HUD’s Southwest Office of Native American Programs Information Bulletin for the week of October 23, 2017

In this Issue:

1.  What’s New! Federal News Briefs & Important Due Dates
HUD [TRIBAL] NOTICES & GUIDANCES: ONAP Program Guidances: View online PIH Notices: View online

2.  Upcoming Trainings/Conferences/Events (Click on ONAP’s Regional Calendar of Events)

3.  Funding Announcements for Tribes and tribal organizations

4.  Helpful Resources

5.  Bits and Pieces

6.  Contact Us Visit our website at Join or Leave SWONAP’s Mailing List at:

1.  What’s New! Federal News Briefs & Important Due Dates:

What's New on Codetalk Visit our Codetalk Homepage:
Visit the SWONAP webpage at:


US Dept of Agriculture (USDA) stands ready to partner with tribes in preparing, recovering, and building long-term resilience to natural disasters. The USDA Disaster Resource Center is available to help Indian Country identify resources and technical assistance opportunities relevant to these events and emergencies.
USDA Grants, Loans, & Other Programs
·  Application Deadline: January 2, 2018 – Solid Waste Management Grant Program
·  Application Deadline: January 2, 2018 – Water & Waste Disposal Technical Assistance and Training Grants
The U.S. Dept. of Energy Office of Indian Energy Policy Programs offers free, on request technical assistance to Indian tribes and Alaska Native villages. Tribes can apply annually to receive technical assistance with energy planning; housing, building energy efficiency, and resilience; project development; village power; and policy and regulation. The goal of the technical assistance is to address a specific challenge or fulfill a need that is essential to a current project's successful implementation. The intended result of this technical assistance is a tangible product or specific deliverable designed to help move a project forward. For more info.:
Housing Help: Resources for Native Americans - Contact the following offices for assistance:
·  To live on public lands, contact the Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH).
·  To live on a reservation, contact a local Tribally Designated Housing Entity (TDHE).
·  Locate your state housing counseling agency or call 1-800-569-4287 to locate the agency nearest you.
Native American Housing Programs
·  Indian Housing's Office of Native American Programs (ONAP) - administers housing community development programs to ensure that safe, decent, affordable housing is available to Native American families.
·  Indian Housing Grant Programs-provide financial assistance for Indian tribes to develop affordable housing and to provide housing activities on a reservation or Indian area. Guidebooks available.
·  Housing Improvement Program (HIP) – provides home repair, renovation, replacement, new housing grants.
·  Native Housing Resources/Tribal Court Clearinghouse (a project of the Tribal Law and Policy Institute):
·  Healthier Tribal Housing: Combining the Best of Old and New:

TRAININGS, CONFERENCES AND EVENTS: Also visit HUD’s Calendar of Events .

Training/Conference/Event / Date/Location / Description /
Native Languages Summit: Preserving the Heart of Our Cultures (ANA) / Oct. 23-24
Albuquerque, NM / Hosted by Administration for Native Americans. This interactive & educational language summit supports Native American communities seeking to retain and revitalize indigenous languages. Through plenary talks and workshops, we will discuss everything from data and evaluation, to creating fluent teachers, to family and community engagement and more. Language programs with similar approaches (e.g., language immersion, master-apprentice, or online learning) can work together to share solutions and strategies. For more info.: Registration:
Webinar / This free webinar is the second installment of the Topics in Climate Change Adaptation Planning webinar series recently launched by the ITEP Climate Change Program. At its core, food sovereignty is about tribal communities controlling their own food systems and ensuring local access to healthy, affordable, traditional and cultural foods. Climate change is already beginning to impact local food resources, especially in communities that rely on hunting and gathering for part of their diet. Food sovereignty is a tool that communities can use to achieve climate resiliency goals by creating and protecting local food sources. These projects can take many forms, including community gardens and food distribution networks. This webinar features two speakers with extensive experience in a variety of food sovereignty projects. Use the link to register for the webinar:
Native American Homebuyer Assistance Programs Meeting / Oct. 25 USDA Rural Dev. State Office -Olympia, WA / USDA meeting to discuss how to expand homeownership opportunities to tribal members. Meeting discussions will explore how tribes can collaborate with local lenders to provide tribal members access down payment and other homeownership resources available through the Washington State Housing Finance Commission and the Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines. Registration Link
HUD Credit Counseling Training for Tribes / Oct. 30 – Nov. 1
Spokane, WA / FREE two-day credit counseling training session includes tools, resources, and exercises to prepare participants to offer credit counseling and education to inform tribal members how credit can affect their lives and aid them in achieving their financial objectives. Credit Counseling is important because it can help: improve credit; increase the chances of getting a mortgage; identify ways to reduce the interest rate on loans; in renting an apartment; and potentially reduce the security deposit amount. The training covers:
·  Financial principles that include net worth, cash flow, identity theft and consumer protection laws
·  How to identify and modify ineffective money management behaviors including overcoming financial debt, budgeting debt, and bankruptcy
·  Developing successful strategies for achieving financial goals
·  Understanding loans and homeownership, including banking, lending, and mortgage ratios
·  How to support and counsel tribal members as they address financial challenges and opportunities
·  The impact credit has on individuals and families; the importance of reviewing credit reports annually; and, tips on how to establish credit. REGISTER NOW!
HUD Credit Counseling Training for Tribes / Nov. 7-8
Port Angeles, WA / FREE two-day credit counseling training sessions includes tools, resources, and exercises to prepare all attendees in how to provide the basics of credit counseling. This training will prepare participants to offer credit counseling and education to inform tribal members how credit can affect their lives and aid them in achieving their financial objectives. Credit Counseling is important because it can help: improve credit; increase the chances of getting a mortgage; identify ways to reduce the interest rate on loans; in renting an apartment; and potentially reduce the security deposit amount. The training will cover the following areas:
·  Financial principles that include net worth, cash flow, identity theft and consumer protection laws
·  How to identify and modify ineffective money management behaviors including overcoming financial debt, budgeting debt, and bankruptcy
·  Developing successful strategies for achieving financial goals
·  Understanding loans and homeownership, including banking, lending, and mortgage ratios
·  How to support and counsel tribal members as they address financial challenges and opportunities
·  The impact credit has on individuals and families; the importance of reviewing credit reports annually; and, tips on how to establish credit. REGISTER NOW!
2017 Office of Indian Energy Program Review / Nov. 13-17
Denver, CO / This annual DOE Program Review is an opportunity for Indian tribes to meet, learn from other Indian tribes that are pursuing energy self-sufficiency, and share in each other's successes. The 2017 Program Review features project status updates from tribes across the nation who are leveraging Office of Indian Energy grant funding to deploy energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies, those initiating the first steps to energy development, and tribal entities developing an inter-tribal technical assistance energy network. For more info., see the draft agenda or visit
● Federal Indian Law
● Grant Writing for Tribal Programs / Nov. 29-Dec. 1
New Orleans, LA / The National Indian Justice Center (NIJC) conducts two separate training sessions. Find training session announcements and registration forms at
·  Federal Indian Law ● Grant Writing for Tribal Programs
NAIHC Legal Symposium / Dec. 3-5
Las Vegas, NV / Join your colleagues at NAIHC’s premier housing and legal symposium for professionals from across the country working to address the availability and access to affordable housing for Native American families. More info. at
2017 National Brownfields Training Conference / Dec. 5-7
Pittsburg, PA / Premier brownfields and land revitalization event. Attendees will enjoy opportunities to participate in training events, observe success stories first hand during mobile workshops, listen to experts regarding best practices for meeting brownfields challenges, and network with thousands of other stakeholders. For more info., visit . Register Here. Review the conference programming here.
Cultures Under Water: Climate Impacts on Tribal Cultural Heritage / Dec. 6-8
Tempe, AZ / Cultures Under Water: Climate Impacts on Tribal Cultural HeritageRegister Now
● Tribal Constitutions, Tribal Codes & Federal Limitations
● Sacred Sites, NAGPRA & Project Monitoring / Dec. 13-15
Las Vegas, NV / The National Indian Justice Center (NIJC) conducts two separate training sessions. Registration forms at Visit or call (707) 579-5507.
·  Tribal Constitutions, Tribal Codes & Federal Limitations
·  Sacred Sites, NAGPRA and Project Monitoring


Agency/Source / Submission Deadline / Additional Information
FY2017 ROSS Grant NOFA / Oct. 23 / The Resident Opportunity & Self Sufficiency (ROSS) Service Coordinator (SC) program funds eligible applicants to hire Service Coordinators to coordinate use of assistance under the Public Housing program with public and private resources, for supportive services and resident empowerment activities. Service Coordinators assess the needs of public and Indian housing residents and link them to supportive services that enable participants to increase earned income, reduce or eliminate the need for welfare assistance, and make progress toward achieving economic independence and housing self-sufficiency. In the case of elderly/disabled residents, the Service Coordinator links participants to supportive services which enable them to age/remain in-place thereby avoiding costlier forms of care. Funds awarded to applicants may be used for (1) service coordinator functions, (2) training and travel related to professional and/or program development, (3) and administration cost. Link to additional info.:
FEMA Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grants / Nov. 14 / Two competitive Hazard Mitigation Assistance grant programs. Eligible applicants including territories, federally-recognized tribes, states and local governments may apply for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) and Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) grants at . FMA grants are available to implement measures to reduce or eliminate risk of flood damage to structures insured by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
FY 2018 Brownfields Assessment, Revolving Loan Fund, and Cleanup Grant / Nov. 16 / Assessment Grants (funded over three years) - Community-wide or Site-Specific Applicants: Up to $200,000 in hazardous substances funding or up to $200,000 in petroleum funding. Community-wide Applicants: Applicants applying for both hazardous substances funding and petroleum funding may request a combined total up to $300,000; however, the request for hazardous substances funding or petroleum funding cannot exceed $200,000 for any one individual type of grant funding. For example, an applicant may apply for $200,000 in hazardous substances funding and $100,000 in petroleum funding. Assessment Coalition Applicants: Up to $600,000 in hazardous substances funding and/or petroleum funding.
Revolving Loan Fund Grants (funded over 5 years) - Applicants, including RLF Coalitions, may apply for up to $1,000,000 in hazardous substances funding and/or petroleum funding.
Cleanup Grants (funded over three years) - Applicants may: ● request funding to address either a single brownfield site, or multiple brownfield sites, within each proposal.; ● request up to $200,000 in each proposal.; ● submit up to 3 cleanup proposals.
·  FY2018 Brownfields Assessment Grant Guidelines
·  FY2018 Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund Grant Guidelines
·  FY2018 Brownfields Cleanup Grant Guidelines
·  FY2018 Summary of Brownfields Assessment, RLF, and Cleanup Guideline Changes
·  FY2018 Assessment Guideline Checklist
·  FY2018 Cleanup Guideline Checklist
·  Frequently Asked Questions
· Tip Sheet for Applicants
Agency/Source / Submission Deadline / Additional Information
Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples Funding Opportunity / Dec. 1 / Grants to fund Native community-based projects in the areas of: health and well-being; leadership development; art and creativity; peace, equity, and justice; sustainable communities and economies; and the rights of Mother Earth. Grant awards range from $250 to $10,000. Native American/Indigenous peoples’ initiatives or projects that work within the community, and have a majority Indigenous/Native American staff, a board of directors and leadership that is at least 80 percent Indigenous peoples, and an annual operating budget of less than $200,000 are eligible to apply. View the program website application instructionshere.
Community Food Projects Competitive Grants Program / Dec. 4 / For more info., click here! National Institute of Food Agriculture FY18 Community Food Projects Competitive Grants Program funds two types of grants, Community Food Projects Planning Projects. Goals:
·  Meet the food needs of low-income individuals through food distribution, community outreach to assist in participation in Federally assisted nutrition programs, or improving access to food as part of a comprehensive service; ● Increase the self-reliance of communities in providing for the food needs of the communities; ● Promote comprehensive responses to local food access, farm, and nutrition issues; and; ● Meet specific state, local or neighborhood food and agricultural needs including needs relating to: Equipment necessary for efficient project operation; Planning for long-term solutions; or The creation of innovative marketing activities that mutually benefit agricultural producers and low-income consumers. Eligible applicants include public food program service providers, tribal organizations, or private nonprofit entities, including gleaners. A webinar will be held on Oct. 16, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. ET Time for potential applicants. The Adobe Connect link is: More details at: