Parish of Calcasieu

Board of School Directors

Lake Charles, LA

Dr. D. Perkins, President

Jno. McNeese, Supt., Secy. and Treas.

F. M. Hamilton, Asst. Supt.

Miss Olive Huey, Asst. Secy.


Dear Emma-

I am feeling well enough to write. We are just back from a Revival meeting under the auspices of theMethodist church in a big tent on the vacant lot a cross from the Majestic. The meeting promises to be a success. All denomination are participating except the Baptist. They are already belonging to the Lord & do not need salvation. But I tell you a great many need to be saved.

I will try to be up soon. I want to stay up in the 7 ward sometime when I do go. I am going out on the Lacasine tomorrow to be gone 2 days


I am yet afflicted, my hands are almost gone back on me. I can hardly button my clothes, I can write you & others, but I do not try to write much. It is a job.

Ma has about 50 young chickens off. Tho Sunday, we had to make a battle with mites. We have a fine lot of hens. Buffs & R.I. Reds. We have set two over Burred Plym Rocks. We expect to eat them. I believe after all,that it pays to have chickens to eat. Right now they are not producing eggs.


Well we have sold the old place on Reid St.Did not get much. It was depreciating so fast –wearing out that nothing would have sold but the lots. It took about all to pay off the mortgage on it from the Home Association. So now I have the farm clear of debt. When I pay up on the South Hodges. I will be out of debt, I may have enough left to put up a windmill with tank for water works, with which to irrigate. Ma wants another room to this house. We are short of rooms.


I hope you had some rain. We had some, but not enough I fear. The dust is yet laid but the sun is again getting hot.

Jno has quite a lot of winter stuff coming. Has a good lot cabbage out from plants raised in boxes.

Our irish potatoes came up too late. Sweet potatoes the finest, we ever raised. Yellow yams, sweet as can be. Well, hoping all are well, I am your loving parent