CH 9:The Federalist Era

Main Idea:The first presidency was focused on solving the problems left by the war and making good first decisions as the country spread west.


A. Taking Office

1. In 1789 Washington was sworn in.

2. Precedents

a. many of his decisions would become tradition

b. ex: duration of office, the cabinet


B. The Cabinet

1. The president’s group of advisors was not outlined in the Constitution.

2. The heads of his departments were his top advisors.

a. State Department: Thomas Jefferson

b. Department of the Treasury: Alexander Hamilton

c. Department of War: Henry Knox

d. Attorney General: Edmund Randolph

C. The Bill of Rights

1. The states ratified 10 out of 12 amendments.

2. Your individual liberties today were guaranteed here.

3. It limited the federal government by leaving unlisted powers with the states.

D. The Economy

1. The revolution had been fought on money borrowed by the states. The south was less in debt than the north.

2. Hamilton wanted the federal government to take over the states’ debts. They had sold many bonds to citizens as a type of loan until they could be bought back by the government.

3. The South owed less and would have been jealous of a northern bailout. They agreed if the new Capital could be located in the South.

4. To pay off foreign countries and have control of finances, Hamilton asked congress to create a national bank. Madison and Jefferson were afraid to give the government that much power.

2. Challenges

A. At Home (“domestic policy”)

1. The Whiskey Rebellion

a. Rye farmers in Pennsylvania had been making

whiskey to avoid rum taxes

b. A new tax on whiskey caused them to revolt

c. The government was stronger now and put down

the rebellion quickly. (compare to Shays’

Rebellion earlier)

2. Native Americans

a. The British armed and enraged Native Americans

in the NorthwestTerritory

b. General Arthur St. Clair fought them and was

defeated in 1791

c. General Anthony Wayne defeated many Native

Americans in Ohio in 1793, ending their future

as a sovereign nation in this area.

B. Abroad (‘foreign policy’)

1. The French revolted against their rulers in 1789… but their revolution was much more violent than ours

2. Neutrality

a. New war between England and France pushed us

to take a side.

1. Some of us were upset with France because

of their (very) violent revolution.

2. Some of us were upset with England for

building a fort in Ohio and arming Indian


b. Proclamation of Neutrality

1. The British were upset by our lack of help.

a. captured our ships that traded w/France

b. “impressed” our sailors to work for them

(impressment was not a new idea)

2. John Jay’s Treaty

a. The British should leave U.S. soil

b. it didn’t mention impressment

3. Pickney’s Treaty

A. Signed with Spain (they did not trust us)

1.We could travel the Mississippi River freely.

2.We could trade freely in New Orleans.

B. Spain was relieved that we wouldn’t join England

against them

3. Political Parties

A. Opposing Parties

1. Partisanship

a. Jefferson and Hamilton did not get along while on

Washington’s cabinet

b. Washington favored Hamilton (!)

c. Their supporters became opposing parties, or


2. Election of 1796

a. Federalists (under Hamilton)

1. Adams and Pickney ran together

2. pro central government with a wealthy,

educated ruling class

b. Republicans (under Jefferson)

1. Jefferson and Burr ran together

2. pro states’ power. Everyday people should

participate in government.

c. Adams and Jefferson won from different tickets

B. Alien and Sedition Acts 1798

1. Xenophobia: fear of foreigners

2. New Laws

a. The government could imprison any foreigners

(aliens) and deport them

b. Sedition: now a crime to speak or publish any

criticism of the government