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OBJECTIVE:Seeking employment as a Nondestructive Testing Technician utilizing my

specialized training and skills.

EDUCATION:Spartan College of Aeronautics & Technology, Tulsa, OK Grad: 00/00/00

Nondestructive Testing Technology


GPA if 3.0 or above

Educational experience in compliance with: ASNT: SNT-TC-1A, NAS410, ASME, AWS, ANSI/ASNT CP-189 RegulationsASM-MEI Certificate

Radiation Safety 180 hrs / Magnetic Particle Testing 60hrs
Radiography 180 hrs / Liquid Dye Penetrant 60hrs
Ultrasonic Inspection 180 hrs / Eddy Current Testing 180 hrs
Introduction to Materials & Processes60 hrs
Leak Testing, ASM-MEI Welding Inspection:Welding Codes & Standards 180 hrs

Welding Codes & Standards

The Welding Inspector

The Metric System, Welding Terms and Symbols

Basic Welding Metallurgy

Materials Control, Weld Joint Inspection and Temperature Control

Welding, Joining and Cutting Processes-I

Welding, Joining and Cutting Processes-II

Qualification of Welding Procedures, Welders and Welding Operation

Codes Governing Welding Inspection

Weldment Imperfections and Discontinuities

Chemical, Metallurgical and Mechanical Testing of Welds

Summary of Instruction for Quality Control:

Metrology/Blueprints: 180 Hrs(Precision Measuring Instruments, Drafting)

Statistical Quality Control: 180 Hrs(Statistical Process Control)

Manufacturing Processes: 180 Hrs(Metallurgy, Heat treating, Welding, Machining)

Total Quality Management:180 Hrs(Six Sigma, Lean Mfg, ISO 9001/2001)

Familiar with the following methods and instruments:

Magnetic Particle Testing
Magna-Tech Wet Horizontal-Contact and Coil
TSI Porta-Mag MP1000 (prods)
Magna Flux (yokes)
Ultrasonic Testing
Sonic-136 Staveley Instruments
Straight Beam, Angle Beam
Dac Curve, and Linearity Graph
Visual and Liquid Penetrant Testing
Visual and Fluorescent
Water Washable and Solvent Removable / Radiography Testing
Manual Film Processing
LoradLPX 160KV 5MA
Fuji Dynamix Series 5 CRT System
GE Nova Automatic processor
Eddy Current Testing
Nortec 1000 and 2000 Digital Readout
Nortec 23ST, Olympus 500
Conductivity Curve, Crack Detection, Nonconductive CoatingUsing Liftoff, and Aluminum Sorting


Begin with most resent employment and work back.

Company Name, City, State00/0000 – 00/0000

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