NAME: Finance & Compliance Committee
DATE:March 14, 2016 / Time:
10:00 a.m. to Noon / Presiding:
Pete Scerbo, Co-chair / Recorded By:
Julia Schneider
PRESENT via phone:Pete Scerbo, Anthony DeFabio; Deb Hartel, Mary Jo Buchanan, Jim Mcreath, Mary Gay Abbott Young, Harry Marmorstein
Staff:Julia Schneider, June Noto, Debra Wentz
Approval of the December 14, 2015 meeting minutes / Pete Scerbowelcomed everyone and a motion was made to approve the minutes from the previous meeting. The minutes were seconded and approved. / The minutes were m/s/p. / N/A / N/A
Financial Issues
Operational Issues
Old/New Business / Julia Schneider presented the January financials and stated that NJAMHAA is on target with revenues and where we expect to be at this point; however, we will continue to monitor closely our financial position over the remainder of the fiscal year as there may be shortfalls in two revenue lines: Business Contracts and Conferences. Of special note is that our Annual Conference sponsorship revenue may not equal that of the prior year; however we continue to work to increase this line.
Discussion turned to the dues revenue line, specifically about how NJAMHAA handles dues delinquency and hardship discounts. It was pointed out that in the previous F&C meeting, the committee agreed that they want to oversee the process on which members are granted discounts. Additionally, NJAMHAA staff was asked how it handles collections for unpaid members. Julia stated that she follows up extensively throughout the entire year until the very last month of the fiscal year (including a combination of invoices and phone calls), and that this is typical every year. After much discussion back and forth, it was determined that Julia will provide two lists to the Finance Committee: a delinquent dues list and a listing of hardship discounts granted in FY’16. The committee members agreed that the delinquent dues list will allow the committee to be proactive in doing outreach to members, rather than taking a threatening approach, and will give them an opportunity to “sell” NJAMHAA. As for hardship discounts, it was stated that if a 2% dues increase will yield us $10K and NJAMHAA gave discounts in FY’15 totaling approximately $40K, there is a disconnect. As a result, a motion was made for the Finance & Compliance committee to oversee which members are granted discounts and for how long.
There was discussion about the fact that certain organizations receive discounts based on the perceived inequity in how they are billed. Deb Wentz pointed to the example of the large ARC organization with a comparatively small behavioral health budgetthat would drop membership if they were required to pay the full rate assessed based on their entire budget. It was suggested that this points to a broader systemic issue of how dues are calculated (whether NJAMHAA’s services are broad based or more narrowly focused) and that this issue needs to be addressed within NJAMHAA’s strategic planning discussion this July.
June Noto presented the fact that NJAMHAA is considering a Memo of Understanding (MOU) with the Center for Non-Profits (CNP) to develop a strategic alliance whereby an introductory dues discount of 20% for one year would be offered to both organizations to expand services to members. The IT Project would like to build its customer base and sees an alliance with CNP as a way to outreach to a new client base. Committee members agreed that this value added approach to growing membership and IT Project customers is an excellent idea that should be pursued.
June Noto presented her report of various rental properties she recently viewed. The Committee then requested a more formal presentation with amortized buildout costs, layout of space and other requirements for a possible long term lease. It was agreed that a building committee would not be established, but that this presentation would be made to the Finance & Compliance Committee and then presented to the full Board.
June Noto made a brief presentation of her video conferencing proposal. Based on comments from committee members, it was decided that the focus on improved audio should be a major consideration before making a substantial investment in video, especially considering NJAMHAA’s potential move to a different location at the beginning of next fiscal year.
The NJAMHAA Investment policy was revised and distributed to the committee members to update with the current staff position and committee names. / A delinquent dues list and a hardship dues discount list for the current fiscal year will be provided to the Finance & Compliance Committee
A motion was made that the current Dues Hardship Discount Proposal be referred to the Finance & Compliance Committee for revision to include the oversight of thecommittee in reviewing requests for hardship consideration and the decision making as to whether this will be granted and to what extent. This will be reviewed annually. The motion was seconded and passed.
NJAMHAA’s business model including the identity of future NJAMHAA and its impact on the basis for NJAMHAA’s dues calculations will be discussed at the upcoming strategic planning discussion in July 2016.
The committee agreed that the MOU should be presented to the Executive Committee for approval
Formal report of rental spaces to be made to the Finance & Compliance Committee.
June will work on having an engineer perform a site survey of our conference room to determine the audio requirements needed and the associated costs involved.
The updated Investment Policy will be sent to the NJAMHAA Board prior to the next meeting. / As soon as completed
July 2016
NJAMHAA Board Retreat
April 6, 2016 Executive Committee Meeting
June 13, 2016 Finance & Compliance Committee meeting
June 13, 2016 Finance & Compliance Committee meeting
March 16, 2016 NJAMHAA Board Consent Agenda / Julia Schneider
Julia Schneider,
Debra Wentz,
Finance & Compliance Committee
NJAMHAA Board Members
June Noto, Debra Wentz, Shauna Moses
June Noto, Julia Schneider
June Noto
Julia Schneider, Debra Wentz, Shauna Moses
Pete Scerbo motioned to end the meeting / M/S/P / N/A / N/A
Next regular meeting date–June13,2016 at 10am at NJAMHAA Headquarters.