Title of meeting / Primary Care Committee / Agenda Item / 9
Date of Meeting / 18 April 2016 / Confirm Part One or Two / Part One /
Title of Paper / Primary Care Quality and Safety Report
Responsible Director / Cath Byford, Director of Commissioning & Quality
Author / Cath Byford, Director of Commissioning & Quality
Action required / Approval / ☐ / Decision / ☐ / Discussion / ☐ / Information /  /
Purpose of the report: / For PCC to receive information regarding CQC assessment outcomes for primary care services
Executive Summary (maximum 500 word limit) / This report provides an overview of the regulatory position of GP practices in GYW. Items of particular note are as follows:
  • The CCG does not have any practices in Special Measures.
  • One practice (Family Health) is rated as Requires Improvement
  • Two GP practices are rated as Outstanding(Sole Bay Health Centre and Park Surgery)

The recommendation is to: / Note the content of this report
Links to the CCG strategic objectives: / Effectiveness /  /
Quality /  /
Improved experience /  /
Make a difference for local people /  /
Reduce inequalities and delivery /  /
Sustainable financing / ☐ /
Links to strategic risk register:
The CCG is now responsible for Primary Care delegated commissioning. This is currently on the CCG Strategic Risk Register (STR) whilst in its infancy. Primary Care in Lowestoft and associated with practices that were in special measures and requires improvement also sat on the STR.
Risk scoring and description:
There has been significant improvements in the quality oversight positon over the last 12 months. The CCG has seen the removal of Special Measures from two practices (through improvement and removal of registration) and reduction in the number of practices that Requires Improvement.
(impact) / Rare / Unlikely / Possible / Likely / Almost
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 Negligible / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
2 Minor / 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10
3 Moderate / 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15
4 Major / 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20
/ 3 (possible) x 4 (major impact) = 12 (Amber)
Primary Care Conflict of Interest / Conflict of Interest Exists (Y/N) / No /
Potential Conflict of Interest Exists (Y/N) / Yes /


Quality and Safety / Positive /  / Negative / ☐ / Neutral / ☐ /
Enables oversight of regulatory position of GP practices
Patient Experience / Positive /  / Negative / ☐ / Neutral / ☐ /
Regulatory position impacts on patient experience for Great Yarmouth and Waveney residents.
Clinical/Operational Effectiveness / Oversight of the regulatory position of GP practices supports effective commissioning of safe, clinical effective services and allows for monitoring of performance against quality outcomes
(see business case template attached where applicable) / N/A
QIPP/Better Care Fund / N/A
Governance Issues / Monitoring supports effective governance with regard to authority, accountability and decision making.
NHS Constitution
Equality Impact / Positive / ☐ / Negative / ☐ / Neutral /  /
Human Resources / N/A
Patient Engagement / N/A
System incl. primary care,NHS providers, local authority, voluntary sector etc. / Primary Care, NHS England, Care Quality Commission
Supporting documents
(List all appendices or further attachments)
Communications Strategy
(How this initiative will be disseminated)
Acronyms used in the report
(List alphabetically and list in full within the report) / CQC – Care Quality Commission
GYW – Great Yarmouth and Waveney
HR – Human Resources
STR - Strategic Risk Register

Directorate involvement and sign off prior to submission to committee / board. Please state role titles or state N/A if appropriate.

Finance / N/A
Commissioning / N/A
QIPP and Delivery / N/A
Information / N/A
Contracting / N/A
Engagement / N/A
Governance / N/A
Quality and Safety / Cath Gorman - Chief Nurse

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Primary Care CQC Overview

The CQC publish the compliance status of all registered providers on their website.

The CQC methodology used when inspecting services is to inspect services against five key questions:

Are they safe? / You are protected from abuse and avoidable harm.
Are they effective? / Your care, treatment and support achieves good outcomes, helps you to maintain quality of life and is based on the best available evidence.
Are they caring? / Staff involve and treat you with compassion, kindness, dignity and respect.
Are they responsive to people’s needs? / Services are organised so that they meet your needs.
Are they well-led? / The leadership, management and governance of the organisation make sure it's providing high-quality care that's based around your individual needs, that it encourages learning and innovation, and that it promotes an open and fair culture.

The CQC also rate services to help people to compare services and to highlight where care is outstanding, good, requires improvement or inadequate. This approach has been developed by the CQC over time and through consultation with providers, stakeholders, care professionals, the public, and people who use services.

O / Outstanding
G / Good (No action required)
R.I / Requires Improvement
I / Inadequate


Safe / Effective / Caring / Responsive / Well-led / Overall rating / Date of report
Alexandra Road Surgery (Alexandra and Crestview Surgeries), Lowestoft / G / G / G / G / G / Good / 27 August 2015
Andaman Surgery, Lowestoft / G / G / G / G / G / Good / 07 January 2016
Beccles Medical Centre, Beccles / G / G / G / G / O / Good / 19 March 2015
Bridge Road Surgery, Oulton Broad, Lowestoft / G / G / G / G / G / Good / 03 September 2015
Bungay Medical Centre, Bungay / R.I / G / G / G / G / Good / 08 October 2015
Central Surgery, Gorleston Great Yarmouth / G / G / G / G / G / Good / 31 March 2015
Coastal Villages Practice (Ormesby Practice), Great Yarmouth / G / G / G / G / G / Good / 19 February 2015
Cutlers Hill Surgery, Halesworth / G / G / G / G / G / Good / 17 September 2015
Falkland Surgery, Bradwell, Great Yarmouth / G / G / G / G / G / Good / 05 March 2015
Family Health Centre, Gorleston, Great Yarmouth / R.I / R.I / G / R.I / R.I / Requires Improvement / 12 November 2015
Fleggburgh Surgery, Great Yarmouth / G / G / G / G / G / Good / 04 February 2016
Gorleston Medical Centre, Gorleston, Great Yarmouth / G / G / G / G / G / Good / 22 January 2015
Greyfriars Health Centre, Great Yarmouth / G / G / G / G / G / Good / 22 January 2015
High Street Surgery, Lowestoft / G / G / G / G / R.I / Good / 08 October 2015
Kirkley Mill, Lowestoft / G / G / R.I / G / G / Good / 20 August 2015
Lighthouse Medical Centre (King Street and South Quay Surgery), Great Yarmouth / This service, part of Eastern Norfolk Medical Practice, has not yet been inspected by CQC. The service commenced on 24 August 2015.
Longshore Surgeries, Kessingland, Lowestoft / G / G / G / G / G / Good / 19 March 2015
Millwood Surgery, Bradwell, Great Yarmouth / G / G / G / G / G / Good / 13 August 2015
Newtown Surgery, (Newtown and Caister Medical Practice) Great Yarmouth / G / G / G / G / O / Good / 05 February 2015
Park Surgery, Great Yarmouth / G / G / O / O / O / Outstanding / 21 January 2016
Rosedale Surgery, Carlton Colville, Lowestoft / G / G / G / G / G / Good / 22 January 2015
Sole Bay Health Centre, Reydon, Southwold / G / G / O / G / O / Outstanding / 11 February 2016
Victoria Road Surgery, Oulton Broad, Lowestoft / G / G / G / G / G / Good / 19 November 2015
Westwood Surgery, Lowestoft / This service has not yet been inspected.

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