St Albans & District Bowling Association


(Jones Cup, Triples League and Bob Vise)


BN / Barnet / NM / North Mymms
B / Batchwood Hall / PB / Potters Bar
BE / Berkhamsted / RL / Rowley Lane
DH / de Havilland / SA / St Albans
H / Harpenden / SP / Shire Park
HA / Harperbury / T / St Albans Townsend
HF / Hatfield / WD / Welwyn & District
HH / Hemel Hempstead / WGC / Welwyn Garden City

The SADBA Handbook, issued to all competitors, contains draw details, rules, Club addresses and team contact details. The SADBA handbook is printed in the spring and will be available from 25th March.

Contact details for the League Secretary will be found inside front and back covers of the handbook

FIRST ROUND – BY Thursday 18 June
1 / BYE / v / North Mymms
2 / Batchwood Hall / v / Harpenden
3 / Harperbury / v / St Albans
4 / Townsend / v / Hatfield
5 / Shire Park / v / Hemel Hempstead
6 / Potters Bar / v / Welwyn & District
7 / Rowley Lane / v / Berkhamsted
8 / Welwyn GC / v / BYE
SECOND ROUND - BY Friday 17 July
9 / 1 / v / 2 / 11 / 5 / v / 6
10 / 3 / v / 4 / 12 / 7 / v / 8
SEMI-FINAL - BY Friday 21 August
13 / 9 / v / 10 / 14 / 11 / v / 12
FINAL - on Saturday 5 September at Potters Bar BC
15 / 13 / v / 14
The Jones Cup is a knock-out competition on a one rink home and one rink away basis, playing at the same time on the same day.
Matches to be played on Fridays, or earlier in the same week, by mutual agreement.
Also, in order to avoid adverse weather conditions the Semi-Final may, by mutual agreement, be played on the morning of either the Saturday or Sunday immediately following the designated Friday.
Please telephone or e-mail result of each match to the League Secretary on the date played and return result card immediately
One triple at home the other away, played at the same time.
For Rules see Handbook.
Section A / Section B
1 / Batchwood Hall / 1 / Welwyn & District
2 / North Mymms / 2 / Barnet
3 / Hemel Hempstead / 3 / Harperbury
4 / Hatfield / 4 / Potters Bar
5 / Welwyn GC / 5 / St Albans
6 / Harpenden / 6 / Townsend
The first mentioned in each match is the Challenger.
Section A / Friday / Section B
1 v 3, 2 v 4, 5 v 6 / 10 July / 1 v 3, 2 v 4, 5 v 6
4 v 1, 3 v 5, 6 v 2 / 24 July / 4 v 1, 3 v 5, 6 v 2
5 v 1, 2 v 3, 4 v 6 / 31 July / 5 v 1, 2 v 3, 4 v 6
1 v 2, 4 v 5, 6 v 3 / 7 August / 1 v 2, 4 v 5, 6 v 3
5 v 2, 3 v 4, 1 v 6 / 14 August / 5 v 2, 3 v 4, 1 v 6
SEMI-FINALS: Friday on 28 August
Winner of Section A / v / Runner Up in Section B
Winner of Section B / v / Runner Up in Section A
FINAL - on Saturday 5 September at Potters Bar Bowls Club
Please telephone or e-mail result of each match to the League Secretary on the date played and return result card immediately.
A Knock - Out competition over four rinks. Singles Pairs Triples & Fours
10 Competitors each team.
FIRST ROUND - by Saturday 4 July
1 / BYE / v / St Albans
2 / Townsend / v / Shire Park
3 / Batchwood Hall / v / Hemel Hempstead
4 / Welwyn & District / v / BYE
5 / BYE / v / Harpenden
6 / Hatfield / v / North Mymms
7 / Potters Bar / v / Welwyn GC
8 / Harperbury / v / BYE
SECOND ROUND - by Sunday 19 July
9 / 1 / v / 2
10 / 3 / v / 4
11 / 5 / v / 6
12 / 7 / v / 8
SEMI-FINAL - by Sunday 16 August
13 / 9 / v / 10
14 / 11 / v / 12
FINAL - on Monday 31 August at 10:00am - (Venue to be advised)
15 / 13 / v / 14
B / Batchwood Hall / PB / Potters Bar
H / Harpenden / SP / Shire Park
HA / Harperbury / SA / St Albans
HF / Hatfield / T / Townsend
HH / Hemel Hempstead / WD / Welwyn & District
NM / North Mymms / WG / Welwyn Garden City
Please telephone or e-mail result of match to the League Secretary
on the date played and return the result card immediately.