Professor: Dr. Hudspeth
Contact Information:407-582-1207 Office 5-241
Classroom hours: MTWR 8-9:35 and 9:45-11:20 (5-228)
Office hours: MTWR 7:00-8:00 and 11:20-11:35 (virtual hours F 8:00-1:00)
Course Description: Principles of oral communication common to speaking and listening. The course has an emphasis on listening techniques, preparation, and delivery techniques for extemporaneous speaking.
Text:Brydon, S.R. and Scott, M.C. (2008). Between One and Many: The Art and Science of Public Speaking (ValenciaSchool Edition), 6th Edition. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing Co.
Attendance Policy: When an absence or tardy occurs, the student is responsible for all missed coursework and announcements. Excessive absences (more than 3) will devalue the final grade by ½ letter grade per absence. If late to class 3 times it will count as one absence. Attendance is taken at the beginning of the class. If you enter the room late you must sign-in on the late sheet in order to obtain credit for attending the class.
Course Withdrawal: Students withdrawing prior to the deadline will receive a WF or WP
Exams: There will be a midterm and final exam.
Speech Assignments/Make-Up Work: Speeches must be original work produced by the student. Plagiarized speeches will result in a “0”. Students will be given assigned speech dates. Late work= 20% grade penalty. Failing to give an approved “make-up” speech on the assigned day will result in a “0”. A make-up speech is by faculty approval only and is limited to one per semester. It is the students’ responsibility to make sure their PowerPoint presentation is working. If you do not have PowerPoint on your computer please use a Valencia Computer. Some systems such as Outlook may not work on Valencia’s computer. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure their program is able to work. If there is an issue with technology the student will be rescheduled for a make-up speech and will receive a 20% penalty.
Student Code of Classroom Conduct: According to College Policy 6Hx28:10-18), all forms of academic dishonesty and misconduct are prohibited at Valencia Community College. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, plagiarism, cheating, and furnishing false information. All speeches must be the student’s original work. It is unethical to abstract a speech from an outside source and pretend it is your own work.
Respect: Students who are not attentive and are not respectful to other classmates/professor during their presentations or conducts themselves in an unacceptable manner in the classroom will not be permitted to remain in the classroom. If you are asked to vacate that class, that class period will be counted as an absence. No cell phones, texting or computer use during speeches or when the professor is conducting class. The exception is that students are permitted to use their laptops but only for note taking purposes.
Responsibility: Students are expected to attend the class with work completed. It is the student’s responsibility to ask for clarification if they don’t understand an assignment. Make-up assignments will only be granted in extreme cases (hospitalization, death etc…) It is the student’s responsibility to come to class prepared. If you miss class please call a friend from the class and find out what was missed before the next class so that you are prepared and don’t fall behind. On exam day students must arrive on time. If late on an exam date you may NOT take the same exam but will be given a different exam in a different format. This policy also applies to the testing center.
VCC Student Competencies
Valencia faculty has defined four inter-relational competencies (Think, Value, Communicate, and Act) that prepare students to succeed in the world community. These competencies are outlined in the college catalog. In this course, through classroom activities, discussions, and speeches, you will further you mastery of these core competencies.
Introduction Speech (2-3 minutes)
Demonstration Speech (3-4 minutes)
Cultural Speech (3-5 minutes)
Persuasive Speech (3-5 minutes)
Impromptu Speeches (1-2 minutes)
Speech topics must be preapproved one class prior to the scheduled presentation date. Items such as guns, drugs, alcohol, animals, dangerous objects or explosives may not be used as a demonstration or prop during a speech.
Final Course Grade:
Presentations 45%
This includes: Introduction, Demonstration, Informative, Persuasion, and Impromptu Speeches
Midterm and Final Exam 45%
This includes material from class lectures, activities, video examples, and class reading assignments
Assignments/Exercises 10%
90%+ = A, 80%+=B, 70%+=C, 60%+=D, 59- =F
Week 1Introduction SpeechesRead Chapter 1Lecture Chapter 1
Week 2 Demostration SpeechesRead Chapter 2 & 3Lecture Chapter 2 & 3
Week 3Cultural SpeechesRead Chapter 4 & 5Lecture Chapter 4 & 5
Week 4Midterm Exam CHAPTERS 1-5Read Chapter 6 & 7Lecture Chapter 6 & 7
Week 5Persuasion SpeechesRead Chapter 8 & 9Lecture Chapter 8 & 9
Week 6Impromptu Speeches Read Chapter 10Lecture Chapter 10
Final Exam