SouthTestValley Local Children’s Partnership
The Vision
MakingTestValley a better place for children, young people and families
The vision of the South Test Valley Local Partnership is to make TestValley a wonderful area for all children, young people and families; where we enable them, especially those who are vulnerable or disadvantaged, to have the best possible start in life; where they are supported by the whole community to reach their potential.
Partnership Members
Name / Peter WarburtonRole / Executive Head, The RomseySchool
How will my work benefit from the partnership? / By harnessing the partnership’s resources to mitigate the effects of economic, social, intellectual and health inequalities we can
- Improve educational achievement and future prospects
- Reduce crime and its impact
- Enable our pupils to be independent and contribute to the community
What is my commitment to the partnership / To work inside and outside meetings to ensure partners act to deliver improvements for young people within the agreed remit.
Name / Sam Severe
Role / Deputy Manager Children’s Centre Services and Quality Performance Officer
How will my work benefit from the partnership? / By sharing the priorities, vision and aims of key partners that will in turn;
- Build a greater understanding of the value of work with under fives and their families.
- Improve links between services thus developing protocols for sharing resources.
- Develop an integrated approach towards service delivery.
What is my commitment to the partnership / To ensure that children’s centre strategic and local service plans are aligned with the partnership so to improve outcomes for under fives.
Name / Jonathan Prest
Role / BartonPeverilCollege
How will my work benefit from the partnership? / In addition to the overall objectives of the partnership which I support, the partnership will improve the perception of the College being part of the community. It will also help vulnerable learners access post 16 learning who might in the past not have done so.
What is my commitment to the partnership / To work constructively with partners to make agreed actions happen for the good of young people in the SouthTestValley
Name / Jo Cottrell
Role / Headteacher Halterworth Primary School
How will my work benefit from the partnership? / By contributing to and drawing from the shared knowledge, expertise and opportunities available and created by the partnership for the children of Romsey, to:
- enable pupils to become responsible citizens
- inspire pupils to be life long learners
- support families to promote high standards in personal, social and academic learning.
What is my commitment to the partnership / To communicate to and on behalf of pupils and families effectively, ensuring that needs are met by the partnership.
Name / Debbie Dean
Role / Eastleigh Connexions Consortium Manager
How will my work benefit from the Partnership ? / Improved local information /data sharing between partners will improve service delivery to meet the needs of young people and increase the number of young people participating in positive activities pre and post 16.
Resources to be allocated will better meet local needs and working in partnership avoids duplication of resources.
What is my commitment to the partnership ? / To support and contribute to partnership working to ensure children and young people reach their full potential .
Name / Jan Lefley
Role / Extended Services Manager
How will my work benefit from the partnership?
(Max 50 words) / By working in partnership we will be able to:
- Increase access for vulnerable families to activities and services.
- Increase opportunities to share resources and skills to tackle social and economical inequalities.
- Improve educational attainment and aspirations for pupils, families and the wider community.
What is my commitment to the partnership / To work with the partnership to deliver the identified priorities in order to give families and children more choices.
Name / Sue Morse
Role / Southampton and SW Hants Area YOT Manager
How will my work benefit from the partnership? / By engaging, and enabling partners to understand the difficulties faced by young people in the criminal justice system we can:
- reduce those entering the youth justice system for the first time
- improve access to education, training and employment
- reduce the number of disaffected young people
What is my commitment to the partnership / To engage the YOT in partnership targets and deliver on agreed actions
Name / Verna Brown
Role / Health Policy Manager for TVBC and NHS Hampshire (Joint Appt). Also Local Authority Lead for Children & Young People
How will my work benefit from the partnership? / My work will not particularly benefit, but a joined up approach to working by partners can only result in better services/opportunities for children and young people, which in turn will help me to achieve my outcomes, and those of the ECM.
What is my commitment to the partnership / I/TVBC are fully committed to support both the North & South Test Valley Locality Partnerships/steering group by attending meetings and by working in partnership to achieve priorities identified in local plans.
Name / Jackie Hilton
Role / District Parent Support Officer - Test Valley & New Forest
How will my work benefit from the partnership? / Local Children's Partnerships will play an important part in overseeing local provision of responsive information and services to enable parents to enjoy loving and authoritative parenting that will help children to flourish. All partners will be aware of and engage with me as the District Parent Support Officer to co-ordinate and promote parenting provision reflecting local needs.
What is my commitment to the partnership / My key tasks will include co-ordinating promoting and building a comprehensive range of parent support provision as well as providing advice and guidance to services and organisations on Parenting.
Name / Steve Cottrell
Role / District Manager Education and Inclusion
How will my work benefit from the partnership? / Through seamless service delivery 0 -19 we will maximise the resources in the partnership which will ensure that;
All children get the best possible start at school
That all children no matter what their social contexts achieve to their full potential and their life chances are improved because relevant support is available
What is my commitment to the partnership / To support and challenge the partnership in ensuring that the agreed actions are improving outcomes for children and young people
Name / Caroline Carter-Frost
Role / Headteacher. BraishfieldPrimary School
How will my work benefit from the partnership? /
- It will increase my awareness of who is available to support the school or its families.
- It will enable earlier intervention where families have difficulties or issues.
- The Assessment Framework Triangle can be utilized at an earlier point.
- It will improve the working relationship between all the partners
What is my commitment to the partnership /
- To share concerns about factors affecting pupils in education
- To signpost relevant avenues within the partnership to address these needs.
Name / Inspector Jackie Willson
Role / Police Inspector for Romsey
How will my work benefit from the partnership? / By harnessing the partnership resources we aim to
- reduce crime and anti-social behaviourand its impact
- reduce reoffending rates of young people
- more joined up working ensuring an effective multi agency approach when 'at risk' individuals are identified.
- break cycle regarding the 'revolving door' offenders who work their way up the CJS until youth detention is the only option.
What is my commitment to the partnership / Toidentify areas of concern/for improvementin any of the above 4issues wherethe remit of thepartnership wasnot metor not effective. To strive to achieve true multi agency working withall agencies taking responsibility when required and therefore achieving a more joined up system of tasking and coordination.
Name / James Moody
Role / Partnership Manager, TestValley Partnership
How will my work benefit from the partnership? / By bringing partners together through the Local Children’s Partnership we will benefit from:
- A more co-ordinated, locally focused approach to tackling issues facing Children, Young People and their families
- The work contributing directly to the overall Test Valley Partnership Joint Areas of Focus
- Improved outcomes for Children and Young People across the Borough
What is my commitment to the partnership / To work across the Partners of the Local Strategic Partnership to ensure that a consistent approach is developed, that Local Children’s Partnership priorities are reflected in wider work and that duplication is avoided.
Name / Ali Williams
Role / Children’s centre manager Little Oaks and Sunshine
How will my work benefit from the partnership? / By working in partnership we can :-
- increase our knowledge of other services and their benefits to families
- improve and further links between agencies enabling shared protocols and resources, therefore reducing risk factors to families
- develop an integrated approach towards services delivery
What is my commitment to the partnership / To work towards a shared vision and to deliver services in partnership in order to give families better choices.
Name / Richard Watson
Role / Youth team Manager – Test Valley Youth Team
How will my work benefit from the partnership? /
- Enable my team to work c loser with partners in ensuring positive outcomes for young people.
- By helping to ensure that resources’ are directed to those who most need them.
- Being able to offer a broader range of responses to young people’s needs.
What is my commitment to the partnership /
- To ensure that my services work to meet the needs of young people across the South test valley area
- To make sure young people’s voices are heard in the partnership.
Name / Julie Lawrence
Role / Locality Team Manager
How will my work benefit from the partnership?
(Max 50 words) / By working in partnership to strengthen and develop local networks, co-ordinating early intervention and prevention strategies ensuring the CAF and CAF process is fully utilised and embedded. Working in partnership will ensure Family Support and Education Welfare resources are targeted where there is the greatest need.
What is my commitment to the partnership
(Max 20 words) / To commit time and resources, where appropriate, and strive to achieve the priorities as agreed by the partnership.
Name / Mike Wickenden
Role / Assistant Director – Communities, Culture Communities and Rural Affairs Dpt of HCC
How will my work benefit from the partnership? / I see this as a golden opportunity to improve partnership working in a specific locality within my Hampshire Action Team area of lead responsibility to improve the County Council’s performance in tackling poverty, deprivation, health inequality and disadvantage
What is my commitment to the partnership / To be a visible participant in group work that contributes to the aims and outcomes of the Partnership
Name / Sue Pepper
Role / Quality Development Officer for West Hampshire, Extended Services
How will my work benefit from the partnership? / Through further collaborative work with partners, sharing goals for all children and families, particularly those challenged to access Extended Services by;
- Seamless transfer of information and availability of ES provision
- Increasing access and opportunities for families, children and the community
- Working towards sustainability of the provision
What is my commitment to the partnership / To support the partnership to reach its agreed targets in the local area plan.
Name / Lesley Clark
Role / HeadteacherCupernhamInfant School
How will my work benefit from the partnership?
(Max 50 words) / Local collaboration and pooling of expertise will benefit the children and families with whom we work so that:
- They enjoy increased access to support and extended services
- The children gain confidence and resilience as successful learners
- The supports we offer are sustainable
What is my commitment to the partnership
(Max 20 words) /
- Promote partnership goals in meeting the needs of children and families from an Infant School perspective
- Share information effectively with colleagues
Name / Joanna Scott
Role / Assistant Headteacher, The Mountbatten School
How will my work benefit from the partnership? / My work will benefit by us sharing priorities and working together on key actions. Our partnership work will allow us to understand the roles of all partners and should therefore enable us to make best use of each other to ensure the needs of all children and young people in Romsey are met.
What is my commitment to the partnership / To support and contribute to the partnership and to deliver the key actions which are appropriate for the secondary schools within the partnership.
Name / Sue Gilbert
Role / Sexual Health Promotion Lead (West)
How will my work benefit from the partnership? / To successfully reduce teenage conceptions and improve the sexual health of young people a partnership approach is essential. This is not just a health issue but a social and community priority. My links to parents will enable me to maintain its profile at a strategic level.
What is my commitment to the partnership / I intend to attend all meetings, contribute to discussion and to the partnership vision.
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