Ted Geringer Lamar Lions Scholarship Application

The Lamar Lions Club will be awarding two (2) $500.00 scholarships to a graduating high school senior from Prowers County. The scholarships are in memory of Ted Geringer a long-time Lion’s member and local educator.

The student must attend Lamar Community College. The funds will be submitted to the college for credit to the student’s account upon proof of enrollment.

The Ted Geringer Lamar Lions Club Scholarships will be awarded based on the following criteria:

  1. Community service to school and/or local community
  2. School activities/leadership
  3. Essay based on “Volunteerism in Your Community”
  4. Scholarship Achievement
  5. Recommendations

The following is required:

  1. Transcript of high school credits
  2. GPA of 2.0 or higher

The following information must be typed or computer generated

  1. Letter(s) of recommendation from a teacher, community leader, clergy or employer
  2. Essay (minimum 250 word) based on “Volunteerism in Your Community” *
  3. Completed and signed application form

*The essay should explore the various ways that volunteerism benefits your local community. It could review the history of volunteerism and the current trends. Include any information regarding your personal involvement in volunteerism.

The Lamar Lions Club may interview the final candidate. Interested students should complete the application and submit it to their High School Guidance Office by Friday, May 5th, 2017. Scholarship recipient(s) will be announced at graduation ceremonies in May, 2017. Questions – contact Lion President Travis Melton (), Lion Secretary April Faull () or Lion Treasurer Jessica Daniels ().

Personal Background:



Email address:

High School currently attending:

Parent’s or Guardians’ Name

Educational Data:

Cumulative GPA (the GPA is not the only factor in determining the scholarship):

Intended Major:


School Activities and Organizations to which you belong:

Community Organizations to which you belong:

Specific Information about honors, awards, offices held, etc.

Work experience (if applicable):

Brief description of most rewarding school or community service activity you experienced during high school.

Use additional pages as necessary to complete the information requested.

My signature below signifies my agreement that all the information provided is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge.


Signature of Scholarship Applicant

Lamar Lions Ted Geringer Scholarship Application

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