CQuINS Meeting

11th May

11.00am – 3.00pm



Julia Hill (Chair)Christine Sheridan

Donna MckenzieLucy Evans

Sue Knights Janet Duffin

Zara Gross Denise Inskip

Lisa Cunnington Julie Jan

Lorraine Winship Louise Wilson

Oliver BatesonAnthony Lezard

Sue ReidJanet Thomas

Angela Hoyes

1. Welcome and Introductions / Actions
Welcome and introductions
2. Apologies for absences
3. Minutes of the last Meeting
9th February 2010
Typo noted from LC in Matters arising not on the agenda “deleted measures form (sic) urology”.
4. Matters arising not on the agenda
Document download: Some of the team had problems opening several documents at once. Issue resolved: Separate tabs.
Developing web based training: JH and LS will be looking ast taking this forward, the training will enable Individuals to select a specific topic,and access from their desktop.
Training of reviewers: OB advised that QMs can register reviewers on CQuINS Which is often quicker than trying to regioster through the organisation
Evidence Guides: .Radiotherapy,Childrens and Head and Neck are now on CQuINS, Colorectal will be available shortly
5.Update on developments
5.1Change requests / Support log
  • Oliver has informed group that CQuins are developing a new support system in association with other Mayden health systems.There is no specific time scale when this will be completed.
  • There will also be a filter to know which zone the individual is from reporting the problem. Enabling the QMs to review issues within their zone.

5.2Format of Self Assessment Matrix
There are still some issues with the SA matrix for the network which include;
  • Not all measures can be seen in full. OB will look into increasing the row height. This will also need to be done once comments are made in the other sections but this will need to be carried out by the authors.
  • The documents identified on the matrix for Locality and Network need to be renamed as they currently state the NDT documents
  • OB looked agreed to look at a tool which would calculate the percentage at the bottom of the matrix would be useful
5.3Attach documents screen
Attach documents screen: The 1A’s and 1C’s- measures are now linked and the documents need only be uploaded the once.
OB demonstrated some mock up screens showing the merged assess and attach documents in one screen. There was discussion regarding the best view to ensure all the relevant details were showing and it was agreed that it was best to have each measure on one line and the left hand bar hidden . OB will implement the change
5.4Patient User Access
LW will link with Catriona Calvert to discuss arecommendation going to organisations
5.5Registration updates
Martine at Mayden has sent an email to leads asking for them to review their user list. Zonal teams to be copied into this.
5.6Network Summary Upload Page
It was agreed that the network summary page should have freeze frame for measures and trust names so that they are viewed easily. The same will be added to the peer review dates.
5.7Network Access to Trusts-read only
Network and PCT access has been changed so they can only have write access to their own information.
6. CQuINS user Report
OB presented information on user statistics, this included;
  • There have been 4522 log ins.
  • Seven minutes is the average time a user is on CQuINS.
  • There are quite a lot of inactive users, however this is partly due to phasing ofreview dates.
  • The support calls have been quite low. The new support system will be able to show more detail.
7 New Developments
7.1 CQuINS Developments
OB provided detail regarding recent developments on CQuINS including;
  • Default to highest of your permissions/cycle for assessment type (BUTTON) when assessing
  • Support organisation structure by selected year
  • 2010/11 Functionality issues (e.g. peer review schedule)
  • Ability to hide team sections for a specific year only this function is available to QM’s
  • Peer reviewers can be added by QM’s – It was agreed these should be registered under their home network
  • Network and Trust leads can now approve users directly using the team admin screen, and also send reminders, remove, add permissions as required.
  • Spell check is now available on all the reports.
The Childrens colorectal, CRN and Head and Neck configurations are now on CQuINS. QMs and Networks need to review and advise if there any changes required.
8 Feedback from Users
  • Reviews: Some users can not remove the dummy trust from homepage-the homepage should have the individuals. It was agreed that all new users will have a default home page for their own organisation.
  • LC advised that if the registration for reviewers was to be carried out by the QMs then the slides for training need to be changed-Catriona.
  • Zones will be able to send their reviewer database to CQuINS to check that all had been given access to CQuINS. Any users who are not on the database can be removed
9 Any Other Urgent Business
Linking measures: LC asked if there had been any further work on linking measures. It was agreed that there was work to do in identifying which measures should be linked before CQuINS were able to do anything. / OB