First I. Author1,Second I.J. Author2 and Third Author2
1Organization name of the first author
2Organization name of the second and third authors
Key words: list up to eight words or group of words in order of priority, separated by commas.
The paper must be written in English or Russian .
The abstract including figures, tables and reference should not exceed 1 page.
The title should be centered in the page, in 11pt, boldface Roman, all capital letters. It should be single spaced if the title is more than one line long. There should be a 72pt space before.
The normal text should be written single-spaced, justified, using 11pt (Times New Roman) in one column.
Author's affiliation should be centered in the page, (as shown in the first page of these instructions) in 11pt italic Roman. A name of the person giving the talk should be underlined.
The main headings should be written left aligned, in 10pt, boldface and all capital Roman letters.
A displayed equation is numbered, using Arabic numbers in parentheses. It should be centered.
The following example is a single line equation:
References should be quoted in the text by superscript numbers1,2, and grouped together at the end of the paper in numerical order as shown in these instructions.
4.FORMAT OF the figures
Figures have to be submitted in good quality (at least 200 dpi recommended) in grayscale or black and white. The figures have also be sent additionally in separate files.
5.Other requirements
All abstracts have to be submitted in MS Word format to .
Final deadline for submitting abstract is 10 January 2008.
[1]O.C. Zienkiewicz and R.L. Taylor, The finite element method, McGraw Hill, Vol.I., 1989, Vol.II, (1991).
[2]S. Idelsohn and E. Oñate, “Finite element and finite volumes. Two good friends”, Int. J. Num. Meth. Engng, 37, 3323-3341 (1994).