Check out the customer folder in Toolkit and open an ArcMap project, contained within the customer folder (you can also complete the steps below, in ArcMap, outside of Toolkit)

Turning on the Spatial Analyst Extension

With ArcMap open…

On the file menu, click on Customize and selecting Extensions

Place a check mark next to Spatial Analyst

Click on the Close button

Create a graphic to define the area

On the drawing Toolbar, select the polygon option and draw in a graphic representing the area of interest (within the data view)

Create a ¼ mile buffer around the defined area

Make sure the graphic, defining the area in question, is selected (if not, use the select elements tool to select it)

Click on the Buffer button on the Toolkit Toolbar

Buffer the selected graphics in the view (select Polygons)

Verify that a check mark use only selected features\graphics

Clickthe Next button

Set buffer width to 1320 feet

Select outside polygon(s) and include inside

Save the resulting shapefile in C:\Temp and name the file area_buffer.shp

Click the Finish button

Add the Fire Risk Analyst Layer to the Project

Click on the Add data button

Navigate to F:\geodata\forestry\fire_risk_analysis

Select the Fire Risk Analysis (2016 Final).lyr file and click the Add button

Run Zonal Statistics

On the File menu, click on Geoprocessing and select Search For Tools(a search window will open)

Within the search window, type in ‘zonal statistics’…as you type, you’ll see two options, select zonal statistics as table (spatial analyst)

Click on zonal statistics as table (spatial analyst) from the results area (a new window will open)

Set the ‘Input raster or feature zone data’ as the area_bufferlayer

Set the ‘Input value raster’ as the fire risk raster (i.e. the fra_2016_F layer)

Verify that the Ignore ‘NoData in calculations’ is checked

From the Statistics Type dropdown menu, select MEAN

Click the OK button

View the MEAN value for the buffered area

After Zonal Statistics have been run, the Table of Contents view will switch to List by Source and the resulting table will be selected (i.e. ZonalSt_shp1)

Right click on the table and select Open

The MEAN value will be listed under the last column (see below for results)