BAS Admissions Data Issues (IR-Cathy Morris)

Required data collection on applicants

Data on applicants for the upper division (Jr or Sr year) must be collected for State reporting (we must report status of applicants just as the universities do). This information is not typically collected on our MDC application.

·  Harold has created a screen “Maintain Baccalaureate Applicant Information”

·  Path is AD SO MB and I have gotten view access for Jackie and Erie.

·  We report at the end of each term on all students who applied FOR that term. Data are captured, Harold puts into Excel for IR to “edit” (missing data, wrong codes, etc) and the final version is shared with the School for accuracy before submission. It then is loaded as a file at the state level.

·  The definition of some of these items is tricky, so we will need to discuss before data entry. Josie at IAC is a pro by now.

·  Only applicants who are fully admitted to upper division status should be marked as admitted. The others will be “denied” until the point at which they complete all requirements. They will then be entered again with a new “term applied for” and shown as admitted.

Status of Applicants: Full admits vs. transitional vs. pre-selects

They want to allow students to declare the program as freshmen or sophomores. They also want to have students similar to the Bacc in Ed “transitional” students who have either an Assoc degree or 60 credits, but lack some of the lower division coursework.

For the upper level students it can work like this (I have made up the program codes):

Program / Student Status / MDC Code / State CIP Code / Level (Reported on SDB)
BAS Law Enforcement / Full Admit / X4401 / 123455555 / C -- Baccalaureate Degree
BAS Law Enforcement / Transitional / X4402 / 123455555 / E – BS/BA Education - Transitional
BAS Crime Scene / Full Admit / X4501 / 123466666 / C -- Baccalaureate Degree
BAS Crime Scene / Transitional / X4502 / 123466666 / E – BS/BA Education - Transitional

·  We may need to get permission for “transitional” admits. Note that the Level “E” says BS/BA Education – Transitional. This is right out of my State reporting manual.

·  The State must approve having separate CIP codes for each “program”. If they don’t, we will have them all lumped under one CIP (Nursing has a single State CIP even though they have 4 or 5 programs) but the MDC codes will need to be different especially to separate Full Admits from transitional

·  Only students in levels “C” or “E” can be taking upper division courses. These courses must be locked to students who do not have the requisite program codes.