Guide for the exam-registration in the NEPTUN system

Login to the Neptun system at the webpage and click on the Exam button then choose the Exam registration option.

With the filters you can choose which exams you would like to take, in which semester.

Select the current (2012/13/1) semester and the subject which exam dates you would like to see.

If you select the Every subject option, you can see the whole subject list of the chosen semester, therefore every exam date can be seen. Click on the List exams button to list the exam dates that meet the conditions. With the drop-down list of the Page size banner you can set the number of the displayed exam dates per page.

You can check the exam dates anytime after the department has uploaded them, but you can apply for them only during a certain “exam-registration-period”. You can see this by clicking on the Information menu item and choosing the Periods option. Choose the semester (2012/13/1) and click on the show list button.

Choose the period with the Exam registration period title and the related start date.

In this example 10th October 2012, 8 AM is set. Accordingly the system allows you to register for exams from that time onwards.

If you find out which exam date you would like to register for, click on the Option button of the selected date and choose the Register option.

If the registration was successful, a green check mark can be seen as a feedback. (The unsuccessful registration is displayed with a red cross).

In the list of the exam dates blue colour indicates those dates that you have already registered for.

Of course you can have only one active application per subject at once.

You can check your selected exams by clicking on the Exams menu item and choosing the Selected exams option. Choose the semester (2012/13/1) and list it by clicking the Show list button.

In case that exam results are recorded you get an automatic message that can be seen by clicking the Inbox button on the left side. (This area is automatically visible upon check in).

If you want to check your results in a particular semester, click on the Studies menu item and choose the Index option. Select the semester then click on the Show list button. Next to your fulfilled subjects a green check mark can be seen in the Fulfilled column.