Sunday, February 15, 2015


NURSERY:Cindy Davelaar, Breanna BonnemaBeth Faber, Jorja Zomermaand

Service at Lebanon CRCMarlene De Weerd, Alexis Zomermaand

USHERS: Doug TN, Mike VW, Brady VSHoward Bomgaars, Bryan Bonnema, Dick B.


Benjy & Nicki Weida(4 doz cookies)Pastor Norlyn & Cherie Van Beek

Ryan & Angela Zomermaand(4 doz cookies)Mike & Jill Vander Windt

ORGANIST / PIANIST: A.M. Celia Ten NapelDonna Koopmans

P.M. Service at Lebanon CRCCelia Ten Napel

PRAISE TEAM: Don & Verla VS, Angela D, Brent DGerald, Rhonda, Cinda, Katie

LIBRARIAN: AM Patsy BootsmaWanetta Vander Plas

OFFERING:AMChristian EducationBuilding Fund (Roof)

PMIreton Christian School (Lebanon)Building Fund (Roof)


  • Pricilla Lockhorst, Fann Westra & Willard Koopmans
  • Betty Juffer, Sadie DeVries and Gert Mulder who are under Hospice Care—and their families.
  • Please pray for Gilbert and Mildred DeWeerd, Jason, Earl, Tim and Sylvia, Dick, Kory, Megan, Joanne, Deb and all the elderly.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GREETINGS to Dick Altena who will be celebrating his 87th birthday tomorrow,

February 16. We rejoice with you and praise God for His blessings to you.


--THIS MORNINGwe welcome Rev. Bob Pollema. Pastor Norlyn and Cherie are on vacation.

--TONIGHT – We have combined worship service at Lebanon CRC.

--BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS:Please put any bulletin announcements in Pam De Wit’s Church mailbox or via email () by NOON on Thursday, February 19.Thank You.

--KIDS OF THE KINGDOM PRESCHOOL SELLING LITTLE CEASAR’S - The Kids of the Kingdom Preschool is currently selling Little Caesar's Pizza Kits as a fundraiser until February 20. If you would like to place an order, please contact a KOK parent or fill out the order form on the table by the church mailboxes. If requested to ,I can also email you a link to our sale and you can conveniently order online. Thank you for your support!

--MISSION TRIP: I have been presented with the opportunity to go on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic with the Faith CRC Salt Team through Christian Reformed World Missions. The main reason for the trip will be to help the congregation of Duquesa replace their existing worship facility. Theircurrent facility is rusting and rotting away due to heavy infestation of termites. We will be helping to build a better and larger facility for them to worship in. I will be gone February 20-28. To help defray some of the costs an upcomingsecond offering is being taken. Thank you in advance for any financial support and please be in prayer for our team and the congregation of Duquesa as we work together to achieve this goal. Thanks again, Ryan Zomermaand

--FINALLY FINDING LOVE – Understanding the gracious love of our heavenly Father can be difficult when earthly love is scarce. Tune in to hear stories from Crossroad students who are discovering God’s all-encompassing love afresh through their CBI studies.Go to KDCR, 88.5 FM on Sunday at 2:30 P.M. to listen to Crossroad Connection - a restorative justice ministry of Crossroad Bible Institute.


--ADULT BIBLE STUDY will meet Sunday, February 22 at 7:00 PM studying Chapters 19-21.

Lunch: Marlene De Weerd

--WORSHIP TEAM MEETING will be held onMonday,February 23 at 7:00pm

--UNITY CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL MUSIC DEPARTMENT INVITES YOU to a Disney themed Pops concert entitled, "Be Our Guest" on Thursday, February 26 at 7 P.M. Choirs, orchestra, and band will be featured. A free will offering will be taken for the music department. We invite you to be our guest and enjoy a spectacular evening of your favorite Disney tunes.

--IRETON CHRISTIAN WILL HOLD ITS ANNUAL SOCITY/PTA/AUXILIARY MEETINGon Thursday, February 26 at 7:00 PM in the All Purpose Room at school. The agenda and proposed budget will be in your church mailboxes prior to the meeting, please bring this along with you to the meeting. The

2015-2016 School Budget and PTA officers will get presented and voted on that night. The PTA will have Deputy Wayne Pollema from Sioux County Sheriff’s Office come and make a presentation.

--HILLCREST SERVICE from Monday, Feb. 2has been RESCHEDULED for Monday March 2.

Pastor Norlyn, chair, Benjy Weida, Curtis De Vries, Marlin Schoonhoven, Kathy Van Wyhe, Brian Gradert, Kevin Eisma, Eric Faber, Arlin De Weerd, Doug Anema, Brad Fedders, Justin Dekkers (Chairman is requested to call Hillcrest (551-1074) before 9 A.M. on the morning of your service to remind them that your group will be there in the evening.)


April 13 atTrinity Christian Reformed Church in Rock Valley, IA6:30 p.m.Doors will open at 6:00 p.m.Save your spotby calling Trinity CRC at 712-476-5292 orgo to the website

--MARK YOUR CALENDARS - We will be having the Ireton VBS Fundraiser Supper onWednesday,

April 8 from 5:00 – 7:30 p.m. at the Ireton CommunityCenter. Sioux County Pork Producers will be grilling pork loin and wewill also be serving cheesy potatoes, macaroni salad, oreo salad, drinkand ice cream. This is a free will donation event with bake sale itemsalso available. If you are willing to donate your time for set up /

clean up or are willing to make a salad for the event, please let Pamela Fedders know! Also, remember that we will also be looking forbake sale items! Ireton VBS will be held August 3 – 6 (6:00 – 8:30p.m.) at the First Reformed Church this year!

--SUNDAY MORNING DRIVERS WANTED - Check the back table –If you signup—please call Chris on Saturday night. THANKS! To everyone who has helped already!!


Feb 22- Lent 1, April 3 Good Friday, May 17 or 24 Pentecost, (Memorial Day)

July 12, Sept 13, Oct 25 Reformation Day PM, Nov 1 Advent


Feb 15 9:30 AM Rev Bob Pollema

Feb 15 6:00 PM Combined Service at Lebanon CRC

Mar 8 6:00 PM Ireton CRC hosting the Community Prayer Service

Mar 15 6:00 PM Combined Service at Ireton CRC


15FebChpt 20 The Queen of Beauty and Courage- Esther 1-9

22FebChpt 21Rebuilding the Walls- Nehemiah : Ezra 7, Nehemiah 1-2, 4, 6-8,Malachi 1-4


Feb 15Verla, Don VS, Angela, Brent

Feb 22Gerald, Rhonda, Cinda, Katie

Mar 1Marlene, Don M, Nathan

Mar 8Youth Group

Mar 15Cherie, Sharla, Doug TN, Katie

Mar 22Verla, Don VS, Ryan, Jorja, Sydney

Mar 29Pastor, Kaitlyn, Pam DW, Cinda


Sunday, Feb 159:30 AMWorship Service

10:45 AM – 11:30 AM Sunday School/Catechism all ages 3yr to Highschool

10:45 AM – 11:45 AMAdult Sunday School – “The Story “

6:00 PMCombined Worship Service at Lebanon CRC

Wednesday, Feb 186:30 – 8:00 PMGEMS

7:00 – 8:15 PMAdult Study “The Story” Bible Study – Chapters 18 & 19