The 2007 Chris McCray Tournament For Academic Excellence
Packet by Rochester
Written by Rochester
With Contributions From BB, DL, DG, JB, BG.
Edited by MAQT


1) This restaurant chain was founded in 1993 in Denver, Colorado by current CEO Steve Ells. Formerly owned by McDonald's Corporation, it attained complete divestment in late 2006. It is one of the first successful restaurants in the “fast casual” category, having no table service but higher quality food and atmosphere than fast food. Specializing in San Francisco burritos and tacos, for ten points, name this restaurant chain known for its guacamole and named after a type of spicy pepper.
ANSWER: Chipotle Mexican Grill

2) This game originally contained discs with 72 words on each side, with a button on the right side used to advance the discs forward to get to the next word. Similar to the more common current variation, a timer would beep faster and faster, signaling the end of a team's turn. On one's turn, clues can be given by any type of physical gesture and any verbal clue, except for part of the answer, a word that rhymes, or a similar giveaway. For ten points, name this party game similar to Taboo and Password, now in its ubiquitous electronic format.
ANSWER: Catch Phrase

3) Originally called the “Señors”, this team soon changed to their present name because the local newspapers ridiculed them. Although their original team colors were black, gold, and white, one of these colors was dropped to form their current color combination and logo. For 10 points, name the current NFL team which has the registered trademark slogans of “Pride and Poise” and “Just Win, Baby” and is currently coached by Lane Kiffin with Aaron Brooks as quarterback.
ANSWER: The Oakland Raiders (accept city or team name)

4) (BB) Frank Gorshin, who played the Riddler in the Batman television series, guest-starred in one episode as soldier who received a medal he didn't deserve for the valor of a comrade. In another episode, Private Littlejohn is found wounded by a group of French children who try to sell him to both the Americans and the Germans. The exclamation point in the title was rendered as a bayonet. For 10 points, name this 1960s television series about an infantry squad in France during World War II whose stars included Shecky Greene and Vic Morrow.
ANSWER: Combat!

5) A popular 2002 novel by Philippa Gregory, it tells of the struggles of Mary and her attempts to fit into the Tudor court of Henry VIII. She is quickly eclipsed by her sister Anne Boleyn, but not before she bears Henry two illegitimate children. For ten points, name this titular character, whose fictional story is about to be turned into a movie starring Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johanssen.
ANSWER: The Other Boleyn Girl

6) This game was developed by Retro Studios and announced at the 2001 E3 convention. Up until release, it was considered to be a disgrace to the series and a complete mess in development, due to company troubles within Retro. The story follows the protagonist to planet Tallon IV, where she battles Space Pirates in an attempt to thwart their biological experiments. For ten points, name this Nintendo Gamecube game in which you control bounty hunter Samus Aran, the first 3D incarnation in the Metroid series.
ANSWER: Metroid Prime

7) This titular figure befriends an old man who is long out of work. He demonstrates how he lost his teeth in World War 2 and now uses his dentures to scare children. He then hires the old man to help him in his first movie as a film director. In his personal life, he is also a transvestite. For ten points, name this strangely fascinating man, the subject of Tim Burton's quirky 1994 Academy Award winning film of the same name, featuring Martin Landau as Bela Lugosi.
ANSWER: Edward D. Wood, Jr.

8) Color templates on this website can be changed by clicking “Simply Red” or “Paint It Black,” though their new Widget feature offers additional blue and gray. Users are also given a Shoutbox and Dashboard, which offers weekly neighbors and recommendations based on their listening habits calculated by the site's AudioScrobbler. FTP, identify this website billed as “the social music revolution.”

9) Although this player did not start his first major league game until May, he went on to win 19 games in his rookie year. Known for his antics around the mound, this former major leaguer captured the hearts of Motor City fans in the 1970's. Named after a children's television character, he was drafted in the tenth round. For 10 points, name this former Rookie of the year, the first athlete to appear on the cover of Rolling Stone as a pitcher for the Detroit Tigers.
ANSWER: Mark “the Bird” Fidrych

10) The group behind this number one 1974 hit appeared in the 1972 blaxploitation film Blacula before they made it big with this song. Though some claim it was really “Love's Theme” by Love Unlimited Orchestra, it is championed by others to be the first disco song to hit #1. For ten points, name this Hues Corporation hit, in which we're “sailing on a cargo full of love and devotion” on the title vessel.
ANSWER: “Rock the Boat”

11) This product has been featured in several famous and amusing commercials, including an ad from the late 1990's featuring a football player with a secret comic identity. Its most recent Super Bowl ad had to be pulled after protests from several groups (and accusations that it wasn't really that funny). For ten points, name this gooey chocolate, nougat and peanut candy bar made by Mars, Incorporated, the best selling candy bar of all time.
ANSWER: Snickers bar

12) Born in Tokyo, she became an American citizen in 1941. This leading lady, whose career began in 1935, is still considering roles. She is the sister of Joan Fontaine, was the frequent co-star of Errol Flynn, dated Ronald Reagan, and was an active anti-Communist. She also sued her home studio in the 1940s, demanding more creative freedom in choosing parts in a fit of rebellion against years of “proper” female parts. It turned out to be a successful strategy, as she then went on to win 2 Oscars. One of these roles included Catherine in The Heiress, although she may best be remembered as Melanie in Gone with the Wind. For ten points, who is this Warner Brothers star, currently in talks to portray socialite Brooke Astor?
ANSWER: Olivia de Havilland

13) (BB) Three to five young men would appear at the dorm room of a co-ed, all but one dressed in three-piece suits. Usually with the rest of her floor watching, one male student in pajamas would sit at the edge of the bed and read a bedtime story. Finally, the lucky recipient would receive a chaste kiss on the cheek and the company of a teddy bear for the night - all for 99¢. For 10 points, name this fad that peaked briefly in the spring of 1980 when Pillow Talk, Inc. provided the service at the University of Maryland - College Park.
ANSWER: Tuck-in service

14) This diminutive NBA player from Norwalk, Connecticut won a national championship in baton twirling before turning to basketball. During his stay at Niagara University, he averaged 33.1 points per game. Drafted in 1970, he went on to distinguish himself as one of the best free-throw shooters in the history of the game, going on to set the NBA record for most consecutive free throws. His number 23 was retired after his 1993 induction into the Basketball Hall of Fame. For 10 points, name this former Houston Rocket who was acquitted of sexual assault on his five daughters.
ANSWER: Calvin Murphy

15) The cover art for this album is a photo of a trestle and kudzu vines found near Athens. Coming after the more aggressive Chronic Town EP, it is named in reference to the guitar tones of Peter Buck and the vocal stylings of Michael Stipe. According to Stipe, he also chose the name because it is one of the seven easiest words to say in the English language. “Shaking Through” includes an instrumental bit after the song's proper conclusion. For ten points, name this classic 1983 R.E.M. debut album featuring lead single “Radio Free Europe”.
ANSWER: Murmur

16) (BB) She was such a control freak that even the advent of color on television dismayed her. When CBS wanted to experiment with color on The Guiding Light, most of the episode was set in an operating room, making most of what appeared on the monitor a bright white. After deciding she was not attractive enough for a career as an actress, she became a teacher and later a radio writer for WGN in Chicago where she originated what is considered the first daytime serial for women - Painted Dreams. For 10 points, name this writer and producer of radio and television sometimes known as the mother of soap operas who created Another World and As the World Turns.
ANSWER: Irna Phillips

17) The opening credit shot of the main character brushing her hair in this movie does not actually include the featured actress, as she was overseas filming The Importance of Being Earnest at the time. This film, number 29 on Bravo's “100 Funniest Movies,” is sometimes seen as a part of the “girl power” movement of the late 1990s thanks to its portrayal of a valley girl's attempts to fit in at Harvard Law School. For ten points, name this first movie featuring the adventures of sorority girl Elle Woods, which later resulted in Broadway musical adaptation.
ANSWER: Legally Blonde

18) (DG) This horse was known for his prerace tiptoe prancing, known as his “War Dance”. His grandson, Bernardini won the 2006 Preakness Stakes, and among others, he sired the 2002 Breeder's Cup winner, Vindication. The 1978 Marlboro Cup saw the only time this horse was favored second, though he defeated 1978 Triple Crown winner Affirmed in that race. He was a 1-2 (one to two) favorite in his own victory at the Kentucky Derby. For ten points, name this 1977 Triple Crown winner, named after a city in the Pacific Northwest.
ANSWER: Seattle Slew

19) Their first album was originally given a limited release by Electric Honey, the music label of Stow College, but Jeepster Records later re-released it in 1999. Though Stuart David and Isobel Campbell were featured on that album, Tigermilk, they would later both leave the band. For ten points, name this acclaimed Scottish band behind the landmark album If You're Feeling Sinister, named after a French children's book rather than two Disney characters.
ANSWER: Belle and Sebastian

20) Episode names include “The First Cut” and “A Great Shot”. Rene Fris is not a judge, but rather acts as a guide to the contestants of this show. The host, who also judges, is former Charlie's Angels star Jaclyn Smith. Other judges include Sally Hershberger and Allure Magazine's Michael Carl. Each week, a winning hairstyle is placed on the Allure Wall of Fame. For 10 points-identify the Bravo reality program which sends contestants home with the tagline “This is your final cut.”
ANSWER: Shear Genius

21) For the week of September 19, 2006, this comic won Joystiq's favorite webcomics weekly readers poll. It began when Kris Wilson got strep throat at the age of 16, and amused himself by drawing crude cartoons. The webmasters of Sticksuicide, Matt Melvin, Rob DenBleyker and Dave McElfatrick, saw potential in his comics, so they decided to host it. Its name comes from an early strip in which the title ingredients are in cotton candy being sold by a character. For ten points, name this popular webcomic hosted on and written by the aforementioned four artists.
ANSWER: Cyanide and Happiness

22) (BB) Also known as Cottman IV, only a small equatorial band is suitable for agriculture on this planet otherwise covered in ice. The humans who colonized the planet interbred with the native chieri producing hybrids with psionic ability. Kireseth flowers bloom in unseasonably warm weather to produce psychotropic pollen in a phenomenon known as the “ghost wind”. For 10 points, what is this planet found in Marion Zimmer Bradley's most famous series?
ANSWER: Darkover


1) Just when we think Willem Dafoe won't be back in a Spider-Man movie, he shows up again! How much do you know about the non-Goblin career of this living legend? Answer these FTPE.
[10] His character Caravaggio loses his thumbs and some of his sanity in this World War Two epic film despised by Elaine Benes.
ANSWER: The English Patient
[10] He tries to learn piano, but he's not very good. He tries to swap identities with another man, but gets killed anyway. He should have just stuck to being Eva Mendes' drug-dealing dad in this Robert Rodriguez romp.
ANSWER: Once Upon A Time In Mexico
[10] He likes it when the Boston cops come up with two non-fat guy theories in one day. So much so that it makes him feel like Riverdancing in what Troy Duffy caper featuring a family of killers?
ANSWER: The Boondock Saints

2) Answer the following questions about the HBO series Entourage for 10 points each.
[10] Entourage is loosely based on the life of this actor, also a producer of the show.
ANSWER: Mark Wahlberg
[10] Vincent Chase and his crew move to LA from this New York City borough.
ANSWER: Queens
[10] “Vinnie” Chase has his heart broken by this pop princess.
ANSWER: Mandy Moore

3) Answer these questions about indie rock albums released in 2007 FTPE.
[10] This band followed up on the moderate success of their 2004 album Funeral with Neon Bible, debuting at #2.
ANSWER: Arcade Fire
[10] Modest Mouse brought in Johnny Marr of Smiths fame to work on this album, #1 on release.
ANSWER: We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank
[10] This band, fronted by Kevin Barnes, released Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer? on January 23 to rave reviews.
ANSWER: Of Montreal