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pasta Chef of the Year

Enter now and it could be you!

Following on from thesuccess of last year’s Pasta Chef of the Year Competition we’ll once again be looking for the best pasta chefs across the UK. The competition will be held in conjunction with the existing pizza chef quest, taking in five regional heats and a grand final. We’ve teamed up again with pasta manufacturer Keck to create a competition with two categories.
The Pasta and Sauce category will be broken into two categories: Short cut Pasta – Trivelli and Rigatoni, and Long cut Pasta – Tagliatelli and Pappardell.
Contestants are required to create a pasta dish for each of the two categories using either of the nominated products. Contestants may enter up to two recipes in each category.
Free samples of Keck pasta will be sent to the entrants from UK distributors, Food Team for experimentation and design.
/ How to enter
1. Please send your name, full address and Tel no by 15th June to register your entry and your sample products will arrive late July/early August
2. Experiment and create your unique recipes to showcase the sponsors products
3. Submit your recipes by using the on-line entry form on the website by 25th August.
or contact
Caron Parry on Tel: 01291 636 346

How it works
In each category, chefs must create a unique dish or an innovative re-imagining of a classic dish. Judges will be specifically looking to see how the dish showcases the pasta chosen, along with the commercial viability, overall composition, flavour and appeal. Please note that ‘Al Forno’ dishes will be very difficult to produce due to time and oven restrictions at the competitions.
Written entries will be selectedby a panel of judges to goforward into one of five regionalheats. In these live events,entrants will prepare their pastadishes for judging and each ofthe two category winners willgo forward to compete in thefinal on 16th November 2017 atthe ‘European Pizza and Pasta Show’ – Olympia, London.
Judging in the final will be apanel of experts in the industryled by celebrity chef Theo Randall. Thewinners of each category andthe overall Pasta Chef of theYear Award winner will beannounced at the AwardsDinner at the Hotel Lancaster, London on the evening of 16thNovember 2017, and willreceive a trophy, considerablepublicity and the kudos thatthis competition confers. TheOverall Pasta Chef of the Yearwill also receive a cheque for£500.