PFSA AGM Meeting Minutes: 17 October 2017

Attendees: MC, TC, JJ, AS, LL, CP, AA, AL, FF, LA, CL, AC, A?, PW, GH

Apologies:JN, KW, SR, JD, KW, CG, KJ, CA

Race Night:

Need 50 attendees to break even. At the time of the meeting, only 3 tickets sold. Tickets need to be booked by 1st Nov to guarantee Race Night guy and Fish & Chips order.

JJ confirmed she was happy to accept payment in cash at office and to ask ND to put into Wisepay as usual.

ACTION:AS to ask Class Reps to promote the event, stressing it is strictly over 18s

ACTION: MC to encourage the staff to attend

Christmas Market:

As last year, the event will be held outside.

22-24 external stalls have already been booked and paid for. (£25 per stall for non-parents)

Discussed that Pizza and Dad’s BBQ will be the only food else it is spread too thinly and not economical for stall holders.

Suggested stalls are:

  • Chocolate tombola
  • Kids bottle combola
  • Adult bottle tombola
  • Hairspray
  • Face painting
  • Jolly Jars
  • Silver Games
  • Teddy Tombola
  • Arts and Crafts
  • Mulled Wine/Bar
  • Café
  • Toys & Games
  • Books
  • Wrap a Present
  • Raffle
  • Father Christmas and helper
  • Cakes & Bakes
  • Entertainment – Chior, Music, etc

ACTION: AS to ask for year groups to run stalls and suggest others

Note: AC volunteered to do the Craft Stall with some friends

ACTION: CP to ask JN re: ordering books and taking any leftover stock from last year into account

It was discussed that the Auction be moved from the Christmas Market and either put in its own event or moved to the Glow Show.However, both the Auction and Raffle will go ahead.

ACTION: AS to ask Class Reps to spread the word about finding Raffle Prizes.

Funding Requests:

1)Mrs Knight has requested money to improve the Reception classes outside play area. She requested £1.3k for 2 sheds (£339 each) and 2 sets of fencing (£195 each). This was approved.

2)Mr Murton as requested £10k to fully complete the revamp of the Reception Classes area. This was approved.

ACTION: AS to publicise that this is the purpose of all the fund raising this year.

3)MC requested 8 notice boards, in House colours to put in the Hall for certificates of achievement at a cost of £589.44. This was approved.

4)KW has requested a Coin Counter as the current one does not count the new £1. They look to be about £75 and save volunteers time! Approved.

5)Discussed funding a pathway using the “Odd Dog Out” book as a theme. The idea was well received, but there was not time to fully work out the details in the meeting.

ACTION: CL to work with MC/FD.

AOB - School Funding:

Easyfundraising - AA mentioned that this is a great way for us to raise funds for school.

ACTION: AS to publicise this via Class Reps

Funding through Supermarkets – AC mentioned that we should try to get ourselves voted for in the big supermarket community fund schemes

ACTION: AC to speak to PM about this

AOB - School Photos:

AS had been approached asking her to represent parents in their thoughts that the school photos were not great. There had been a lot of comments on FB etc.

MC and TC requested that this be handled through the school office. Upset parents should contact info@ with constructive criticism.

ACTION: CP to log this on FB

Date for next meeting:

Tuesday 9th Jan 7:30pm. Main Hall.