The AgriiMRes Scholarship Application 2017/18

Who can apply?

The AgriiMResScholarship will be awarded to one student who is entering Harper Adams University in September 2017 studying for an MRes in Integrated Pest Management with the following title:

The sensitivity of Solanum sisybriifolium to herbicides used for managing common agricultural weeds”.

The Scholarship

The successful Scholarship recipient(s) will receive an award valued at up to £4,500 for one year only.

IMPORTANT: to be shortlisted for interview, applicants must have a confirmed place on the course noted above at Harper Adams University at the time they submit their application.

All of the above conditions must be fully met for an application to be considered.

The scholarship will be payable in two equal parts; half to be paid in February 2018 and the balance in May 2018. Payment is conditional on the scholar remaining registered as a fulltime student at Harper Adams. He/she must pass all modules of study and submit at least one written report to the Development Trust prior to the receipt of their second payment.

This is a competitive award which will be evaluated on merit of the submitted application, along with academic achievements to date and interview. The decision of the Agrii Scholarship Panel is FINALand they reserve the right to withdraw the award at any time should they feel this action is required.

Application Process

On A4 paper, (no more than 2 pages), single-sidedsheets(font NO smaller than Arial 11) please explain why you would be interested in receiving the AgriiMRes Scholarship. Include information about:

  • Why you have selected to study your chosen course
  • How the receipt of this award would make a difference to you
  • What your long term career aspirations are
  • A brief CV – maximum of 2 pages, single sided, Arial 11. Please do not staple your application.

Shortlisted applicants are required to attend a panel interview at HAU – Date & Time TBC

Please note: Candidates will be advised of interviews via email


In the event that the Agrii Scholarship Panel requests academic information to assess your application, your authorisation and signature are required. In addition, this allows HAU and the sponsor to publicise your scholarship. Please indicate this below.

I authorise HAU to use my information in accordance with the above:

Full Name……………………………………………….. Student ID……………………………………………………

Course Title…………………………………………….. Signature .……………………………………………………

Deadline for Submission of Application: 12pm noon Friday 28 July 2017

Please return this form along with your completed application and CV to:Renée Gallina-Morris,

The Development Trust, M48, Harper Adams University, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NB.

The Development Trust

cultivating excellence