Australian Biological Resources Study(ABRS)

National Taxonomy Research Grant Programme (NTRGP)

Final Report

forHonours Scholarships, Masters Scholarships, RTP Scholarships Top-Ups and

Non-Salaried Researcher Grants

The Australian Biological Resources Study (ABRS) National Taxonomy Research Grant Programme(NTRGP) provides grants for taxonomic research. Grants are awarded for research projects where the primary aim is to undertake taxonomic research on the Australian biota or to develop products that aid in the dissemination of taxonomic information. The programme also supports projects that build Australian taxonomic capacity.


Generally, Final Reports are due on 15 December following the completion date of the project. For specific dates, please refer to your grant Funding Agreement or contact the ABRS on:

Business and Grants Manager

Australian Biological Resources Study (ABRS)

GPO Box 787

Canberra ACT 2601



Phone: 02 6250 9558

Final Reports must be lodged with the ABRS Business and Grants Manager, either via email or hard copy. If your report is submitted via email, you do not need to send a hard copy as well. All emailed reports must include a PDF of the signature page. Do not delete any part of this form.

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Please ensure you complete this form using Arial 11 point font.

Please remember to complete this form as per the funding agreement. If you are unsure, you should contact the ABRS.

Grant Number

Please enter your grant number. If you are unsure of your grant number, please contact the ABRS.

Project title

Please enter your project title as per your funding agreement.

Reporting Period

Please enter the reporting period this report relates to. For Final Reports, this should be the full period of the grant, for example 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2017. If your grant was extended, please enter the full period including any extension periods.

Host Institution Details

Please enter the name of the host institution and the contact details of the relevant administration contact, i.e. Grants Administrator, including name, title, phone number and email address.

Host Institution
Full Name(including salutation)

Researcher/Student Details

Please enter the details of the Researcher/Student on the project. If these details have not changed, please enter only the name of the Researcher/Student.

Full Name (including salutation)


Please enter the objectives of the activity. The project objectives can be found in your funding agreement.

Statement against Objectives

Please provide a statement (no more than two pages) against the objectives listed above.

Please enter the number of taxa revised and described during the reporting period. If you want to include a list of names of taxa revised or described, please provide this to the ABRS as a separate attachment to this report.

Unpublished / Published
Genera / Species / Genera / Species
Taxa revised
New taxa described
Studies to be completed

Other Grant Funds

If you have successfully applied for competitive grant funding for your project, other than from the ABRS, please provide details below.

Granting Body Name / Funding contributed (AUD $)

Please provide details of any other funding leverage that has resulted from this grant.

ABRS Priority Areas for Research Grants

Please detail any other benefits against the ABRS Priority Areas for Research Grants that have been identified. The current ABRS Priority Areas for Research Grants can be found on the ABRS website here:

Future Work

Please detail any products other than those stated in the Objectives that are currently in production or will arise from this grant. Please indicate which have been peer reviewed. Please also indicate your future plans for further publishing and dissemination of your work from your project. Products could include:

  • Manuscript information for ABRS publications
  • Data for Australian Faunal Directory or Flora of Australia
  • Data for Species Bank
  • Articles in refereed journals, proceedings and books
  • Other — please specify (including conference presentations/papers)

Electronic copies of all products must be submitted to the ABRS

Please complete the certification on the following page.

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PLEASE NOTE: For Non-salaried Researcher Grantees NOT affiliated with a host institution, please complete only the Researcher/Student certification and submit this form directly to the ABRS. If you are affiliated with a host institution, please provide this form to the Host Institution for certification and submission.

I, the Researcher/Student, certify to the best of my knowledge that all the details in this FinalReport are true and complete at the time of submitting to the host institution, and that satisfactory progress against the project objectives has been made.

Full Name:

Signature / Date:

Host Institution

I, as the responsible officer representing the host institution, certify to the best of my knowledge that all the details in this FinalReport are true and complete at the time of submitting to the ABRS.

Full Name:


Signature / Date:

Please note that electronic signatures may be included but that the Certification page must be provided as a PDF to the ABRS, either as part of the full report or as a separate attachment.

Completed reports should be returned to the ABRS at:

Business and Grants Manager

Australian Biological Resources Study (ABRS)

GPO Box 787

Canberra ACT 2601



Phone: 02 6250 9558

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