Minutes for Honors Board
The meeting came to order at 1:30 pm in Cohodas 201L.
1. Steve Oates served as recording secretary for this version of the minutes.
2.Minutes were approved for the last meeting.
3. Director’s Report
A. Calendar—trip abroad went well. Senior TAish student provided peer mentoring. A great cultural experience was had by all.
B. NCHC deadline: This coming Monday 3/20. Conference to be held in Philadelphia 15-19 November 2006.
C. Upper Midwest Honors Conference 30 March-1 April, 2006. NMU students are on that panel.
D. Honors Program Banquet—Tuesday April 4, 2006.
E. University Honors Banquet—Bill Knox will be the guest speaker. Tuesday April 11th.
F. HPER scuffle.
G. Education Dept. Should the Ed. Dept. be allowed to nominate more than one distinguished graduate. No proposal was put forward to change the policy.
H. HSO Forum— Wednesday 12 April 2006—Topic: University Issues
I. Applications for the Mary L. Campbell Scholarship are in. Academic and need based. All board members will rank them separately.
J. Fund request. Service trip for four Honors students proposed by Shawn Brown. Motion was approved to give $2000 now, with a decision to be made at the April meeting whether to award the final $1000 contingent upon whether or not another viable proposal is produced by then.
4. HSO Report
Numbers are low. The volleyball team stinks.
5. New Business
a. HON 300 and HON 300Z
Both classes are field based. 300Z is designated as non-western. They will count as upper division 300-level requirement, and the 300Z will satisfy the World Cultures requirement.
b. Should the Honors Program have its own distinguished graduate?
c. Outstanding Graduate and Outstanding Leader Awards: Nominations? Robbie will send out a list of names.
7. Good of the Order
Don—wrote a letter on behalf of Erin B. for acceptance of a course. No response forthcoming.
Erin B. and Jane S. were accepted to U of M for graduate school
A freshman will receive a Rotary Scholarship.
8. Adjourned at 2:36 pm.