Trail Bike Touring

Listed here are the units of competency from the current National Outdoor Recreation Training Package. These have been provided to enable leaders to benchmark their skills and experience.

Leaders in this activity should be confident that they have the skills and knowledge, at least equivalent to that described by the following selected units, relevant to the competency levels within the activity (where applicable).

To obtain detailed information on the content of each unit of competency it is necessary to access the National Training Information Service (NTIS) website at, then insert the unit identification code into the search function.

Leadership and Management units of competency

These units relate to generic competency (soft skills) expected of any individual in a position of Leadership or Management in the outdoors:

·  SRXEMR001A Respond to emergency situations

·  SRXGRO001A Facilitate a group

·  SRXGRO002A Deal with conflict

·  SRXRIK001A Undertake risk analysis of activities

·  SRXINU002A Apply sport and recreation law

·  SRXOHS001B Follow defined Occupational Health and Safety policy and procedures

Outdoor Recreation units of competency

·  PUAOPE002A Operate communication systems and equipment

·  SROODR002A Plan outdoor recreation activities

·  SROODR005A Guide outdoor recreation sessions

·  SRONAV001B Navigate in tracked or easy untracked areas

·  SROOPS002B Plan for minimal environmental impact

·  SROOPS004B Interpret weather conditions in the field

·  SROOPS006B Use and maintain a temporary or overnight site

Trail Bike Leader Riding / Maintenance Units of Competency

The following areas of competence relate specifically to the expected competency of a leader on a group trail bike ride trip. Any rider should possess a current rider's licence appropriate to the motorcycle being ridden.

·  SROTBR001A Select, set up and maintain an off-highway motorcycle

·  SROTBR002A Demonstrate basic off-highway motorcycling skills

·  SROTBR003A Demonstrate advanced off-highway motorcycling skills

·  SROTBR004A Participate in extended off-highway motorcycle tours

·  SROTBR005A Guide off-highway motorcycle tours

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