Annual Meeting
May 14, 2005
SelkirkCollege, Castlegar, BC
PRESENT:Lesley AndertonSelkirkCollege
Jennifer GetsingerCapilanoCollege
Mary Lou BevierUniversity of British Columbia
Ed SwansonCollege of the Rockies
Tark HamiltonCamosunCollege
George SpenceUniversity of Victoria
Ed FreyThompsonRiversUniversity
John MartinKwantlenUniversityCollege
Ken ShawNorthwestCommunity College
Mark SmithLangaraCollege (Chair of Meeting)
Michael Wilson DouglasCollege
Des WilsonDouglasCollege (Administrative Liaison)
Frank Fowler SelkirkCollege
Terry NeufeldtTrinityWesternUniversity
REGRETS:Maggie McCollMalaspinaUniversityCollege
Robbie Dunlop SFU
John Greenough OkanaganUniversityCollege
Teena DellaHigh School Representative
Meeting called to order at 9:00 am by Mark Smith (Chair) and agenda approved. Motion to approve by Mary Lou Bevier (UBC) and seconded by John Martin (KUC).
Round table introductions. Welcome to new members Ed Swanson (COTR), George Spence (UVIC)and Ed Frey (TRU). Mark Smith(LANG) agreed to be recording secretary.
Upon review some changes are required for the 2004 minutes. Once completed the revised 2004 minutes will be accepted. Motion to approve by Mary Lou Bevier (UBC) and seconded by John Martin (KUC).
Matters include:
a. Misspelling of Volcanologist on page two
b. Replace ‘courses’ with ‘tests’ at the end of UCC report
c. Remove second sentence of NWCC report as it erroneously says that geology is not offered due to difficulties with credit transfer. Ken Shaw, NWCC representative, assured committee that this is not the case. Instead geology will be offered as soon as the opportunity arises.
ACTION: Mark Smith to edit 2004 minutes and pass to all members for final approval.
5.0 CHAIR’S REPORT – Mark Smith (LAN)
a. Articulation Chairs Meeting
From Des Wilson (DC) who attended the Articulation Chairs Meeting (Feb 2005) there is a concern over the availability of funding for institution representatives to attend annual articulation meetings. Some persons who attended the chairs meeting in Feb were unaware or misinformed about funding sources and items that are, and are not covered. Des assured all at the meeting that there is sufficient funding available to cover expenses through each person’s institute. What’s more he emphasized that there is an expectation that each institute will send a representative to the annual meeting.
Each person in attendance was given the opportunity to speak about the geology program at their institute. Most representatives distributed paper copies of institutional reports which outline in detail the information about each school. Please refer to copies of these reports for more information. The following is a summary of some of the more pertinent points that were discussed.
a. Douglas – Michael Wilson – written report distributed
New course numbers for geology courses.
b. NWCC – Ken Shaw – written report distributed
New Exploration and Mining Program at NWCC Smithers Campus
c. Kwantlen - John Martin - written report distributed
Geol 1210 “Our Changing Earth” is a four credit course. The 4 hour lab section constitutes the additional 4th credit.
d. TWU – Terry Neufeldt - written report distributed
e. UBC – Mary Lou Bevier - written report distributed
UBC EOS has consolidated all their first year EOSC lab courses into one single lab offering. Instead of distinctive labs for each first year offering (EOSC 110, 112, 114 or 116) a modular “Exploration of Planet Earth” lab, EOSC 111 will be offered starting Fall 2005. Transfer students may not take this lab course if they are transferring to UBC an equivalent 3 credit, first year geology course.
Regarding the start-up of UBC – Okanagan July 1, 2005, Earth Science at UBC – Vancouver will remain distinct from Earth Science at UBC - Okanagan. According to Mary Lou, who emphasized the point that very little information is forthcoming from the administration regarding how UBC – Okanagan will operate, the Earth Science courses presently at OUC will be the courses offered at UBC – Okanagan. When asked about credit transfer between UBC – Okanagan and UBC – Vancouver, to the best of her knowledge Mary Lou said that students transferring from the Okanagan to Vancouver are subject to the present transfer agreement.
In future, if UBC decides to restructure 2nd or 3rd year course offering, they will consider inviting a representative of the articulation committee to attend discussions so that they can report back to the other committee members.
f. Camosun – Tark Hamilton - written report distributed
g. COTR – Ed Swanson - written report distributed
h. Frank Fowler – Selkirk - written report distributed
The subject of school liability came up during Frank’s presentation. A general consensus emerged that school administrators are apparently, in some cases, anxious about student field trips and are, therefore, hesitant about supporting them. The main concern appears to be liability. The agreement among all committee members is that student field trips are a vital part of all geology course/programs and should be offered whenever possible. On the question of liability, it was also agreed that schools already have, in place, sufficient liability insurance to cover their day-to-day operations and that a properly advertised and operated field trip does not impose an unreasonable burden upon the school. It was also agreed in the discussion that whenever possible school field trips should be mandatory since these provide an important link between the classroom course work and the outside world.
i. TRU – Ed Frey– written report distributed
j. Capilano - Jennifer Getsinger - written report distributed
k. UVIC – George Spence - no written report distributed
The emphasis at UVIC SEOS is on ocean science. Their intent is to make Earth Science a component of Oceanography degrees. Also ocean science is to be emphasized when it come to planning new positions within the department.
New course offered through SEOS is a 2nd year math course in part taught be SEOS instructors.
Transfer students comprise approximately 60% of the students at UVIC.
l. Langara – Mark Smith no written report distributed
LangaraCollegecontinues to offer two first year courses: Intro Geology and Historical Geology. Both courses remain popular with student enrollment for all sections at capacity. The second year geography course – GEOG 2290, which also articulates as a geology course at some schools, also remains popular with students.
End of institutional reports.
There is one outstanding issue from the TIP project report presented at the 2004 Earth Science Articulation meeting. Upon acceptance of the report by the articulation committee in 2004 it was decided that the next step was to discuss with each of the receiving universities whatever aspects of the report caused them some concern. This was to be accomplished by a series of meetings between a representative of each university and another member of the articulation committee. It has also since been decided that this new project would be managed by Maggie McColl at MalaspinaUniversityCollege. Over the course of the past year, scheduling conflicts have prevented any interviews from happening. Members at this years meeting decided that, over the next year, the committee would work toward trying to resolve any outstanding issues arising from the TIP project and report back at the 2006 meeting. It is hoped that in 2006 there will be a joint geography/geology articulation meeting where a follow up to the report can be tabled.
ACTION: Mark Smith will contact Maggie and Robbie to discuss the status of the project and help plan meetings between university representatives and committee members.
Prior to the 2005 Earth Science Articulation meeting, BCCAT contacted the Earth Science Articulation Chair to introduce a new web link between the BCCAT transfer guide and APEGBC. The purpose of the new web link is to allow students, through BCCAT, to assess information about APEGBC, the courses they require for certification as a geoscientist and the institutes where these courses are offered. BCCAT wants to ensure that the information on these websites is up to date and correct.
Upon an initial review of the websites it became apparent that there is some room for improvement. It was decided by the committee that APEGBC may want to consider deleting the first paragraph from their website. This is the paragraph that lists all the first year earth science/oceans-atmosphere/physical geography courses that are not required by APEGBC but are prerequisites for other required courses. The reason being is that there are too many courses to list, as most institutes offer any number of these courses and that it might cause less confusion if, at this point on the APEGBC website, prospective students were simply referred to the BCCAT website. For example, it states on the APEGBC website that there is no course equivalent to historical geology at UBC, when a search of the BCCAT transfer grid reveals that there is indeed an equivalent course, EOSC 222. The addition of TRU and the impending replacement of OUC with UBC – Okanagan may be another reason why a simpler approach to first year courses is desirable.
It was also agreed that all members of the articulation committee will review the information at the BCCAT – APEGBC websites and confirm the information for their institute is correct and up to date. Any corrections, questions or concerns they have will be directed toward the committee chair, Mark Smith, who will forward them to Stephanie Oldford at BCCAT.
a. Future Articulation Meeting Date
Subject to confirmation with John Greenough at OUC and the Geography Articulation Committee, the 2006 Earth Science Articulation meeting will be a joint meeting with Geography at UBC – Okanagan on May 13, 2006. If UBC – Okanagan cannot host the meeting then 2006 articulation will be a joint meeting hosted by NWCC in Terrace, also on May 13, 2006. If NWCC cannot host, then UBC – Vancouver will host an Earth Sciences only meeting on May 13, 2006.
b. New Chair
Mark Smith (LANG) has agreed to be chair of the Earth Sciences Articulation Committee for another year.
c. Field Trip Liability
On the subject of student field trips and liability it is agreed that a letter will be sent to the Ministry of Advanced Education, BCCAT, and all colleges and university that teach geology as part of their curriculum emphasizing the importance of field trips as an essential part of many geology courses. What’s more this letter is to express our concern that these trips may be adversely affected by peoples concern about liability and that this should not be an issue that dictates whether or not a trip is offered. It is the expressed opinion of all members of the Earth Science Articulation Committee that if a field trip is conducted in a responsible manner then the insurance coverage all schools already have in place is sufficient to cover all contingences.
ACTION: Mark Smith and Des Wilson are to draft letter, circulate to all members for approval and prepare final copy for delivery.
d. Resource Material
New publications brought to peoples attention include:
Mary Lou’s new field geology textbook
Cathy Hickson’s new book on Mt.St. Helens
The new Geoscape Canada map by the GSC
A new on-line computer game by the GSC
Motion to adjourn by Terry Neufeldt (TWU), seconded by Mark Smith (LANG).
Meeting adjourned at 3:00 pm. Many thanks to Frank Fowler and Lesley Anderton of SelkirkCollege for organizing this years meeting.