OF DECEMBER 11th, 2017

These minutes to be considered and approved or amended at the subsequent meeting.

Chairman Erwin called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Also present was Supervisors LeFevre and Drewa, Treasurer Demko and Clerk Pakos.

Motion by LeFevre to approve the agenda as posted. Second by Drewa. All in favor.

Motion by Drewa to approve the minutes of the meeting of December 11th, 2017. Second by LeFevre. All in favor.

Motion by LeFevre to approve the treasurer's report as presented. Second by Drewa. All in favor.

Motion by Drewa to pay bills as posted . Second by LeFevre. All in favor.

Board Members' Comments

Drewa asked about:

The magnetic signs for town truck. Erwin stated that the signs would be ready for the spring road tour.

Repairs to the ceiling in the town shop. Erwin stated that the repairs would begin in the spring.

Tree removal at town hall. Erwin replied that the work would begin when the ground is frozen.

The Universal Plumbing and Heating bill. Erwin replied that the zones referred to zones in the town hall.

The Lemanski hauling permit for Patten Lake Road. LeFevre replied that the matter will be taken care of thru a letter to Lemanski Construction.

The non-functioning yard light at the town hall. Erwin stated that he had not contacted Wis. Public Service. Pakos stated that he had sent a note to Wis. Public Service with the previous month's bill payment.

The treasurer and clerk bonds. Pakos replied that the position bond was in effect after the election of 2017 and the treasurer tax collection bond was paid for with the December 2017 bill.

Election training. Pakos stated that the required training for the current term was performed for both the clerk and election inspectors and that additional training will be performed during the summer of 2018 prior to the elections of August and November 2018.

The board discussed a proposed service agreement with Florence Rescue Squad as presented. Questions were asked about the payment for such services, including how the fee for such services would be determined, since no mention was made in the proposed agreement as to costs. The matter will appear on the January 2018 agenda.

The board discussed a request from a constituent regarding the possible acquisition of Madeleine Blvd. as a town highway. Pakos presented a copy of Chapter 82 of Wis. Statutes regarding the matter. LeFevre stated that indeed the provisions of Chapter 82 should be followed if the project is agreed to. Erwin stated that the board members should review Chapter 82 and that the matter will be placed on the January 2018 agenda.

Constituents' Concerns

Pat Wloszczynski asked about the purchase of a screen for the sander box on the town truck. The board agreed to proceed with the purchase.

Motion by Drewa to adjourn. Second by LeFevre. All in favor.

Town of Fern Town Clerk,

George J. Pakos