Meeting Minutes
Patrick Henry Athletics Boosters Association
Meeting Date: July 14, Meeting Time: 6:30 PM
Location: Patrick Henry High School Library
Officer and Representative Attendance:
Duke Baldridge/President / Lori Privott/Treasurer / Trudy Brailsford/SecretaryErin Hutchinson/Membership / Troy Rech/Communications / Stacey Ripple/Volunteers
Stewart Barnes/Fundraising / Patti Sheedy/Athletic Director / Steve Francis/Band
Heather Woods/Girls’ BBall / Kareem Woods/Girls’ BBall / Matt Chittum/Girls’ Lax
Ellen Chittum/Girls’ Lax / Laura Stockstill/Boys’ BBall / Jerry Dunnavant/Softball
Bill Mason/Boys’ Tennis / Julie Wheeler/Girls’ Tennis / Maggie Newman/Volleyball
Carol Deyerle/Past Membership
Coaches Attending:
Brian Bartley/Girls’ Basketball / Jess Hartman/Girls’ Soccer / Terry Mills/GolfPaul Kelly/Girls’ Tennis
The meeting was called to order at 6:32 PM by Duke Baldridge, President. Introductions were made of those in attendance. Mr. Baldridge requested that a representative or coach for each team be in attendance at each monthly meeting.
Last year’s Treasurer Stewart Barnes reported on the transition taking place on the Finance Committee to Treasuer Lori Privott. The committee currently is made up of Lori Privott, Julie Wheeler, Susan Mini and Regina Carson. Mr. Barnes is finishing up on the committee during the transitional period. He announced that he had signature cards to be signed at tonight’s meeting. He handed out the Financial Reports for the period ending April 2014. The accounts are currently being reviewed by the bookkeeper and should be finalized by August 1, 2014. Mr. Baldridge requested that teams come up with budgets and follow the approval processes for requests in place with RCPS and the Athletic Director.
Duke Baldridge, Allocations, reported that there were no current allocation requests and that allocation requests would not be taken on the night of the monthly meetings. Requests need to be submitted to Mr. Baldridge in advance of the meetings.
Stewart Barnes, Fundraising, handed out drafts for a Membership Brochure and a Stadium Sign Brochure. The forms have been designed to simplify the processes for memberships and signage. Discussion followed on pricing for memberships. Jerry Dunnavant made a motion to accept the draft membership form for printing. The motion was amended by Lori Privott to allow Mr. Barnes to make changes necessary to the form for printing. The amended motion was seconded by Bill Mason and passed. Mr. Barnes noted that funds from signs would no longer be credited to team accounts. Steve Francis made a motion for the draft sign form to be accepted for printing with Mr. Barnes having the authority to make any necessary changes. Lori Privott seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Stacey Ripple, Volunteers reported that she and Sandra Kuehn had completed the concessions processes for the upcoming year. Each team is requested to work five concessions dates – four out of season and one in season. She noted that teams are responsible for finding their own substitutes if they cannot fulfill an assigned date. Junior Varsity teams will be asked to work playoff games for their respective Varsity team. Ms. Ripple handed out a sheet for signups for Business Days and for fall concessions. Discussion followed on confusion on the number of sports’ schedules found online. Ms. Sheedy will work on consolidation of the schedules found online. Mr. Barnes explained the point system for concessions and how concessions points and concessions income are distributed. It was noted that all teams need to work concessions in support of building the General Fund and for building a community identity for the Boosters Association.
Trudy Brailsford, Community, reported on the holding of a fall pep rally during the first or second week of school. The event will be held in the PH Stadium. Stewart Barnes made a motion that up to $1000 can be spent for food for the pep rally. Troy Rech seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Erin Hutchinson, Membership, reported that she will distribute the PHABA membership forms to the middle schools and some feeder elementary schools. She will also attend new student orientation for PH with Duke Baldridge
Troy Rech, Communications, reported that he will work on facilitating all of the aspects of the PHABA. He will work on keeping the website up to date and have the promotional materials accessible on the website.
Patti Sheedy, Athletic Director, handed out the current schedule for fall sports. Pictures can be sent to Ms. Sheedy for use on the school athletic website. She reported that the Football parent meeting will be held July 30 with the first day of football practice to follow on July 31. Other fall sports teams will begin practice on August 4.
New Business: Duke Baldridge led a charge for the PHABA for the year to be “Time, Talent and Treasure.” He asked that team representatives and coaches be in attendance at meetings and that the board stay positive in support of athletics at Patrick Henry.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM.
Trudy Brailsford, Secretary