21st March, 2016

Dear Parents, Carers & Families,

Well what can I say? As my last newsletter as Acting Headteacher I’d like to say thank you very much too all parents and families for your support and understanding over the past 21 months. Obviously I am not leaving KV but yet my role change will mean I am not writing this newsletter fortnightly and communicating with you all quite as often, however my door is still always open, please do come and see me in the Meetings Room if you need me!

At the beginning of this term we welcomed Karen Malcolm on to our staff as our new SENDCo who comes from Kennel Lane, a special school in Bracknell, she brings with her a wealth of experience about special needs.

We also say goodbye to Karen Sawyer who has been a fantastic bundle of energy who has really helped with advice and support based on her many years of experience. We wish her all the best as she moves on to support another school and I know everyone will miss her greatly.

I am really proud of how much the school has moved on in the past year. The New Wing has given us a renewed burst of energy and pride in our learning environment. Progress is evident in every classroom while teaching and learning is rapidly improving. We are expecting Ofsted during the Summer term and we have so many positives to share with them about our journey, we’ve come a long way and we are most certainly now heading in the right direction.


We are looking for quality prize donations or sponsorship from local businesses to help support us at our Summer Fair on Sat 2nd July. We appreciate any kind of support you can offer. A raffle prize or any quality items that can be contributed to this would be fantastic or cash donations of sponsorship will make a difference!


I would really like to encourage parents to please make meal selections online at the following website please… You need to set up a login and select menu choices. Payment through ISS is different to Parent Pay and can be completed via the link above. This makes it much quicker and easier in the mornings as we want to get on with learning!


Do you work for an organisation that offers voluntary work? In the past we have had Vodafone workers come in and help us out and this week we welcome employees from SSE. Thank you to Darren Randall (Paige’s Dad in EYFS) for helping to arrange this. We are so pleased that a group of people will be coming to help weed and rejuvenate our vegetable garden, clear out the pathway along the copse as well as sand and varnish all of outdoor picnic tables and benches - which will make a tremendous difference to our outdoor environment. If you work for a company that can help out with painting classrooms then we would love to hear from you during the Summer term. Some of our classrooms could do with a new coat . Please contact Mrs. Duke.

P.E Kits

This is a reminder to please send in the correct P.E kit with your child each Monday and then your child should bring it home on a Friday each week, to be washed and returned again the following week. PE Kit:

Children must have (all named please):

-  Indoor P.E: blue or black shorts and white T-shirt

-  Outdoor P.E: as above, trainers, sweater or tracksuit

-  PE kits should be in a drawstring bag please.


*Please note the date change. The non-uniform day that was previously planned for 4th March has been moved to 24th March (last day of term).

Thurs 24th March Easter mask and hat parade (free to enter and prizes donated by KVPTA)

Non-uniform day (£1)

School closes 1.30pm

Friday 25th March Easter holiday begins

Monday 11th April Inset Day for Teachers

Tuesday 12th April Start Term 5

3.30pm KVPTA Meeting in the Meetings Room (childcare available)

Thurs 14th April 10.30am New Wing Opening

*All families invited

Please donate cakes! J

Tues 19th April 1.05pm Yr. 3 Forest School starts (please send in appropriate clothing)

Mon 2nd May Bank Holiday

Mon 9th May Yr. 6 SATs week

English Reading test

Tues 10th May SPaG Paper 1 – Spelling

SPaG Paper 2 – Questions

Weds 11th May Maths Paper 1: Arithmetic

Maths Paper 2: Reasoning

Thurs 12th May Maths Paper 3: Reasoning

Fri 13th May KVPTA Disco

4.30 – 5.30pm Infants

6.00 – 7.00pm Juniors

Thurs 26th May Yr. 5 & 6 Bikeability

Fri 27th May Yr. 5 & 6 Bikeability

End of Term 5, 3.05pm close.

Mon 6th June Term 6 starts

Thurs 9th June Yr. 5 Bikeability

Fri 10th June Yr. 5 Bikeability

Yr. 6 Avon Tyrrell Residential

Thurs 16th June KV Sports Day

Fri 17th June [Back up KV Sports Day]

Tues 21st June LHSS Induction visit

Thurs 23rd June School Photographer in

Fri 24th June Area Sports

Sat 2nd July Summer Fair 12 – 4pm

Thurs 7th July Yr. 5 Space Day at LHSS

Mon 11th July LHSS Yr. 6 Transition Day

Weds 13th July Yr. 5 Ufton Court trip

Weds 20th July 1.30pm close, end of term and school year.


I would like to kindly ask for cake and biscuit donations for Thursday 14th April in preparation for our New Wing celebration. I will send out another reminder in the first week back after half term. The KVPTA are hosting a cake sale alongside the opening event in order to make money to continue subsiding trips. There will be cakes, biscuits, tea and coffee to purchase. Many thanks in advance for your generous contributions; it will be a great day. We are so proud to show off our new classrooms.


The Kennet Valley Parent Teachers Association would like to warmly welcome any new members who would like to join our hard working team. Our next meeting is Tuesday 12th April at 3.30 – 4.30pm in the Meetings Room at school, just turn up! We can offer child care during the meeting which is located next door in the Nurture room. Laptops will be provided along with colouring in activities and books to read – to keep the children entertained. Please support us in supporting the school in all of these events.


Soon, the Library will be open one day a week after school from 3 – 3.30pm to return and borrow books and of course parents can come in and join us too! We are working on setting up a section for parents to borrow books too. It is a wonderful new resource that we are very proud of with the underlying vision to develop a love of reading and books, by all children at KVPS. Watch out for opening days.

Thanks again for all your support, it’s been a privilege and a great experience to be lucky enough to be Acting Head at KVPS for the past two years. Have a truly wonderful Easter break and I look forward to seeing you all for a fantastic summer term full of achievements and success.

Thanks and kind regards,

Rachael Duke

Acting Head teacher

Page 1 / Kennet Valley Primary School – Newsletter 12, 21st March, 2016.