Distributed: 22 January 2009


Staffing Commission Meeting

Monday 12 January 2009

1.30 pm – 3.00 pm

Venue: Training and Conference Centre


Name / Designation / Name / Designation
Rosemary Hawley / Chair / Colin Rowling / Vice Chair
Karol Grabowski / Principal, Christ the King Centre for Learning
Peter Bradley / Principal, Kirkby Catholic Centre for Learning / Fr Nick Wilde / Kirkby Catholic Centre for Learning TGB
Bill Morris / Kirkby Sports College TGB
Ann Behan / Principal, Halewood Community Centre for Learning / John Cooper / Halewood Community Centre for Learning TGB
Madeleine Cotson / Principal, South Huyton Centre for Learning
Martyn Campbell / Principal, Prescot & Whiston Catholic Learning Centre
Marion Farrell / Principal, Prescot and Whiston Community Centre for Learning
John Mayes / Teachers Union / Jeff Bowe / UNISON on behalf of the Single Status Unions
Simon McEneny / Future Schooling in Knowsley Director, KMBC / Elaine Ayre / Service Director – Early Years and Schools Services
Jason Woodruff / Human Resources, KMBC / Mary Belchem / Transition Director, KMBC
Jane Janaway / FutureSchool in Knowsley Communications Officer, KMBC / Claire McNally / Children and Family Services, KMBC (Clerk)
Name / Designation / Name / Designation
Damian Allen / Executive Director of Children’s Services, KMBC / Dave Norton / Human Resources, KMBC
Fr Fintan O’Driscoll / Christ the King Centre for Learning TGB / Alan Bell / Liverpool Archdiocese and Diocese
Pam Jervis / Principal, KirkbySportsCollege Association of School & College Leaders / Steve Stewart / Service Director, Standards Taskforce, KMBC
Julie Young / Children’s Services Manager, KMBC / Maria Taylor / Lead Education Change Partner, KMBC
Mike Jones / Human Resources, KMBC / John Robson / Prescot & Whiston Catholic Learning Centre TGB
Cllr Dave Friar / Prescot & Whiston Community Learning Centre TGB / Cllr Graham Morgan / South Huyton Centre for Learning TGB
Name / Designation / Name / Designation
Dave Barkley / Parent Governor / Cllr Jayne Aston / Kirkby Community Centre for Learning TGB
Nathan Horum / Youth Parliament / Dave Norton / Human Resources, KMBC





Welcome / Rosemary Hawley welcomed Staffing Commission to a new year and invited Karol Grabowski to update the Staffing Commission on the opening of Christ the King Centre for Learning. Rt Hon Ed Balls, MP and SecretaryState for Children, Schools and Families, attended to open the Centre and was completely stunned by the look of the building, commenting it was the best entrance he had seen in over 150 schools.
Karol Grabowski informed Staffing Commission that the Rt Hon Ed Balls spoke with lots of children and young people as well as staff, and met the student researchers who played a key role in the design of the Centre for Learning. The immense hard work undertaken by his staff and all gave a good lasting impression.
Acknowledgements by Karol Grabowski were made to Julie Young, Dave Roscoe and the Education Change Partners, all of whom had undertaken a huge amount of work with lots of effort and very long hours, which everyone was very grateful of.
Elaine Ayre also acknowledged the Future Schooling in Knowsley Team who were very hard working on a practical note to ensure systems were in place which ensured the Centre for Learning could operate properly. They also undertook lots of heavy work and unpacking to ensure everything was in place on time.
Ann Behan supported the acknowledgements and reiterated what a very good learning experience it had been. Staff, including those from the Directorate of Neighbourhood Delivery had worked long hours, up until midnight, to ensure everything was in place.
There would be 2 more launch events, the local event on Friday 16 January 2009 and the borough wide event for all 7 Centres on Wednesday 21 January 2009.
Elaine Ayre advised the Staffing Commission that the Centre for Learning was unique in that it was joint faith and it would therefore unite the community, putting an emphasis on liturgy which would not apply to some of the other Centres for Learning. It would be critical to establish the ethos and culture from day 1.





(continued) / Ann Behan was formally thanked for her supportive role at Christ the King Centre for Learning. All Principals would have the opportunity to provide this supporting role to all Centres for Learning across Knowsley.
Feedback from young people at Christ the King Centre for learning was very positive. All staff had been inducted into the new spaces with 100% team effort and commitment now taking place.
All young people attending Christ the King Centre for learning were treated as VIPs, given handshakes and a pack when they entered on their first day. A huge concentrated effort for their first few days on site was made on moving around the spaces, which was hugely demanding but well worth the effort.
Madeleine Cotson offered congratulations on the smooth opening of Christ the King Centre for Learning and requested the Staffing Commission recognised the time and effort that was needed to open the new centres. In light of this, it was suggested that a revisit of the proposal was needed quickly to be able to learn from the experience.
John Mayes stated that he would liaise with colleagues and representatives to keep in touch and resolve any negative politics and matters that would arise.
Karol Grabowski encouraged colleagues and reiterated that he was very happy for colleagues to bring any visitors to Christ the King Centre for Learning to view the finished result and walk around the new spaces. It was suggested that visits should commence with senior leadership teams and be cascaded down to all staff. All visits would be co-ordinated through the Future Schooling in Knowsley Team and Simon McEneny.
Simon McEneny confirmed that hand over of Halewood Centre for Learning would be in 7 weeks time and that it would remain empty until June 2009. This would provide an opportunity for young people to use the space and view the centre without any disruption. Elaine Ayre and Simon McEneny would have a planning meeting to evaluate how this would operate. / SMc





(continued) / Elaine Ayre advised the Staffing Commission that as there would be 3 Centres for Learning opening in September 2009, there would be a need to bring in additional support as it took a large number of officers to support the opening of Christ the King Centre for Learning. When a full evaluation had been completed on the opening of Christ the King Centre for Learning, there would be a meeting to include all 3 Principals to discuss and plan for the September 2009 openings. There was a need to go out to tender as soon as possible for this additional support. / EA/SMc
Minutes of Previous
Matters Arising / The minutes from the meeting of 3 November 2008were agreed as an accurate and true record with the exception of the following changes:
Doug Hinsley and Mary Belchem were in attendance at the meeting.
Simon McEneny confirmed to the Staffing Commission that in relation to the Community Facilities and Access to Services Policy, the accountability of the building was to the Local Authority as it would not be a school entity at the end of school hours.
Future Schooling in Knowsley Programme
- Community Facilities and Access to Services / Simon McEneny updated the Staffing Commission on the Community Facilities and Access to Services Policy. A report had been approved by Cabinet on 10 December 2008. Test modelling had commenced and the 3 steering groups established. The Executive Management Board would meet today. The new posts had not been appointed to yet as they would be tested first until the Summer of 2009 under Mark Appleton, Future Schooling in Knowsley Programme Manager.
Simon McEneny confirmed to Staffing Commission that space in the Centres for Learning would be advertised with the possibility of open evenings and weekends to allow the community to view the facilities.





Future Schooling in Knowsley Programme
- Communication
Update / Jane Janaway updated the Staffing Commission on the Ministerial launch last week. The media was in attendance which included 3 radio stations, the Liverpool Echo, the Post and the Challenge which resulted in Christ the King Centre for Learning being featured on the day and also the following day. The launch was extremely successful with all positive comments.
There would be a smaller media focus at the local launch on Friday 16 January 2009 with a build up to a larger focus for the borough launch on Wednesday 21 January 2009. There would be the unveiling of a plaque by the 2 Bishops and a planting of a tree to mark the occasion on Wednesday 21 January 2009.
There had been lots of interest on the opening of Christ the King Centre for Learning and to enable the interest to keep going throughout the year, Jane Janaway updated the Staffing Commission on the bus. The bus was completed outside and looked fantastic but was yet to be fitted out inside. There would be a special media launch at the end of February 2009. The bus would then be taken around all Centres for Learning and all schools. Exhibitions within the bus would change throughout the year with a finale at the end of the year with a special exhibition.
Jane Janaway advised Staffing Commission that there had been much debate in relation to naming the bus and that a competition had been run before Christmas on what to call it. However, due to timing, it had been agreed to extend the closing date further and for Jane Janaway to circulate the leaflets once again. The prize winner for naming the bus would receive an IPOD. There was also a competition for naming a Personalised Learning Environment and the prize winner for that would receive a digital camera.
Jane Janaway advised the Staffing Commission that the Local Authority had recently received 2 awards within the National Partnerships for Schools Excellence in Building Schools for the Future. The 2 categories won were for Most Promising Transformational Learning Strategy and Innovation in Student Engagement.
The Knowsley News had been circulated last term and contained a 4 page pull-out feature explaining the Centres for Learning and included ‘meet the new Principals’ on the back with their photographs. Formal thanks to all principals for their entries. The January 2009 issue had gone to print with an 8 page pull-out of Christ the King Centre for Learning. Distribution was expected by the end of January 2009. / JJ





Future Schooling in Knowsley Programme
- Communication
(continued) / Jane Janaway also advised Staffing Commission that there would an issue of Spotlight (which was internal news) distributed during January 2009 and that copies would be circulated.
The focus in the Communications Team was looking ahead and planning the launches to come. Simon McEneny suggested involving as many Principals as possible at each launch as it would provide an opportunity to invite them up onto the stage and introduce them to the community. It was agreed that all Principals would check their availability and confirm to Simon McEneny.
Any media queries would be directed to Jane Janaway who would continue to also be the main contact for advice. / JJ
Human Resources
- Update and
Next Steps / Jason Woodruff updated Staffing Commission on the TUPE process and circulated an information briefing sheet on the TUPE transfer of ICT staff to Research Machines. The original dates outlined in the previous minutes of the Staffing Commission dated 3 November 2008 for transfer of staff was revised with a consultation with all ICT staff undertaken on 10 December 2008.
In early 2009, Research Machines would complete one-to-one meetings with ICT staff and currently there would be 11 staff on the list, all of whom Research Machines have confirmed they would need to delivery the contract.
Jason Woodruff further updated Staffing Commission on the TUPE transfer of Premises Staff to Balfour Beatty Workplace (previously named Haydens). The original intention for Balfour Beatty Workplace was to transfer all staff on 24 November 2008, however this did not happen following challenge from Human Resources and Future Schooling in Knowsley. All trade unions were fully updated and relationships were positive in relation to the transfer of staff.
Jason Woodruff would be holding a meeting tomorrow to scope out what interim services would be needed in secondary schools until the Centres for Learning come on board.
Jeff Bowe noted to Staffing Commission that the moving timescales for staff had been difficult and that to have definite dates now was useful as staff now know when and where they are moving to. / JW





Human Resources
- Update and
Next Steps
(continued) / Jason Woodruff updated Staffing Commission on Phase 2 of the recruitment process and advised that there were 69 vacancies across the system which had been ring fenced and advertised to all teaching and non-teaching staff. Only 27 expressions of interest had been received. More work was needed with Principals to ensure that Phase 2 was completed before moving onto Phase 3.
Jason Woodruff proposed and Staffing Commission agreed to move onto Phase 3 in February 2009 and to look at remaining roles as lots of people had not expressed an interest.
Ann Behan had met with Jason Woodruff to discuss ring fenced posts in Phase 2 for Halewood Centre for Learning as there was a need to fast track vacancies to ensure the February deadline date for resignations was not missed. Approval was therefore sought from Staffing Commission and agreed to fast track the posts in Halewood Centre for Learning.
Jason Woodruff advised Staffing Commission that Human Resources would create a list of all staff and would meet with trade unions to share this information to ensure all staff would be supported.
Ann Behan highlighted an issue with Newly Qualified Teachers to the Staffing Commission. All contracts for Newly Qualified Teachers were temporary and as such, despite staff being interested in posts within the Centres for Learning, they could not apply. Jason Woodruff advised that not all staff had formal access to posts which would have been useful, and proposed that Premises Officers now received access, to which Staffing Commission agreed. / JW
Firm Foundations
- Standards
Taskforce / Mary Belchem provided an update to Staffing Commission on the Standards Taskforce and advised that 2 people had been recruited, 1 at Christ the King Centre for Learning and 1 KS2/3 project based learning. Every head of department had been visited and it had been noted that there were not enough specialist teachers in English and mathematics.
The results from early entry to GCSEs were expected this week.




Firm Foundations
- Standards
(continued) / Mary Belchem had contacted all Higher Education institutions to offer a bursary scheme with incentives, which had been received extremely well with lots of excitement and was therefore very keen to ensure the Higher Education institutions had an opportunity to visit the Centres for Learning. Feedback from students was that they were extremely keen and wanted to work in Knowsley. There would be a possibility to establish something similar to ‘Teach First’ only it would be ‘Knowsley First’.
There was a need in Knowsley to either retrain staff in Knowsley or provide incentive schemes. Key Stage 2 teachers could also demonstrate to colleagues on how they could develop. Advertisements would commence again but it was extremely important to try and keep the staff we currently have in Knowsley and offer incentives. Mary Belchem suggested to Staffing Commission that Knowsley create a way for nominations to be received for Newly Qualified Teachers and students within Higher Education were recommendations could be received.
Martyn Campbell advised the Staffing Commission that the same situation was occurring across other departments in addition to English and mathematics, such as drama and that it was extremely important to provide Newly Qualified Teachers the opportunity to express an interest in posts available.
Colin Rowling reiterated to the Staffing Commission the Merseyside and Cheshire Graduate Scheme and that whilst students were not teachers they would support in school and work to become teachers if trained up.
Marion Farrell requested that advertisements should now be made for specific Centres for Learning rather than a pool so staff felt they belong to one place.
Staffing Commission agreed to the need to move to Phase 3 of the recruitment process as soon as possible.