plan / Comments pertain to specifics of the plan but may not be insightful / Comments pertain to specifics of the plan and would be helpful to the student / Comments pertain to the specifics of the plan are well thought out, relate to best practice and would help the student improve their plan.
Organization / No clear organization / Organizational scheme present but poorly done / Organizational scheme present and well done / Highly structured expertly executed w/ graphic organization