MLEF Fellows Travel Information Form-Kick-off Washington D.C. and Site location

**This form must be completed on or before April 30, 2018

ARRIVAL DATE:Wednesday, May30, 2018 (~2-4 p.m.) to Washington D.C.

DEPARTURE DATE:Friday, June01, 2018 (~8-10 a.m.) to your site location.

We will use the information below to make travel arrangements for the Kick-off in Washington D.C. and then to your site location.

Hotel for Washington D.C. is already booked. You will be staying at the Capitol Hill Holiday Inn. Check in will be allowed after 3 p.m. on Wednesday, May 30, 2018.

Airfare will be purchased as the travel forms are received in order to receive the greatest discount. If you request a change to your itinerary after the plane ticket has been issued in your name, YOU must pay the change fees- these are typically $200 or more. Please consider your answers very carefully.

Complete this form and return it to

First Name: ______Middle Name: ______Last Name:______

Home address you will be traveling from to Washington D.C.: ______

Contact number: ______

Emergency contact name and number: ______

Email address you check often: ______

I will be traveling by private vehicle to Washington D.C and to my site location for the summer Fellowship.

I am FLYING to Washington D.C. andthen directly to my site location. I will not have a private vehicle for the summer Fellowship.

I am FLYING to Washington D.C., back home, then driving my private vehicle tomy site location for the Summer Fellowship.

Additional comments: ______

***DEPARTURE AIRPORT (City & State) to Washington D.C.____

Check your site location you will travel to on Friday, June 1, 2018:

Washington D.C.

Germantown, MD

NETL-Pittsburgh, PA

NETL-Morgantown, WV

NETL-Albany, OR

Strategic Petroleum Reserve: (location) ______

Oak Ridge National Lab

Pacific Northwest National Lab

Sandia National Lab

Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

Lawrence Livermore National Lab

Los Alamos National Lab


ORISE use only:

ORACLE id: ______

Advance $: ______

p/t: ______Total mileage: ______