The Spiritist Society of Florida, May Newsletter 2006



The Spiritist Society of Florida, April Newsletter 2010

JESUS: Model of Human Potential on Earth

Spirit communication received by Y. Limoges

Each planet inhabited by intelligent beings that has an understanding of self identity and comprehension of a higher power at a certain point in their evolution is sent what has been called a Messiah.

These are spirits with very superior moral and intellectual qualities sent by the Creator to plant the seed necessary to guide its inhabitants towards their proper spiritual path. These individuals know beforehand their high mission. They know that due to the barbarity found on the lowly worlds they visit that they will suffer greatly in the material sense. Nevertheless, they do it not only to further purify and test themselves in their constancy of self-abnegation, but due to the great love they have for fellow beings that are spirits in development needing guidance.

They are born within the ranks of the materially poor so that their sense of morality stands out even more, and so the masses can easily relate to them. The teaching they bring is simple and can be understood by all; and can be encompassed within one word – LOVE.

These spirits are so superior in their behavior and acts, that at first they are generally considered as gods. However, as civilizations advance in reason they begin to understand that the Creator is so much more. These unique souls are solely models sent so the inhabitants may raise

themselves up morally through knowledge of their teachings and by their supreme example.

“Kingdom of Heaven” Upon the Earth

Spirit communication received by Y. Limoges

Each person on your planet seeks happiness, but each seeks it according to their level of morality. Those who are less developed constantly seek this happiness solely in material things and from other people. However, they will always feel a certain emptiness for the genuine happiness they seek cannot be filled by either of these.

As mankind evolves it will eventually tire of these things that they seek outside themselves. True happiness can only be found with a change made from within a person. It comes from the change made in the level of morality of an individual’s soul.

The more a person elevates themselves from materiality and comprehends that only the spiritual matters, the happier they will become. This means that the amount of moral qualities an individual has determines how happy they are.

The “kingdom of heaven” on earth, that is, happiness, will come to its inhabitants for the law of progress is a divine one and therefore all worlds reach it sooner or later.


Spirit communication received by

Jacqueline Benenati

Your planet existed before mankind appeared. Yet, each is connected to the other.

You are responsible for how you treat one another. The planet can survive without you, but you cannot survive without it.


Written by Jacqueline Benenati

At one time or another, we have all seen sci-fi movies, TV programs, and books. What imaginations these writers seem to possess. Some of their ideas seem so far-fetched, while others seem to follow a logical progression. So, is it the creator’s (writer, artist, moviemaker, etc.) imagination, or are they given through inspiration glimpses into real material worlds and/or the spirit world?

On earth we are limited in progress and knowledge. However, if we believe intelligent life exists outside of our small corner of the universe, and we believe we have spirits, then we can assume there are other worlds and spirits, too.

As a Spiritist, I believe that my life was solely a spirit before I entered the material world, and my true home is in the spirit world. I also believe that just as there are different and varied places on earth, different and varied peoples, so there are different material worlds.

How can the spirit world expose itself, as well as to life on other worlds, to us in such a way that mortal man would receive it without fear or threat? How else, indeed? It is through the arts so as to expose this information to humans on a large scale.

There are specific spirits whose mission is to influence the world of the arts on earth to reveal glimpses of other dimensions and aspects of “life.” These artists depict other lifestyles, other worlds, and the afterlife; it may be somewhat primitive compared to the reality, but I believe effective.

We barely cope with the material world in which we live. Therefore, we need something to hope and to strive for, to expand our mental horizons, for we have a limited sphere of knowledge. As usual, God in His infinite wisdom always provides what we need in the most logical of ways.


Written by Y. Limoges

There has been much discussion regarding the seeming lack of civility in society today. Yet, I realize the past was never perfect either. However, along the same lines, I notice that the practice of keeping one’s word, even among people who one would think one could count on, seems to be slipping away.

In the past, it seems there was the “gentlemen’s agreement” that could be sealed with a handshake. Many a verbal agreement among honorable people could be made about even important matters with total trust that the agreement would be kept between the parties concerned.

Now I notice more and more people acting so lackadaisical about keeping their word about many things. Maybe I expect too much…

Yet, if everything material were taken away, a person’s integrity can remain. It can go a long way in various situations when people know with certainty that they can take you at your word.


Inspirationally received by Y. Limoges

What could be more important than the purpose of life, and what death means? Yet, so many Spiritists are reluctant to speak of their belief. They are troubled by what others will think of them. But, where is your faith, my friends? Don’t you believe that the good spirits and God want others to know what you know? They do.

If you are a decent and reasonable person that people generally respect, and especially if you have known someone for quite a very long time, to withhold such valuable information from them is a lost opportunity for both you and them. Do you think they were placed by your side in this lifetime by chance?

Remember, Spiritism teaches that we are not only responsible for all the wrong choices we make, but all the good we could have done but did not do. Have you not heard the many spirit communications at the sessions, and how sad and confused many spirits are? Have you not heard how they wished they knew more about this spiritual knowledge you have before they “died”?

Well, what you can do is use your good reason and commonsense to bring up your beliefs at an appropriate time to a person you believe may be ready to hear this information. If the person knows you well and respects you, they should also respect your beliefs. If they are a true and good friend, they should remain one. If you lose their friendship over telling them your beliefs, then they were no true friend at all. However, the knowledge you gave them will never be forgotten.

Start with what they believe and go from there. You don’t have to mention the word “Spiritism” for they will not know what it is. Ask them if they believe in God and in the teachings of Jesus; ask if they believe they have a soul or spirit; and, if they believe in an afterlife. So far so good if they do; and, that is generally the case with most people. Ask them if they believe if our loved ones can make contact with us or if they believe in what some mediums do. Many people believe in this. Ask them if they believe in past lives. You will be surprised how many people believe in all these things!

If they do, you now know that they believe in all the basics of your own belief. Now you have your chance to tell them about it, and to tell them that all these beliefs taken altogether has an actual name, called “Spiritism.”


Written by Jacqueline Benenati

Recently, I found my high school yearbook. As I browsed through it, when I came across my picture, I was surprised at how young I looked.

When the picture was taken, they asked the students to fill out a questionnaire as to their favorite things. We were also asked to choose a passage or saying, etc. that would explain our outlook on life. I have no idea where I found my quote, but it seemed to be the right one for me. Little did I know that in the future this quote would be exactly how I felt after discovering Spiritism. It read, “Of all things feared, the least is death.”


Written by Jacqueline Benenati

Without a congregation, a church is nothing more than a building.

If time did not exist in our world, would anything get done?

If you were called to return to the spirit world today, would you be ready?


Written by Jacqueline Benenati

My brother-in-law is battling advanced cancer and was recently hospitalized in critical condition.

My sister would call me with updates, but one call was very interesting.

On one of her visits to see him, she had stepped out into the hallway for a moment. She noticed a man wearing a hospital uniform and pushing a cart. As he came closer, they made eye contact and she smiled and said, “Hi.” He smiled back, and asked her how she was doing and why she was there. As she explained the situation, she told me that a feeling of total peace came over her. Never in her life has she experienced something so profound. It overwhelmed her. As he was leaving, he told her he would probably see her again. She was so moved that she truly felt he was an angel. We discussed this, and I came to the same conclusion.

That weekend was our spirit session and to my surprise and delight, a spirit communicated and told us he was that “angel” and to relay that to my sister. She had needed comfort and strength at that time, and what she felt was the peace of God. The spirit had been sent on a mission, and because my sister had taken the time to acknowledge him, it was accomplished.

Angels are everywhere, and try to assist us as much as possible. We must try to be receptive. In this case, it only took a moment.

(NOTE: Her husband was in the hospital for a week after the incident and she visited every day. She never saw the man again. Spirits can and do materialize themselves when it suits a very useful and divine purpose. Y.L.)


Dear Lord, so many in this country have had to file for bankruptcy, undergo home foreclosure, and have lost their jobs. There are many that are homeless.

Those who did not live within their means, may they have learned their lessons and not be bitter, but begin their lives anew, living more wisely.

Those who suffered some of these things because of excess medical bills or other personal tragedies, please sustain them in their hardships.

For those who lost their jobs, may they seek out assistance where they are able. And, may their faith and hope in the future sustain them. AMEN


Dear God, allow the good spirits who accompany us when we are in difficulty and up hold us when we falter. Lord, may they inspire us with faith, hope and charity; may they be a point of support, an inspiration, and a testimony of your mercy. In short, may we always encounter in them the strength that we lack for the tests of life, the strength to resist all evil suggestions, the faith that saves and the love that consoles. AMEN

(A prayer from the book The Gospel According to Spiritism, originally translated into English by Janet Duncan, but edited slightly for this newsletter edition by Y. Limoges.)


Edited by Yvonne Crespo Limoges, Director


Spiritist Society of Florida

5042 22 Avenue North,

St. Petersburg, Florida 33710 Website: www.spiritistsocietyfl.com