The Preston Beekeepers Association

Annual Honey Show

To be held at

Church of the Latter Day Saints, Longsands Lane, Preston,


Saturday, 1st October, 2016

Judging starts 1 pm and all exhibits must be in place by 11 am.

Hall opens to members at 9.30 am


*Please read the notes carefully*

Members Only

Class 1 Beginners Class: One jar of honey, any variety, open to members who have started beekeeping in 2015 or 2016

Class 2 2 x 454g jars light honey

Class 3 2 x 454g jars medium honey

Class 4 2 x 454g jars naturally crystallised honey

Class 5 2 x 454g jars of honey gathered in 2016

Class 6 1 frame of capped honey, may be granulated, to be displayed in either a cardboard or wooden case.

Class 7 1 bottle of mead (sweet or dry) – see notes

Class 8 3 x 28g blocks of bees wax (any shape). See notes

Class 9 2 matching beeswax candles, any shape. Candles may be lit by the judge

The following classes can be produced by the beekeeper or a member of their immediate family.

Class 10 One plain honey cake. Made to the given recipe and not to exceed 200mm diameter

Class 11 One decorative honey cake, any recipe, must contain honey

Class 12 Six small honey cupcakes, may be decorated, any recipe, recipe must be exhibited too.

Class 13 Home produced food item containing the exhibitor’s own honey

Class 14 One photographic print on any aspect of beekeeping (not to exceed A4 in size), a caption is permitted.

Class 15 Craft item relating to bees or beekeeping, any craft permitted including needlework.

Class 16 Honey fudge, 8 squares on a plate. See notes for recipe.

Classes to be judged in the hall by members.

Class 17 1 jar of liquid honey judged solely on taste and aroma


Honey Classes 1-5

All honey entries must be in standard 1lb jars (454g) squat honey jars with screw lids. Lids must be plain metal or white plastic

Class 17: a paper collar will be provided by the show secretary on the day


Class 8: Must be the beekeepers own wax. Each block of wax must weigh between 27g & 29g

Honey cake recipe

250g clear honey (beekeepers or shop bought), plus about 2 tbsp extra to glaze.

225g unsalted butter

100g dark muscovado sugar

3 large eggs, beaten

300g self-raising flour


1.  Preheat the oven to fan 140C/ conventional 160C/gas 3. Butter and line a 20cm round loosebottomed cake tin. Cut the butter into pieces and drop into a medium pan with the honey and sugar. Melt slowly over a low heat. When the mixture looks quite liquid, increase the heat under the pan and boil for about one minute. Leave to cool for 15-20 minutes, to prevent the eggs cooking when they are mixed in.

2.  Beat the eggs into the melted honey mixture using a wooden spoon. Sift the flour into a large bowl and pour in the egg and honey mixture, beating until you have a smooth, quite runny batter.

3.  Pour the mixture into the tin and bake for 50 minutes-1 hour until the cake is well-risen, golden brown and springs back when pressed. A skewer pushed into the centre of the cake should come out clean.

4.  Turn the cake out on a wire rack. Warm 2 tbsp honey in a small pan and brush over the top of the cake to give a sticky glaze, then leave to cool. Keeps for 4-5 days wrapped, in an airtight tin.


Honey fudge as per recipe provided. The fudge must be displayed on a paper plate, inside a clear plastic bag, both provided by the show secretary on the day

54g Granulated Sugar
140ml Evaporated milk
57g Honey - beekeepers or shop bought
57g Butter
A good pinch of salt
A sugar thermometer


1.  In a very large saucepan, boil the sugar, salt and milk for 5 minutes.

2.  Add the honey and re-boil the mixture until a “soft ball” stage is reached at 115°C (240°F).

3.  Add the butter to the mixture and allow to stand until it is luke-warm.

4.  Beat the mixture until it is creamy, and spread into a greased dish. When it is nearly set, cut the fudge into squares.


Must be in clear 75cl punted bottle with plastic or cork stoppers.