Policy Subject:Curriculum Approval Chart (numberAP1117)

Cabinet Division:Registrar’s Office (Enrollment Management)

Date Revised:4/19/11 (approved by Faculty Senate)

  1. Background and Purpose

1.1The prior policy as lacking some of the action items and it was not created in a way to make it reader friendly


2.1There are no constraints

III. Definitions


IV.Policy Statements

4.1All undergraduate academic curriculum and policy matters MUST pass through a review and approval process which starts with a department, committee, or the Undergraduate Academic Affairs Council (UAAC) of the Faculty Senate in the faculty governance approval process.

The term academic department shall be interpreted as meaning a unit of the academic portion of the University which has assigned prefixes for courses, and which is responsible for the academic matters, policy, and grading of those courses. Continuing Education and the Distance Learning Center specifically are not considered "academic departments" in this policy.

Most undergraduate curriculum items originating from an academic department must have the approval of UAAC as a minimum; however, some items initiated by academic departments require only the Registrar's or the academic department's approval, as indicated in the subsequent table.

For this policy, the course prefix IDS is reserved to UAAC as the "department" for course approvals.

Undergraduate Academic Affairs Council (UAAC)

All items are submitted electronically to UAAC.

General Education Course Approvals

Currently approved or new courses to be included as satisfying any General Education requirement are referred to the General Education Committee (GEC) for consideration. New courses may be approved prior to a General Education category approval or subject to General Education category approval.


The Educational Leadership department (EdL) reviews any action affecting Elementary Education or Secondary Education major/minor requirements that affect DPI Certification prior to consideration by UAAC. Include EdL approval with submitted proposal.

Discretionary Review

Any "higher step" in the administrative/faculty governance approval process may insist upon the right of final approval on any item within a reasonable time period.

See the complete chart of actions and requirements below.

Action / Dept / Provost / UAAC / Faculty Senate / Chancellor / Gen Ed
Com / Teacher
Ed Com / Registrar / System
Entitlement for New Major / X / P / X / X / X / X
Authorize New Major* / X / P / X / X / X / X
Significantly Different (virtually new) Major / X / P / X / X / X
Non-Comprehensive Major to Comprehensive / X / P / X / X / X
Comprehensive Major to Non-Comprehensive / X / P / X / X / X
New Concentration / X / P / X / X / X
New Track/Title Change (within concentration or minor) / X / X
New Track / X / P / X / X / X
Change in Education major/minor/licensure / X / X / X
Existing Major Required Credit Change (exceeds cr. guidelines 51-60-comp. or 30-36 regular) / X / X / X
Existing Major Required Credit Change(within credit guidelines) / X / X
Change in Required Courses (no change in credits) / X / X
Add options (no change in total credit) / X / X
Delete concentration/track/major/minor / X / R / R
New Minor (additional resources) creates new program / X / P / X / X / X
New Minor Within Major (additional resources) / X / P / X / X / X
New Minor Within Major ( no additional resources) / X / X / X
Existing Minor Required Credit Change (exceeds credit guidelines of 21-24) / X / X / X
Existing Minor Required Credit Change (within credit guidelines) / X / X
Add course to existing Gen-Ed category / X / P / X / X
Delete course from Gen-Ed category / X / P / X / X
Significant change to Gen-Ed Course / X / X / X
General Education Policy (requirements/categories) / X / X / X / X
Credit change for existing course / X / X
Create new course (see guidelines on Web) / X / X / G / (X)
Deactivate course (a.k.a. ‘decatalog’) / X / R / R
Any change in required course content for teacher certification (content areas) / X / (X)
Delivery Format change( e.g. to on-line) / X / R / R
Title change (no significant content change) / X / R / R
Description change(no significant content change) / X / R / R
Elimination of pre-reqs/concurrent registration / X / R / R
New/change subject code (prefix) / X / P / X / X / X / (X) / X
Addition of pre/co-reqs (not Gen-Ed or TED courses) / X / R / R
Course number change 100/200 level to 100/200 level / X / R / R
Course number change 100/200 level to 300/400 level / X / X
Course number change 300/400 level to 100/200 level / X / R / N
Fewest credit / X / X
Intermediate & highest credit / X / R / R
Concentration or track / X / R / R
Major or minor / X / R / R
Any course requiring additional library resources / X / X / Lib
Requiring physical plant / X / X / X / X / X
Additional staff resources / X / X / X / X
New administrative unit (not a new major) / X / X / X / X
Articulation agreement / X / X / X / X
Campus-wide Policy / X / X / X / X
Discretionary: Chancellor, Senate, UAAC / X1 / X1 / X1 / X1

* = Budget Review Committee (BRC) approval also needed (in parallel)Lib = Head Librarian’s approval requested

N = Negotiate new course number with Registrar; report to AAC through RegistrarP = Informational report to Provost

X1 = The UAAC, Faculty Senate, or the Chancellor may exercise authority to review any academic itemG = If Course is requested to satisfy Gen. Ed. requirement

(X) = If course will be required or optional for Secondary Education majorsR = Report Action to Registrar UAAC through Registrar

V.Policy Procedures

5.1see above


6.1Approved by UAAC (3/29/11), Faculty Senate (4/19/11) and Chancellor Erlenbach (4/21/11)

6.2No consequences

6.3Faculty, Department Chairs are aware of this policy change.

VII. Attachments

7.1no attachments

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