Annex A


The following list of clothing and personal items should not be considered all inclusive nor is it mandatory to follow. Remember that whatever you bring, you must carry during the weekend. In addition to the items below, all cadets must have their signed permission form submitted in advance and Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) card with them or they will not be allowed on the bus (photocopies are not acceptable). Please use common sense and pack for the weather.

Combats (if available)Combat Equivalent

CF Combat Tunic (1)Sweater (2)

CF Combat Shirt (3)T-shirt (3)

CF Combat Pants (2)Warm pants (not jeans) (3)

CF Combat Sweater (1)Warm, active outerwear jacket (1)

CF Combat Jacket (1)Warm socks (4)

CF Combat boots (1 pr)Waterproof hiking boots or equivalent outdoor footwear

Rank slip-onsSports gear (tshirts, shorts, sweatshirt, socks)

Running Shoes (1 pr)

Air Cadet blue beretHat (1)

Grey wool socks (4 pr)Toque (1)

Thin socks (4 pr)Mittens/gloves (2 pr)

Field hat (1)Other warm, comfortable footwear (for during downtime)

Toque (1)Warm Sleepwear

Regular and long underwear (3 pairs)

Note: All combats must be CF issue, asOther

we will be staying on a CF Base.Health Card

(Ask, if you aren’t sure or you may notScarf

be allowed to wear them.)

HygieneWriting materials



Face clothKnife, fork, spoon (reusable)

SoapMug (reusable)

DeodorantPlate (reusable)

Sunscreen, protective eye wearHand sanitizer

Undergarments (4 pr)Canteen / Water Bottle with carrying strap

Hair pins, elastics, hairnets (female)


*Cadets are not to bring expensive jewelry or heirlooms, mp3/iPods, cell phones, food, weapons, drugs or alcohol, or radio transmitters.

Annex B


8 Globemaster Squadron

Activity and Location: Aircrew Survival Exercise at CFB Borden

Start Time/Date: 1800 hrs 27May 16Finish Time/Date: 1700 hrs29May 16

Cadets will depart at 1800 hrs 27May 16. Please have your parent or guardians complete the form below and submit it to your Flight Commander as soon as possible. You MUST have your OHIP Health Card with you. Parents can pick up their cadet at 1700 hrs29May 16 at Richmond Green Secondary School. Please check the Squadron website for changes in pick up times or locations.

You will not be allowed to attend this exercise/activity without a signed Permission Form.

Cadet Name (Last, First)

Date of Birth

Day Month Year

Health Card Number: ______

Medication used and proper dosage(s):


Food sensitivity: ______

Phone number(s) that Parent/Guardian can be reached during this exercise:

Name and number of alternate family contact:

Parent/Guardian Authority for

Medical Treatment

The Commanding Officer or other designated supervisory officer, is authorized temporary custody of my cadet (named above) throughout the duration of this exercise/activity with the Royal Canadian Air Cadets, and may, on my behalf, consent to emergency medical and dental treatment.

I acknowledge having read or been informed of this exercise and I hereby give permission for my cadet, named above, to participate in the scheduled training with the Royal Canadian Air Cadets.

Print Name (Parent/Guardian)Signature (Parent/Guardian)Date