Responsible Business Awards (ReBA)
Funding and Resource Support Application

University of Birmingham Staff only

Name of Applicant
Contact details
Insert Email and phone details
Project Title (working)

This Project will address the following objectives of the Centre*(Please mark all those that are relevant)

Contribute to an interdisciplinary conceptual / theoretical understanding of responsible business
Investigate cutting edge responsible business policies and practices
Investigate problematic / irresponsible business policies and practices
Research that will change the field of responsible business policy and practice
Increase capacity for external funding applications
Teaching and Learning
Develop new pedagogic provision, innovative learning technologies to enhance teaching capacity
Lead development of the next generation of responsible business scholars
Engagement and Knowledge Transfer
Build capacity for change through engagement and knowledge exchange partnerships
Collaborate with other research centres and/or external academic experts.
Inform responsible business by translating academic work for multiple audiences and practice
Active and innovative engagement with key stakeholders using social and traditional media
This Project will form part of the Centre’s programme / YES / NO
If yes please list here
Have you previously received funding support from the Centre / YES / NO
If yes please list here

Summary of Funding Request(with cues to help preparer)

Project Motivation / Purpose / Capture your core academic motivation for this project - identifying the “puzzle”, “paradox” or “problem” you hope to resolve and “core” idea that drives the intellectual content of this project.
Main Objectives / List the main contributions and potential impacts of this project. Preference will be given to projects that are closely aligned to the Centre’s aims and objectives
What is new about this project / Where is the novelty in this project – Is it a new idea/data/analysis/theory/who you are engaging with/ impact?
Methods / Explain how you will achieve the objectives this project. Preference will be given to innovative methods
Disciplines Involved in Project / Note the Centre will prioritise Interdisciplinary Research/Teaching/Engagement and you should include which disciplines are involved in this project. It is expected that each project will include at least two different disciplines.
Time Scale / Please be as precise as possible in order that resources can be allocated as effectively as possible
Outputs / Specify main outputs from the project – research papers, grants, teaching materials, new contacts, original evidence, future engagement potential, reputation building, knowledge transfer, etc..
Reporting of project / event / Please note that it is a requirement of those using Centre’s funding / resources that a short ‘non-academic’ report is produced to be published on the Centre’s webpage.
Appropriate social media coverage is also required. Centre staff can assist in facilitating this (contact Sophie Sinclair in the first instance)
Project team / Please list all academics, PGR students, professional services involved
External participants / Please list targeted external participants including academics from other universities (where appropriate)
Other funders / Please list other sources of funding applied for related to this project

Details of Funds Requested

Use of Centre Resources

Communications assistance / please provide reasonable estimates of time / when will this support will be required
Event Management support / please provide reasonable estimates of time / when will this support will be required
Research Assistant support / please provide reasonable estimates of time / when will this support will be required

Expenditure Estimates (please specify)

Volume / Time (where appropriate) / £ Estimate
TOTAL: / £
Applicant e-signature
Have you received approval from your Head of Department? / YES / NO

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