Call to Order was by President Walter Brown,

Directors present were: Hal Baar, William Brown, S. Greene, S. Haswell, K. Larson,Ed Resetar, A Weitzman.


I cannot believe how rapidly time is passing. Last month we were celebrating the New Year, putting away holiday decorations, searching for our long pants and sweaters, and worrying about our plants freezing. Maybe it’s just me, but spring has sprung. You can hear more birds singing, its warmer, bags of mulch are everywhere, and the tennis season is in full swing.

The social calendar is also in full swing. We have had some wonderful events including The Goldtones and the Silver Foxes. All these activities and events depend on sponsors and helpers. Last Sunday, the Social Committee organized a sponsor recruitment social complete with pizza. Although several additional persons were added to the sponsor list, more are still needed to continue our active social calendar. Information about all our social events, activities, and meetings, are prominently displayed on our bulletin boards and website. You need to check these sites almost daily to stay informed.

I would like to welcome Skip Haswell as a new Director. Skip is well known due to his involvement in security issues. He will continue his efforts with various Committees, including: Gate House, Gates and Entrances, Disaster Information, and Security. Please take the opportunity to thank Skip for his efforts as a new Director and welcome him to the board.

In last month’s President’s Report, I appealed for more volunteers. I have personally asked individuals if they would consider volunteering for certain Committees and they have. But we are still critically short of volunteers for many of our Committees. It is critical to have an adequate number of volunteers who are present much of the summer months. We are a 12 month community and a shortage of volunteers in the winter months translates into a critical shortage in the summer. Any time is appreciated. Thank you for considering volunteering.

I have tasked the Technology Committee to address the capability of our gate control software to permit the use of cell phone numbers, out of state phone numbers, multiple phone numbers, and multiple names. We should have a report on that shortly.

The most frequent issues that have been addressed to me deal with pet complaints. Some issues are, barking, and pets off leash off private property. I appreciate the efforts everyone is taking to follow the rules and regulations related to pets. Please take the time to review all The Inlets Rules and Regulations.

Everyone enjoy the beautiful weather!

SUMMARY OF THE BOARD MEETINGS (Inlets Condo. Ass. & Inlets Common Facilities Corp.):

  1. Approved motions:

To create and utilize a Google Group for Official Inlets Boards Communications and Archives.

 To Identify and stencil (13) parking Spaces at the Clubhouse for Inlets Residents only.

  1. Other topics:

At the request of the President, the Technology Committee was asked to recommend a solution to meeting attendees not being able to hear proceedings, as well as the unavailability of volunteers to take minutes notes. The President called attention to new meeting microphone system trial use to assist meeting attendees in hearing proceedings. As well, this system will be tied to digital taping of the meeting proceedings for the purpose of formulating Minutes. After approval and filing of official Minutes the digital recordings will be deleted.

Tree on private property at 140 Avenida De La Isla (behind the tennis courts), that was damaging our fence, was removed by the owners.

Discussion on selection of new lawn, fertilization and pest control company to replace True Green. Finance Review and Board Approval under process.

Concern reported on black lane divider posts at rear gate inhibiting and slowing ambulance entry.

 Concern expressed over need for lane identifiers or method to identify position of lane posts at gates.

Calls by solicitors are increasing. May need to look at new signage for entrances.

 Concern over pets that are off leash.

Question on expanding RV Lot

The Technology Committee will be doing survey of resident’s needs and concerns.

FINANCES by William Brown:

  1. Common Facilities :

As of the end of January 2018, and before the 2017 audit is complete, operating expenses are $3,104 over budget for the month

Total cash in the Common Facilities Operating Account is $123,571

Total cash in the Reserve Account is 568,181 of which 510,208 is in CDS

  1. Condominium Association (end of January 2017):

As of the end of January 2018 and before the 2017 audit is complete, the Combined expenses for the Condominium Association are $2,526 under budget for the month.

Total cash in the Condominium Association Accounts is $406,520 of which $238,114 is in Restricted Funds.

SOCIAL by Maggie Brown:

We had another wonderful Tea and Fashion Show this year. The lovely models, wearing fashions from Patchington’s (in Venice) were Marlene Larson, Heidi Gaudry, Patty Meaney, Cathy Kenny, Lynn Stewart and Rita Baar. The tables were beautifully laid out and the food was scrumptious. Thank you to everyone who helped with making the tea such a nice event.

February 1st we had the pleasure of being entertained by the Venice Theater Silver Foxes. Their free show was definitely a hit. The Silver Foxes sent an email after the performance stating that they so enjoy performing at the Inlets because of the warm response they always receive from our community. Before the show, the crowd enjoyed a dinner of salad, garlic bread and lasagna. Grace Rocci was able to take all the leftover food to her church, Trinity Presbyterian, to feed the homeless. A great event all the way around!

Coming up on March 3rd from 1:00 to 3:00pm is the Inlets Parade of Homes and Gardens. The 11 homes in the parade have renovated bathrooms, kitchens, expanded lanais, additions or unique features. Even though this event is free, please sign up in the mail house prior to the day of the parade so the organizers will know how many brochures to print. On March 3rd you can pick up maps and information at the mail house from 12:30 to 2:30. Wear or bring socks, as you may be asked to remove your shoes. Wear your name tag. And, if possible, walk or ride your bikes. If you have any questions call Pam Brown at 508-360-3586.

A fun event to watch will take place on the tennis court on March 7th at 4:00. Come watch the men versus the women in the Battle of the Sexes. Who will win this year’s contest? The theme is The 1950’s. There will be costumes; you never know who or what you will see.

The March Monthly Mixer will be held on Friday, March 9th and hosted by the Inlets Board of Directors. The event begins promptly at 5:30. Bring an appetizer or dessert to share. BYOB.

Arnie Weitzman is bringing back Movie Night under the Stars. The show will be on March 16th in the clubhouse parking lot. Tickets can be purchased from Lillian Serrano in condo building unit 600-#201. Sign up in the clubhouse. Bring your own chair and any food or drink you desire.

If you are ready for some fun and games, come out to Game Day on Sunday, March 18th, hosted by Mario Bettini. Have fun playing bocce ball, shuffleboard and horse shoes. The event takes place from 3-5:00 pm near the shuffleboard courts.

The musical entertainment for March is singer Ken McBride, hosted by Ann and Bill Loso. Ken will perform Wednesday, March 21st beginning at 6:30pm. You can look forward to an evening of Broadway, Irish, and patriotic songs, as well as entertaining stories. Tickets will be $10 and can be purchased from Judy Donahoe (941- 485-0132, unit #154) prior to March 16th. Bring food for your table of 10 to share and BYOB.

The Tennis group is hosting a Beach Picnic on Tuesday March 27th at the pavilion at Nokomis Beach from 4:30 to 8 pm. Everyone in the community is welcome to attend. The cost for non-tennis player is $5 each. Contact Eileen Peck at 941-244-2202.

As always, keep your eyes on the bulletin board in the mail house for all the current events. Sign up early and pay on time! Get Involved. And Thank You to all of our great Volunteers, we couldn’t do it without you.

CLUBHOUSE by Bob Walter:

Spring cleaning projects completed in February include the cleaning of all the carpeted floors in the Clubhouse and the power washing of the outside of the mail house, including the roof.

Future projects being considered for the Clubhouse include:

Painting the interior walls.

Replacement of the carpeted floors.

Additional perimeter lighting.

LAKEby Walt Brown:

Last May we signed a contract with Howell Concrete Construction, which is very experienced in erosion stabilization, to complete the stabilization of approximate 700’ of shoreline for 7 properties. The implementation of the work depended on having a “dry” dry season with the water receding and exposing some of the shoreline. Since it looks like we will have a wetter dry season, most likely we will not be able to execute the contract this year. Since April begins the planting season for aquatics, we are in the process of approving the planting proposal from Aquatics Systems, our pond management company, to plant the sections of the shoreline which were not receiving construction stabilization. We are going to recommend not planting, at this time, the properties identified for construction. If we plant, and later implement the construction stabilization, all those plants in the 700’ area will have to be removed and replaced. This would be costs and unnecessary work we are looking to avoid.

If you have observed the trial planting area by the mail house, you will see how the plants prospered since planting. They will not grow tall enough to block anyone’s sightlines. The plants add a whole new ecological activity level in the pond. Minnows, insects, and micro invertebrates have a whole new ecological zone to thrive in. This provides cover for the minnows and fish, which is currently unavailable, and reduces the stress on the fish, as well as providing new foraging areas for wading birds and ducks.

The pond received its third and last treatment for phosphorous reducing levels by about 50%. We will need to monitor the phosphorous levels in the future to see how the pond reacts.

A new maintenance agreement will shortly be signed with Aquatic Systems that increases our pond treatments to two times per month during the summer, and reduces the amounts of copper sulfate applied to the pond and utilizes a milder chelated sulfate.

TECHNOLOGYby Rick Arena:

A new microphone system is now being tested in the Inlets Club House. The objective is to ensure that speakers can be heard, no matter where meeting attendees are sitting. Another benefit is that it will permit the recording of the meetings. Testing will continue during March.

Good news to report on front gate visitor access. The gate programming has been modified to accept phone numbers with area codes other than 941. This will permit residents that have phones with different areas codes (primarily, but not necessarily, mobile phones) to use their phones to answer access calls made from the front gate call box, and open the gate with these phones. There is also the possibility of having more than one phone number associated with a resident’s home, useful if both residents are only using cell phones. Testing is currently underway as there are some nuances that are being investigated. Will be making a report to Board in March on a recommended implementation plan.

Continue to work with Frontier Communications to resolve occasional issues as returning residents are utilizing their new bulk services. Quick reminder: when Inlets residents call Frontier, they MUST use the special HOA number: (844) 660-0648. Tell the customer representative you are in the Inlets of Nokomis Florida Homeowners Association. As an aside, if you have a landline from Frontier, it is in your interest to change it over to the $19.99 FDV (Frontier Digital Voice) service. It is a special rate negotiated for Inlets and is much cheaper than the standard Frontier phone offering (and just as good).

Will be installing a new phone system for the Inlets office in the upcoming week.

Several more committees have started evaluating the use of Google Groups to facilitate communications among members.

The existing CATV/Internet contract with Frontier (originally Verizon) expires in 2019. The Technology Committee is gearing up to negotiate a new contract, but we want to hear from residents as to what you like and don’t like about the current services, what channels you want/don’t want, and what you would like changed, etc. To that end, the Committee is preparing a questionnaire that will be sent out to all residents in the spring. If you have any question you would like to see on the questionnaire, please send your question/comment to .

Link to the current Homes for Sale:

Next page is MARCH 2018 CALENDARLink to the current calendar:










8:30am-CHCleaned9am-AquaDivaII9:30am-Stichers10am-MTennis 7pm-Poker




9am-Dance@ 10am-MixedTennis10am-Swimnastics11am-Yoga-Chair

HomeGarden 9am-AquaDivaII@







8:30am-CHCleaned9am-AquaDivaII9:30am-Stichers10am-MTennis 1pm-BookCLub@7pm-Poker




9am-Dance@ 10am-MixedTennis10am-Swimnastics11am-Yoga-Chair








8:30am-CHCleaned9am-AquaDivaII9:30am-Stichers10am-MTennis 7pm-Poker




9am-Dance@ 10am-MixedTennis10am-Swimnastics11am-Yoga-Chair







8:30am-CHCleaned9am-AquaDivaII9:30am-Stichers10am-MTennis 7pm-Poker




9am-Dance@ 10am-MixedTennis10am-Swimnastics11am-Yoga-Chair







8:30am-CHCleaned9am-AquaDivaII9:30am-Stichers10am-MTennis 7pm-Poker




9am-Dance@ 10am-MixedTennis10am-Swimnastics11am-Yoga-Chair
