/ Project/Program Specialist and Project/Program Manager
Annual Performance Review Form
Employee’s Name: / Date:
Title: / Employee ID#:
Type Review: Annual / Rating Period From: / To:
Department or Unit: / Rater’s Name:
Hire Date: / Rater’s Title:
Present Rank: / Date Present Rank Achieved:
(1) / How well has the individual met expectations relative to each major job responsibility area? Rate each area’s performance: Exceeds Expectations (EE)/Above Average (AA)/Satisfactory (S)/Unsatisfactory (U).
Major Responsibility Area 1
EE / AA / S / U
Area 1 Fulfillment of Assigned Duties
Major Responsibility Area 2
EE / AA / S / U
Area 2 Fulfillment of Assigned Duties
Major Responsibility Area 3
EE / AA / S / U
Area 3 Fulfillment of Assigned Duties
Major Responsibility Area 4
EE / AA / S / U
Area 4 Fulfillment of Assigned Duties
Major Responsibility Area 5
EE / AA / S / U
Area 5 Fulfillment of Assigned Duties
Major Responsibility Area 6
EE / AA / S / U
Area 6 Fulfillment of Assigned Duties
(2) / To what extent has the individual exhibited or demonstrated superior performance of assigned duties as described in the documentation of activities? Exceeds Expectations (EE)/Above Average (AA)/Satisfactory (S)/Unsatisfactory (U).
Professional Growth / EE / AA / S / U
Initiative/Innovation / EE / AA / S / U
Efficiency/Productivity / EE / AA / S / U
Creativity / EE / AA / S / U
Communications - Written / EE / AA / S / U
Communications - Oral / EE / AA / S / U
Cooperation / EE / AA / S / U
Commitment / EE / AA / S / U
Dependability / EE / AA / S / U
Leadership / EE / AA / S / U
Attitude / EE / AA / S / U
Other: / EE / AA / S / U
(3) / How well has the individual met expectations in terms of overall job performance? Exceeds Expectations (EE)/Above Average (AA)/Satisfactory (S)/Unsatisfactory (U).
Overall Job Performance / EE / AA / S / U
Overall comments:
My supervisor and I have reviewed my performance evaluation and career opportunities. My comments on the evaluation are attached. (optional)
Signature of Employee / Date
Note: Signature does not necessarily mean agreement.
My employee and I have reviewed the employee’s evaluation, with all attachments, and discussed the employee’s career opportunities.
Signature of Immediate Supervisor(s) / Date
I have reviewed the employee’s performance evaluation and all attachments and concur with the overall rating.
Signature of Reviewing Official / Date