University Staff Council Minutes


  1. Max Seymour called the May 15, 2007 meeting of the University Staff Council to order at 2:04 PM.
  1. The following members were present and welcomed.

Members in attendance were:

Council Member Term




/ Meetings Held Since Appointment / Meetings Attended Since Appointment
Kim Muller, Past President / 1 / / 36 / 28
Gail Hall 2008 / 4 /


/ 5 / 4
Cornelsen, Kimberly (vp) 2008 / 1 /


/ 12 / 11
Gisch, JoAnna 2008 / 3 /


/ 12 / 10
Gore, Marga 2008 / 4 /


/ 12 / 10
Harnish, Bill 2007 / 6 /


/ 19 / 13
McCune, Shelly 2008 / 5 /


/ 5 / 4
Moore, Kyle 2008 / 1 /


/ 12 / 8
Ottoson, Carolyn 2007 / 3 /


/ 25 / 24
Reagan, Michael 2007 / 5 /


/ 25 / 21
Seymour, Max (President) 2007 / 1 /


/ 24 / 21
Schiller, Jack 2007 / 7 / / 10 / 5
Taff, Pat 2007 / 4 / / 10 / 6
Wieck, Fred 2008 / 7 /


/ 12 / 8
Wieck, Yvonne 2008 / 3 / / 12 / 10
Wilson, Kina (secretary) 2008 / 4 /


/ 12 / 9

Approve Minutes for April, Michael made motion to accept April minutes with suggested corrections, Joanna made second. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report – no report given.

Committee Reports

Public Relations – Michael: Need more nominations for May and June. Was suggested to put it out on the university wide e-mail and also to announce winners to everyone.

Old Business -

·  Staff Development Program – Good program on Shooter Awareness, possibly make it staff/faculty mandatory to attend. Last one scheduled for May 16th.

·  Elections – Ballots went out May 14th.

·  Staff General Meeting – Scheduled for May 29, staff council should be there at 2 p.m. to set-up.

·  Staff Employee of the Month recognition reception – Tentatively scheduled for the afternoon of Tuesday, June 26. Have ballots out to university staff/faculty for all 12 employee of the month by June 20th to vote for university employee of the year.

·  New Business – Need to form a committee for employee of the month to purchase really great gifts.

Other – Gail asked if we could offer tuition assistance to retirees. Kina is to check with Debbie Huff in Personnel about this and look in previous minutes.

Max suggested that next year the council look for some way to award council members for serving.

Motion to adjourn was made by Kina, Michael second. Meeting adjourned 3:50p.m.

Next meeting: Tuesday, June 19, 2007, 2:00 p.m., JBK Room 11

Submitted by Kina Wilson